Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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270 BIBLIOGRAPHYStark :Loyalists of Massachusetts. Boston,1910.Snow : Administration of Dependencies. New-York and London, 1902.Statutes of Nova Scotia from 1758 to 1912.Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th series.Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1900.Consolidated Statutes of New Brunswick, 1877.Statutes of New Brunswick, 1836 to 1912.Consolidated Statutes of New Brunswick, 1903.Statutes of Prince Edward Island, 1783 to 1912.Nova Scotia Law Reports, vols. i to xlvi.Toronto.Stewart s Vice- Admiralty Cases. London, 1814.Young s Admiralty Decisions (by Oxley).Toronto, 1882.Congdon s Nova Scotia Law Digest. Toronto,1890.Armstrong s Nova Scotia Law Digest. Toronto,1903.Geldert s Nova Scotia Law Digest. Toronto,1910.New Brunswick Law Reports, vols. i to xli.Toronto.Stevens s Digest Supreme Court New Brunswick.Toronto, 1897.Stockton s Digest New Brunswick Vice-AdmiraltyCases. St John, 1894.Prince Edward Island Law Reports. 2 vols.Charlottetown, 1885-86.Eastern Law Reporter, vols. i to xii. Toronto.Reports and Orders in Council relating toDominion and Provincial Legislation. Comp.by W. E. Hodgins. Ottawa, 1896-1900.Courtlee a Canada Supreme Court Digest.Toronto, 1904-9.Suite : Poutrincourt en Acadie. (Euvres deChamplain. Quebec, 1870.Surlaville, de : Les derniers jours de 1 Acadie(1748-1788). Correspondances et Memoireade M. de Surlaville, Lieutenant g6n6ral deaarmees du Roi. Paris, 1899.:Tarring Laws of the Colonies. 2nd ed.London, 1893.Diary of John Thomas (in Winslow a expedition,1755). (Nova Scotia Hist. Soc.)Todd :Parliamentary Government in BritishColonies. London, 1894.Vroom :History of Charlotte County, N.B., inthe St Croix Courier. St Stephen, 1892-1893.Warburton : Historical Sketch. 1906.Winslow s Journal of the Expulsion of theAcadians in 1755. (Nova Scotia Hist. Soo.)Winsor : Narrative and Critical Hist, of America.(Vols. iv and v.) 8 vols. Boston, 1884-89.Wynne General History of British :America. 2 vols. London, 1770.Empire in(Vols. 15, 1 6)<strong>Section</strong> VIIIThe Province of QuebecTHE HABITANT, His ORIGIN AND HISTORY. ByA. D. DeCelles. (pp. 17-117.)ENGLISH SETTLEMENT IN QUEBEC. By W. D.Lighthall. (pp. 121-64.)QUEBEC UNDER CONFEDERATION, 1867-1913.A. D. DeCelles. (pp. 167-215.)THE GOVERNMENT or QUEBEC (pp. 219-36).ByPROVINCIAL TAXATION AND FINANCE (pp. <strong>23</strong>9-50).By E. T. D. Chambers.THE CIVIL CODE AND THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM. ByF. P. Walton, (pp. 253-84.)THE MUNICIPAL SYSTEM OF QUEBEC. By A. D.DeCelles. (pp. 287-95.)CITY GOVERNMENT. By W. D. Lighthall. (pp.299-320.)EDUCATION IN CANADA UNDER THE FRENCH REGIME.By A. E. Gosselin. (pp. 3<strong>23</strong>-93.)FRENCH EDUCATION, 1763-1913. By AdelardDesrosiers. (pp. 397-441.)ENGLISH EDUCATION. By George W. Parmelee.(pp. 445-501.)THREE CENTURIES OF AGRICULTURE. By J. C.Chapais. (pp. 505-27.)FOREST RESOURCES (pp. 531-51).THE FISHERIES (pp. 555-67). By E. T. D.Chambers.HISTORY OF MINING IN THE PROVINCE. By FrankD. Adams, (pp. 571-98.)Abstract of the Several Royal Edicts andDeclarations, and Provincial Regulations andOrdinances, that were in force in the Provinceof Quebec. London, 1772.Abstract of the Criminal Laws that were in forcein the Province of Quebec. London, 1773.Sequel of the Abstract. London, 1773.Abstract of the Loix de Police. London, 1772.Papers and Letters on Agriculture re<strong>com</strong>mendedby the Agricultural Society in Canada.Quebec, 1790. (English and French.)Aubert de Gaspe : Memoires. Ottawa, 1886.Bender: Old and New Canada, 1753-1844.Montreal, 1882.Bernard :Retrospections of America, 1797-1811.New York, 1887.Bertrand :Correspondance de 1 Abbe Tronson.3 vols. Paris, 1904.Bibaud : Histoire du Canada et dea Canadienasous la domination anglaise. Montreal, 1878.Boucher : Histoire veritable et naturelle deaMoeurs et Productions du Pays de la Nouvelle-France. Paris, 1664. (Royal Society Edition,1896.)Boucher de la Bruere: Le Canada soua ladomination anglaise. St Hyacinthe, 1863.The De Boucherville Government and the Causeswhich led to their Dismissal. An HistoricalAccount. Montreal, 1878. (Written by M c NabStuart.)Bouchette, E. : L Ind6pendance 6conomique duCanada Francais. Arthabaska, 1906.Bouchette, J. :Topographical Description ofLower Canada, with Remarks upon UpperCanada. 2 vola. London, 1815.

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