Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES 267Ab der Holden : Nouvelles Etudes de LiteratureCanadienne fran^aise. Paris, 1907.Aries, d : Essais et Conferences. Quebec,1910.Aries, d : Eaux fortes et Tailles douces. Quebec,1913.:Chapais Discoura et Conf6rences. Quebec,1897.Chartier :Pages de Combat. Montreal, 1911.Cr6mazie : CEuvres Completes. Montreal, 1897.Garneau : Hiatoire du Canada. 4 vols. Quebec,1845.Huston :Repertoire National. Montreal, 1848.Lareau : Histoire de la Litt6rature Canadienne.Montr6al, 1874.:Roy Essais sur la Litterature Canadienne.Qu6bec, 1907.Roy : Nos Origines litteraires. Qu6bec, 1909.:Roy Tableau de 1 Histoire de la Litt6ratureCanadienne-fran9aise. Quebec, 1911.:Roy Nouveaux Essais sur la LitteratureCanadienne. Quebec, 1913.Les Soirees du Chateau de Ramezay. Montreal,1900.ENGLISH-CANADIAN LITEBATUBE. By T. G.Marquis, (pp. 493-589.)Dewart : Selections from Canadian Poets.Toronto, 1864.Lighthall : Songs of the Great Dominion.Toronto, 1889.Lighthall : Canadian Poems and Lays. Toronto,1891.Morgan : Canadian Men and Women of the Time.Toronto, 1898 and 1912.:Morgan The Bibliotheca Canadiensis. Ottawa,1867.Morgan : Dominion Annual Register for 1880-81.Montreal, 1882.:Morgan Sketches of Celebrated Canadians.Quebec, 1862.James :Bibliography of Canadian Poetry(English). Toronto, 1899.MacMurchy : Handbook of Canadian Literature.Toronto, 1906.Whyte-Edgar A Wreath of Canadian Song.:Toronto, 1910.Rand : A Treasury of Canadian Verse. Toronto,1900.Kingsford The Early Bibliography of the:Province of Ontario. Toronto and Montreal,1892.Dent : The Last Forty Years. 2 vols. Toronto,1881.Dent : Canadian Portrait Gallery. 4 vols.Toronto, 1880-81.Horning and Burpee A : Bibliography of CanadianFiction (English). Toronto, 1904.MacFarlane : New Brunswick Bibliography.1895.Bourinot : The Intellectual Development of theCanadian People. Toronto, 1881.Harrison : Canadian Birthday Book. Toronto,1889.Hopkins : Canada : an Encyclopaedia, vol. v.6 vols. Toronto, 1898-1900.Collins : Life of Sir John A. Macdonald. Toronto,1883.O Hagan: Canadian Essays Critical andHistorical. Toronto, 1901.Taylor : Biographies in Notman s Portraits ofBritish Americans. 2 vols. Montreal,1865-68.Withrow and Adam : Canadian History andLiterature. Toronto, 1887.(Vols. 13, 14)<strong>Section</strong> VIIThe Atlantic ProvincesTHB ACADIAN SETTLEMENTS AND EABLY HISTOBY,1604-1713. By W. O. Raymond, (pp.15-66.)NOVA SCOTIA UNDEB ENGLISH ROTE, 1713-75(pp. 69-124).NOVA SCOTIA : GENEBAL HISTOBY, 1775-1867 (pp.213-302).NOVA SCOTIA : POLITICAL HISTOBY, 1867-1912(pp. 379-400). By Archibald MacMechan.NEW BBUNSWICK : GENEBAL HISTOBY, 1758-1867(pp. 127-210).NEW BBUNSWICK : POLITICAL HISTOBY, 1867-1912(pp. 403-31). By W. O. Raymond.THE HISTOBY OF PBINCE EDWABD ISLAND. ByAndrew Macphail. (pp. 305-75.)PBOVINCIAL AND LOCAL GOVEBNMENT. By CharlesMorse, (pp. 435-508.)HISTOBY or EDUCATION IN NOVA SCOTIA ANDPBINCE EDWABD ISLAND. By A. H. MacKay.(pp. 511-42.)HISTOBY OF EDUCATION IN NEW BBUNSWICK. ByG. U. Hay. (pp. 545-58.)THE ATLANTIC FISHEBIES OF CANADA, By JohnJ. Cowie. (pp. 561-93.)FOBEST RESOURCES OF THE MABITIME PROVINCES.By R. B. Miller, (pp. 597-634.)AGBICULTUBE IN THE MABITIME PBOVINCES. ByM. dimming, (pp. 637-68.)MINES AND MINING IN THE MABITIME PROVINCES.By F. H. Sexton, (pp. 671-700.)Acadian Genealogies and Documents concerningthe Expulsion of the Acadians. (CanadianArchives Report, 1905, vol. ii.)Letter of Father Ignace re Acadia. (CanadianArchives Report, 1904.)Papers relating to the Acadian French. (NovaScotia Hist. Soc.)Une colonie f6odale en Ame rique. L Acadie.2 vols. Paris. Montreal, 1889.Acadiensis. Ed. by D. R. Jack. St John, 1901-1908.Akins : Selections from the Public Documents ofNova Scotia. Halifax, 1869.Alexander : An Encouragement to Colonies.London, 1624.

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