Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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274 BIBLIOGRAPHYAnnals of the Town of Quelph. Guelph, 1877.Haight : Country Life in Canada, Fifty YearsAgo. Toronto, 1885.Head : Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wildsof North America ; being a Diary of a Winter sRoute from Halifax to the Canadas, and duringFour Months Residence in the Woods on theBorders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe. London,1839.Higgins : Life and Times of Joseph Gould.Toronto, 1887.Hodgins Documentary History of Education in:Upper Canada, 1791-1876. 28 vols. Toronto,1894-1910.:Hodgins The Establishment of Schools andColleges in Ontario. 3 vols. Toronto, 1910.Hodgins : Ryerson Memorial <strong>Volume</strong>. Toronto,1839.Hodgins Historical and Other Papers and:Documents Illustrative of the EducationalSystem of Ontario. 4 vols. Toronto, 1911-12.Hopkins : Canada : an Encyclopaedia. 6 vols.Toronto, 1898-1900.Houston : Constitutional Documents of Canada.Toronto, 1891.Howison : Sketches of Upper Canada. Edinburgh, 1826.Hunter : A History of Simcoe County. 2 vols.Barrie, 1909.Huron Institute Papers and Records.wood, 1009 and following years.Colling-Jameson: Sketches in Canada. London, 1852.Johnston :History of the County of Perth,1825-1902. Stratford, 1903.Johnston : The Pioneers of Blanshard. Toronto,1899.Kennedy : Incidents of Pioneer Days at Guelphand the County of Bruce. Toronto, 1903.Laidlaw : The Old Concession Road. Guelph,JC92.Larochefoucault-Liancourt Voyage dans : lesEtats-Unis fait en 1795, 1796, and 1797.2 vols. Paris, 1800.Leavitt :History of Leeds and Grenville,Ontario. Brockville, 1879.Lennox and Addington : Historical SocietyPapers and Records. From 1909.Letters from Settlers in Upper Canada. London,1833.Lewis :George Brown. Toronto, 1910.Lizars : Humours of 37. Toronto, 1897.Lizars : In the Days of The Canada Company.Toronto, 1896.London and Middlesex Historical Society Transactions. From 1908.:Lyon Narrative and Recollections of VanDieman s Land during a Three YearsCaptivity of Stephen S. Wright, together withan Account of the Battle of Prescott ; hisImprisonment in Canada, Trial, Condemnationand Transportation to Australia. New York,1844.MacBeth : Selkirk Settlers in Real Life. Toronto,1897.M c Donald :Emigration to Canada ;Narrativeof a Voyage to Quebec and Journey fromthence to New Lanark, in Upper Lanark.Edinburgh, 1824.Macdonnell : Sketches illustrating the EarlyH-story of Glengarry in Canada. Montreal,1893.M c Dougall Six Letters to the Hon. O. Mowat:on the Amendment of the Provincial Constitution. 1875.Machar : The Story of Old Kingston. Toronto,1908.:MacKay Pioneer Life in Zorra. Toronto, 1899.Mackenzie : Life of George Brown. Toronto,MacVicar : Letters on Emigration from theBritish Isles. Hamilton, 1853.:Marryat The Settlers in Canada. New York,1854.Melville : The Rise and Progress of TrinityCollege, Toronto ; with a Sketch of the Lifeof the Lord Bishop of Toronto, as connectedwith Church Education in Canada. Toronto,1852.History of the County of Middlesex. Toronto,1889.Millar : The Educational System of the Provinceof Ontario, Canada. Toronto, 1893.Report of Royal Commission on Mineral Resources of Ontario, 1890.Annual Reports, Ontario Bureau of Mines,1893-1913.Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada.Journal of the Canadian Mining Institute,1898-1913.Moodie, S. :Roughing it in the Bush, or Life inCanada. 2 vols. London, 1852.Moodie, W. J. D. : Scenes and Adventures as aSoldier and Settler during a Half Century.Montreal, 1866.:Morgan Sketches of Celebrated Canadians.Quebec, 1862.The Mowat Government. Fourteen Years ofLiberal Legislation and Administration,1871-1885.Ontario : the Record of the Mowat Government,1872-1890. Toronto, 1890.Niagara Historical Society Transactions.1896 and following years.Niagara,Ontario Historical Society Papers and Records.Toronto, 1899 and following years.Owen : Pioneer Sketches of Long Point Settlement. Toronto, 1898.History of Peterborough. Toronto, 1884.Picken : The Canadas as they at present <strong>com</strong>mend Themselves to the Enterprise ofEmigrants, Colonists and Capitalists. London, 1832.Picken : The Canadas :<strong>com</strong>piled from OriginalDocuments furnished by John Gait, Esq.London, 1836.Pickering : Inquiries of an Emigrant, being theNarrative of an English Farmer from the Year1824 to 1830. London, 1832.Poole :Early Settlement and SubsequentProgress of the Town of Peterborough.Peterborough, 1867.:Pope Memoirs of Sir John Macdonald. 2 vols.London, 1894.Preston : Three Years Residence in Canadafrom 1837 to 1839. 2 vols. London, 1840.Pringle Lunenburgh, or the Old Eastern:District. Cornwall, 1890.Putnam :Egerton Ryerson and Education inUpper Canada. Toronto, 1912.Read : Life of Simcoe. Toronto, 1890.Robertson, J. Ross :Diary of Mrs Simcoe.Toronto, 1911.

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