Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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268 BIBLIOGRAPHYCopies and Translations of the Koyal Charters inParliament, by which the Territories of NovaScotia and Canada with the Islands adjacentwere granted in 1621, 1625 and 1628 to theRight Hon. Sir William Alexander. London,1831.Annand :Speeches and Public Letters of Hon.Joseph Howe. Boston, 1808.Anson : Law and Custom of the Constitution,4th ed. Oxford, 1909.Archer :History of Canada. London, 1875.Baird :Seventy Years of New Brunswick Life.St John, N.B., 1890.Baxter : Memoir of Jacques Cartier. New York,1906.Beer: British Colonial Policy, 1754-1765. NewYork, 1907.Bent : Dutch Conquest of Acadia. (Acadiensis,St John, Oct. 1905.)Bourinot : Builders of Nova Scotia. Toronto,1900.Bourinot :Capo Breton and its Memorials of theFrench Regime. (Trans. R.S.C., 1891.)Bourinot : How Canada is Governed. Toronto,1902.Bourinot :Parliamentary Procedure in Canada.3rd ed. By T. B. Flint. Toronto, 1903.Bourinot : Some Old Forts by the Sea. (Trans.R.S.C., 1883.)Brown : The Coal Fields and Coal Trade in theIsland of Cape Breton. London, 1871.:Bryce Lord Selkirk s Colonists. Toronto, 1909.Burge s Colonial and Foreign Laws (by Rentonand Phillimore). London, 1907.Calnek and Savary:History of Annapolis.Toronto, 1897.Campbell : History of Nova Scotia. Halifax,1873.Campbell : History of Prince Edward Island.Halifax, 1875.Canadian Archives, Series F and M.Canadian Archives Reports, 1894, 1895, 1905.Genuine Letters and Memoirs, relating to theNational, Civil, and Commercial History ofthe Islands of Cape Breton and Saint John.London, 1760.Journal and Census of Isle Royale by le Sieurde la Roque, in 1752. (Canadian ArchivesReport, 1905, vol. ii.)Casgrain : Un pelerinage au pays d Evangeline.Quebec, 1888.Casgrain Une seconde Acadie : 1 Ile St Jean,lie du Prince-Edouard sous le regime fran9ais.Quebec, 1894.Chalmers : Colonial Opinions. Burlington, N.Y.,1858.Champlain : Voyages. Paris, 1613 and 1632.Clement : Constitution of Canada. 2nd ed.Toronto, 1906.Clement :History of the Dominion of Canada.Toronto, 1897.Colonial Office List. London, 1912.Documents relating to Constitutional History ofCanada. Vol. i. Ottawa, 1912.Cooney : History of New Brunswick. Halifax,1832.Crockett : New Brunswick, her Resources andher Future. Toronto, 1012.Dawson :Voyages of the Cabots. (Trans. R.S.C.,1894, 1890, 1897.)Denys : Description G6ographique. 2 vols.Paris, 1672.Denys : Description and Natural History ofAcadia. Trans. by Ganong. (ChamplainSociety.) Toronto, 1908.Di6r6ville : Relation du Voyage du Port Royalde 1 Acadie ou de la Nouvelle-France.Amsterdam, 1710.Egerton and Grant : Canadian ConstitutionalDevelopment. Toronto, 1907.Ells :Geology and Mineral Resources of NewBrunswick. (Geological Survey.) Ottawa,1907.Faucher de St Maurice : En route. Sept joursdans les provinces maritimes. Qu6bec, 1888.:Fenety Political Notes and Observations.Fredericton, 1867.:Fenety Political Notes, 1854-60. Published inProgress. St John, N.B., 1894.Fernow : Crown Land Report, Province of NewBrunswick. Fredericton.Fernow : Forest Conditions of Nova Scotia.(Conservation Commission, Ottawa, 1912.)Fisher : Sketches of New Brunswick. St John,1825.Freeman : Growth of English Constitution.London, 1887.Ganong : Cartography of Gulf St Lawrence.(Trans. R.S.C., 1889.):Ganong Historic Sites in New Brunswick.(Trans. R.S.C., 1899.)Ganong : Jacques Carrier s First Voyage.(Trans. R.S.C., 1887.)Ganong : Origins of Settlements in New Brunswick. (Trans. R.S.C., 1904.)Geological Survey of Canada, Reports of Progress.(1873-74, p. 252 ; 1876-77, pp. 351-401.)Gesner :History of New Brunswick. London,1847.Gilpin : Mines and Mineral Lands of Nova Scotia.Halifax, 1880.Gold Region of Nova Scotia Report of Dr T.:Skerry Hunt. Ottawa, 1860.Gourmont : Les Franjais au Canada et enAcadie. Paris, 1888.Gray Letters from Canada, written during a:Residence there in the Years 1806, 1807 and1808. London, 1809.Haliburton : An Historical and Statistical Accountof Nova Scotia. 2 vols. Halifax, 1829.Hannay : History of Acadia. St John, 1879.Hannay : History of New Brunswick. 2 vols.St John, 1909.Hannay : Life and Times of Sir Leonard Tilley.St John, 1894.Hannay : Samuel Leonard Tilley. Toronto,1907.Hannay: Lemuel Allan Wilmot. Toronto, 1910.Harfer : Maritime Provinces, their Origin andInhabitants. Quebec, 1882.Hawkins : Journal of Visitation in Nova Scotia,Cape Breton and New Brunswick in 1843.London, 1846.:Hollingsworth The Present State of NovaScotia. Edinburgh, 1787.Hopkins : Canada : an Encyclopaedia. 6 vols.Toronto, 1898-1900.Houston : Constitutional Documents of Canada.Toronto, 1891.Howe :Responsible Government. Halifax, 1839.

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