Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 275Robertson, J. Ross :History of Freemasonryin Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1900.The Centennial of the Settlement of Upper Minutes of the Municipal Council of the BathurstCanada by the United Empire Loyalists, District, 1848.1784-1884. Toronto, 1885.Burrows : Annals of the Town ofAnnualGuelph, 1827Transactions of The United Empire to 1877. Guelph, 1877.Loyalist Association of Ontario. From 1808. Thompson s Mirror of Parliament. 1860.Van Tyne: The Loyalists in the AmericanRevolution. New York, 1902.Weaver : The Story of the Counties of Ontario.Toronto, 1913.Robertson, N. :History of the County of Bruce. Weir :Municipal Institutions inToronto, 1906.of Quebec. Toronto, 1904.the ProvinceRobinson : Life of Sir John Beverley Robinson. Wilkie : Sketches of a Summer Trip to New YorkEdinburgh, 1904.and the Canadas. Edinburgh, 1837.Ryerson The : Loyalists of America and their Willison : Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the LiberalTimes. 2 vols. Toronto, 1880.Party. 2 vols. Toronto, 1903.Sabine : The American Loyalists. Boston, 1847. Woods : Harrison Hall and its Associations.Smith, Goldwin. Reminiscences. New York, Chatham, 1896.1910.Young Reminiscences of : Early HistorySmith, J. H. : Historical Sketch of the CountyWentworth and Head of Gait and ofthe Settlement of Dumfries. Toronto,of the Lake.1880.Hamilton,1897.Smith, Wm. :History of Canada. 2 vols. MUNICIPAL HISTORY, 1791-1867. By Adam Shortt.Quebec, 1815.(pp. 405-52.)Smith, Wm. : A Geographical View of the Province Provincial Statutesof Upper Canada and Promiscuous RemarksUpper Canada, 1792-1840,and of Unitedupon theCanada, 1841-67.Government. Hartford, 1813.Journals of the HouseSmith, W. H. : Canadian Assembly, 1792-1840,Gazetteer, <strong>com</strong>prising and of the Parliament of UnitedStatistical and General InformationCanada,respectingAll Parts of the 1841-67.Upper Province, or Canada TheWest. Toronto, 1846.Newspapers of the Period, especiallyKingston Gazette,Smith, W. H.Chronicle, and Chronicle: Canada Past, Present and Future, and Gazette,being a Upper Canada Gazette, GlobeHistorical, Geographical, Geological (Toronto), Brockvilleand Statistical AccountRecorder, Leaderof Canada West.(Toronto).Toronto, 1852.Canadian Archives, HaldimandStatistical Sketches of Upper Canada Papers, Series Bfor the Usevols. 64, 65.Emigrants. By a Backwoodsman. Lon Canadiandon, 1833.Archives, State Papers, Series Qvols. 24, 27, 37, 39, 43, 28J, 282.Strachan : A Visit to the Province of UpperCanada in 1819. Aberdeen, 1820.Early Municipal Records of the Midland District.(In Appendix toStrickland :Twenty-Seven Years in CanadaReport of Ontario BureauWest. 2 vols. London, Industries, 1897.)1853.Stuart : The Emigrant s Guide to Scadding and Dent : Toronto : Past andUpper Canada ; Presentcollected from a Residence therein ; Historical and Descriptive. Toronto,during 1817, 1884.1818, 1819, etc. London, 1820.Talbot: FiveChanningYears Residence in the Canadas.County Government : inthe English Colonies of North America.2 vols. London, 1824.(JohnsHopkins University Studies. Second Series, x,Taylor, P.: Portraits of British Americans. 1884.)2 vols. Montreal, 1865.Pringle Lunenburgh, or the Old EasternTaylor, H. District.: Narrative of a Voyage to, and Its Settlement and Early Progress. Cornwall,Travels in Upper Canada. Hull, 1846.1890.Thompson, R. : Brief Sketch of theEarly History Second Report of the Commission on MunicipalGuelph. Guelph, 1877.appointed by the Government ofThompson, S. : Reminiscences of a Canadian the Province of Ontario. Toronto, 1889.Pioneer. Toronto, 1884.Report on the Affairs of B.N.A. Jubilee History of Thorold by the Earl ofTownship and Town. Durham, with Appendix. 1838.Thorold, 1897-98.Journal of the Proceedings of the MunicipalHistory of Toronto and County of York, Ontario. Council of the District of Gore. 1842-18432 vols. Toronto, 1885.45, 46, 47.Tour through Upper and Lower Canada. By a:Scrope Memoir of the Life of the Rt. Hon.Citizen of the United States, etc. Litchfield,Charles Lord Sydenham. London, 1843.1799.Hincks : Reminiscences of his Public Life.Travels through Upper and Lower Canada. Montreal, 1884.New York, 1821.Minutes of the HomeTrifles from my Municipal Council,Portfolio ; or, Recollections of from 1842 to 1849 inclusiveScenes and ;Reports ofSmall Adventures duringthe TwentynineYears Military Service in the Peninsular Period. Toronto, 1849.Various Committees, during the SameWar and Invasion of France and . . .Upper By-Laws of the United Counties ofandStormont,Lower Canada. By a Staff Surgeon. Dundas and Glengarry, 1850-77. ReportedQuebec, 1839. (Written by Dr Walter being in force, effete or repealed. Cornwall.Henry. )1877.Macevoy : The Ontario Township. (TorontoUniversity Studies.) Toronto, J889.

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