Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDE<strong>XII</strong>Bank of Commerce. Chartered (1866), 10 637 ;absorbs the Gore Bank (1869), 637.Bank of Hamilton. Established (1872), 10 638.Bank Of London. Established (1883), fails(i887), 10 643.Bank Of Montreal. Established as a privatebank (1817), 4 608 ;its articles of association,609-11; first officers of, 611; its share ofgovernment business, 621 ; criticismsdirected against, 622-3 ; its charter renewed,6<strong>23</strong> ; rivalry with Bank of Upper Canada,624 ;increases in capital 1353, 135~), 5 278 ;widens its field of operations, 285, 10 636,637 ; government financial agents, 5 290,7 485 ;renounces its note-issuing powers, 5287-8, 10 627 ;withdraws ac<strong>com</strong>modationto merchants in Western Canada, 637 ;abceasessorbs Commercial Bank (1867), 5 291 ;to be sole financial agent for government, 10631.Bank of New Brunswick. Established (1820),10 628, 13 194.Bank of Nova Scotia. Chartered (1832), 10 628,13 270 ;council interested in its rival, 282.Bank of Pictou. Failure of (1887), 10 643.Bank of the County of Elgin. Applies forcharter (1856), 5 279.Bank of Toronto. Chartered (1854-55), 5 278 ;begins business (1869), 10 633.Bank Of United States. Established by Alexander Hamilton (1791), 4 606, 608, 609-10 ;destroyed by Congress owing to predominance of British capital in, 606.Bank of Upper Canada. Founded at Kingston(1818), 4 610, 613; failure of, 614-15.Bank of Upper Canada, Second or Chartered.Founded at York (1821), 4 614; promotedby the Family Compact, 614 ; receivessupport, 620-1 its ; rivalry with Bankof Montreal, 624 ;increases its capital, 625,5 278 ;its share of government business, 4627-8 ;and the suspension of specie payments, 634-5 ; deprived of governmentbusiness, 5 286 ; its failure (1866), 288-90.Bank of Western Canada, 5 279, 283.Bank of Yarmouth. Established (1859), 10628 ; its failure, 648.Bankhead. British charge at Washington, 8813.Banking. See Currency and Banking.Bannatyne, Andrew Graham Ballenden (1829-89). Urges a surrender to Kiel, 19 77 in;Riel s government, 11 155 ; imprisoned andreleased, 19 84, 86 ; testifies to Kiel s loyalty,11 153 ;member of North-West Council, 19198.Banner, The, newspaper. George Brown sconnection with, 5 61.Bannerman, Sir Alexander, lieutenant-governor of Prince Edward Island (1851-54). Hismarriage, 13 351 ;and the grant of responsible government, 14 501 ; 13 368.Banque de St Jean. Failure of, 10 648.Banque du Peuple. Incorporated (1843), 4 631 ;amends its charter, 5 278.Banque Ville Marie. Failure of, 10 648.Banshee. Canadian Navigation Company sBteamer, 10 539.Baptists. Special Article The : Baptists inCanada, 11 345-76 ; origin, tenets, andorganization, 345-9 ;Dominion statistics,376. Maritime Provinces : variations ofnational type, 350 ; newspapers and periodicals, 351, 359 ; effect of Great Awakening,351-2 ;first churches, 352, 356 ;NewLight preachers, 353 ;Nova Scotia BaptistAssociation formed, 353-4 ; daily wage ofpioneer preachers, 354 ; Free Baptist Christian Conference, 356 ; Regular and FreeBaptists, 355 ;influence of Granville StreetBaptist Church, Halifax, 357-8, 13 288 ;foreign missions, 11 358 ; statistics, 359-60.Ontario and Quebec:pioneer churches, 360-2 ;pioneer church life, 363 ; obstacles to cooperative effort, 363 ; beginnings of organization, 363-4 ;first church in Montreal, 364 ;periodicals, 365-6, 368 ; union followed byseparation, 366 ; foreign missions, 367 ;provincial conventions and their union, 367-369 ; organizations, 370 ;church statistics,370 ; conventions, 370-1 ;the Grande LigneMission, 371-3 ; work, periodicals, andstatistics in the West, 374-6.Baranoff, Alexander Andrevitch (1746-1819),Russian fur trader. On Baranoff Island(1778), 21 242.Bar bier, Nicolas. Interested in elementaryschools, 16 333.Barclay, Anthony. Boundary <strong>com</strong>missioner,8 828, 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835.Barclay- Robert Heriot (d. 1337), British navalofficer. Defeated on Lr.ke Erie, 3 244.Barclay, Thomas (1753-1830). British boundary representative, 8 758, 759, 764-5, 772,7/6-7, 786.Bardy- FelixSeyerin (1S15-47). Victim oftyphus epidemic of 1847, 11 96.Baring and Glyn. English directors of GrandTrunk Railway, 10 401 ;take over GrandTrunk rolling stock, 416.Baring Brothers and Company. Dominiongovernment s financial agents, 7 485.Barker, John. A grantee of Murray township,Upper Canada, 17 44.Barkley, Charles William (1759-1832). Sails toNootka Sound under Austrian flag, 21 32 ;discovers Strait of Juan de Fuca, 32-3 ;murder of part of his crew, 33.Barmhill, John. Member of first presbyteryin Canada, 11 259.Barnard. Publisher of Le Journal d Agriculture Illustre, 16 524.Barnardin, Sebastian, Recollet missionary inAcadia. Succumbs from hunger and f-atigue(16<strong>23</strong>), 13 35.Barnes, Captain, R.A. Assists in settling theloyalists, 17 24 ; presents a bell to Anglicanchurch at Sorel, 11 214.Barnesfare, Captain Adam. Defender of thePres-de-ViLe, Quebec, 3 91-2.Barney, Joshua (1759-1818), American naval<strong>com</strong>mander. Taken prisoner at Bladensburg,3 269.Barnsley, James M. (b. 1867). Canadian artist,12 624.Barnstead, Arthur Stanley (b. 1873). Secretary

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