Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES 269Jesuit Relations, 1610-1791. Ed. by Thwaites. The Present State of Nova Scotia, with a Brief73vols. (Vols. i, ii.) Cleveland, 1896-1901. Account of Canada and the British Islands onJohnstone : Travels in Prince Edward Island, the Coasts of North America. Edinburgh,Gulf St Lawrence, North America, in the 1787. (Written by S. Hollingsworth.)Years 1820-21. Edinburgh, 1824.Royal Letters, Charters and Tracts, relating toM6moire pour M. Charles de Saint Esfcienne, the Colonization of New Scotland and theChevalier Seigneur de la Tour. 1690.Institution of the Order of Knight Baronets ofKidder :Military Operations in Eastern Maine Nova Scotia, 1621-1638. Edinburgh, 1867.and Nova Scotia during the Revolution. Parkman Half :Century of Conflict. Boston,Albany, 1867.1892.Lawrence : Foot Prints. St John, 1883.Parkman : Feudal Chiefs of Acadia. (AtlanticLawrence :Judges of New Brunswick and their Monthly, Jan. and Feb. 1893.)Times. Ed. and annotated by A. A. Stockton. Patterson : Sable Island. (Trans. R.S.C., 1894.)St John, 1907.Patterson : Sir William Alexander and theLefroy : Legislative Power in Canada. Toronto, Scottish Attempt to colonize Acadia. (Trans.1897.R.S.C., 1892.)Lescarbot : Histoire de la Nouvelle France. Perley Reports on the Sea and River Fisheries:Paris, 1609, 1612.of New Brunswick. Fredericton, 1852.Lescarbot :History of New France. Trans, byPichon : Lettres et memoires pour servir a1Grant and Biggar. 3 vols. histoire(Champlainnaturelle, civile et politique du CapSociety.) Toronto, 1907-11.Breton. La Haye, 1760.Lewis : Government of Dependencies (by C. P. Account of the Taking of Port Royal by theLucas). London, 1891.Inhabitants of Boston and Salem underLockhart : An Historical View of the Province <strong>com</strong>mand of William Phipps, 21 May 1690.of Nova Scotia and Lordship of Canada. (Extract from the narrative by M. de Gouttinof theLondon, 1836.taking of the fort of Pimiquid.) 1696.Lockwood, Anthony A Brief Description of (Both in French.) (Canadian Archives Report,:1912.)Nova Scotia. London, 1818.Longley Joseph Howe. : Toronto, 1910.Deplorable State of New England. To which isadded an Account of the Shamefull MiscarriageMacdonald : Coal and Iron Industries of Nova of the late Expedition against Port-Royal.Scotia. Halifax, 1909.MGregor Historical and London, 1708.Descriptive Sketches Journal : ofof the Maritime Colonies of British America.the Expedition under Sir Wm. Phippsagainst Port Royal, 1690.London, 1828.Two Letters on the Same Subject. (CanadianMacMechan : Nova Scotia Archives, vols. ii and Archives Report, 1912.)iii. Halifax, 1900, 1908.Journal of General Nicholson s ExpeditionMacMillan : Statistics for Maritime Provinces Nova toScotia to reduce Port-Royal. London,on Lumber, Lath, Shingles, etc. (Forestry 1911.Branch, Ottawa.)MacVicar : A Short History of Papers connected with the Administration ofAnnapolis Royal. M. Vetch, 1710-1713. (Nova Scotia Hist.Toronto, 1897.Soc.)Malcolm : Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. (Geo Description of the Island of Stlogical Survey.) Ottawa, John, in the Gulf1912.of St Lawrence, North America. LondonReports of the Department of Marine and (1792).Fisheries, 1870 to 1910, from which StatisticalCorrespondence respectingInformation has been the Complaint of thetaken.Melsheimer : Journal du Legislature (Prince Edward Island) that theVoyage des Troupes Terms of Confederation have not been carriedauxiliaires de Brunswick ot de Wolfenbiittel a out. Ottawa, 1886.Quebec. Minden, 1776.Prince Edward Island Magazine.Journal of Mining Society of Nova Scotia, 1912-13.Raymond History of the St John River. StMoorsom : Letters from Nova : Scotia. London, John, 1910.1830.Raymond Papers of New Brunswick Historical:Moreau : Histoire de I Acadie Frangaise de 1528 Society. St John, N.B.a 1755. Paris, 1873.RaymondMurdoch :Epitome of Laws of Nova Winslow : Papers, A.D. 1776-1826.Scotia. St John, 1901.Halifax, 1832.Relations par Lettres de 1 Ame rique Septentrionale(annees 1709 et 1710). Paris, 1903.Murdoch :History of Nova Scotia. 3 vols.Halifax, 1865-67.Richard : Acadia ;Missing Links of a LostJournals of the Council of New Brunswick.Chapter in American History. New York andJournals of the House of Assembly of New Bruns Montreal, 1895.wick, 1786-1910.Roberts : Short History of Canada. Toronto,Year Book of the Province of New Brunswick. 1895.Fredericton, N.B., 1911.Robidoux : Conventions nationales des Acadiens.Genuine Account of Nova Scotia. London, 1750. Shediac, 1907.Letters from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Rochemonteix : Les Jesuites et la Nouvelleillustrativeof their Moral, Religious, and France au XVII e siecle d apres beaucoup dePhysical Circumstances, during the Years documents inedits. 3 vols. Paris, 1895.1826, 1827 and 1828. Edinburgh, 1829.Rousset : Les Int6rets presents des puissancesMemorials of the English and French Commissaries de 1Europe. La Haye, 1733.concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia. Sabine :Loyalists of the American Revolution.London, 1755. (English and French texts.) Boston, 1864.

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