Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE DOMINION: MISSIONS; ARTS AND LETTERS 265Rochemonteix : Leg Jesuites et la Nouvelle-France. 5 vols. Paris, 1896, 1906.:Roy L UniversitS Laval et les Fetes duCinquantenaire. Quebec, 1903.Tanguay : R6pertoire g6n6ral du clergeCanadian. Montr6al, 1893.Tetu : Les Eveques de Qu6bec. Qu6bec, 1889.Tetu : Le Palais episcopal. Quebec, 1896.Tetu et Gagnon: Mandements des Evequesde Quebec. 6 vols. (now 10 until 1912).Quebec, 1888.Turcotte : Le Canada sous 1 Union, 1841-1867.2 vols. Quebec, 1871.English AuthorsBrown :History of Cape Breton. London,1869.Cameron : The Catholic Church in the MaritimeProvinces. (In Canada: an Encyclopaedia.):Campbell Nova Scotia in its Historical,Mercantile, and Industrial Relations. Montreal, 1873.Canniff :History of the Settlement of UpperCanada. Toronto, 1869.Christie : A History of the Late Province ofLower Canada. 6 vols. Quebec, 1848-55.Coffey : City and Diocese of London. London,1885.Dent : Last Forty Years. 2 vols. Toronto,1881.Fournet :Catholicity in Canada. (In Appletons Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907-12.)Grosse-Ile Monument, a CommemorativeSouvenir. Quebec, 1909.Harris :History of the Catholic Church in theNiagara Peninsula. Toronto and Montreal,1895.Harris : The Roman Catholic Church inOntario. (In Canada : an Encyclopaedia. )Hopkins : Life of Sir John Thompson.Toronto, 1895.Hopkins A : Popular History of Canada.(Trans, by Suite.)Hughes : Life of Archbishop O Brien. Halifax,1905.Martin :History, Statistics and Geography ofUpper and Lower Canada. 2nd ed. London,1838.Martin : British Colonies, their History,Extent and Resources. 6 vols. in 3.London and New York, n.d. (about 1850).Macdonald : Sketches of Glengarry in UpperCanada. Montreal, 1893.Macdonell : Reminiscences of Bishop Macdonell.Toronto, 1888.M c Millan :Early History of the ChurchPrince Edward Island. Quebec, 1905.inM c Keown : Life and Labours of ArchbishopLynch. Toronto and Montreal, 1886.:Maguire The Irish in America. New York,1868.Murdoch :History of Nova Scotia. 3 vols.Halifax, 1865-67.O Brien : Memoirs of Rev. Edmund Burke.Halifax, 1894.O Reilly: Golden Jubilee of the Diocese ofHamilton. Hamilton, 1906.History of the County of Peterborough.Toronto, 1884.Quebec Tercentenary. Quebec (antedated),1908.Richard : Acadia. 2 vols. New York, 1895.Rolph A Brief Account of a Tour through the:United States in 1832-3 ; together with astatistical account of Upper Canada.Dundas, U.C., 1836.Teefy History of the Diocese of Toronto.:Toronto, 1892.Jubilee <strong>Volume</strong> of the Diocese of Toronto.Toronto, 1891.Willisoii : Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the LiberalParty. 2 vols. Toronto, 1903.THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHTJBCH WEST or THEGREAT LAKES. By A. G. Morice. (pp.115-96.)Report of the Select Committee on the Causesof the Difficulties in the North-West Territory.Ottawa, 1874.:Begg The Creation of Manitoba. Toronto,1871.Begg: History of the North-West. 3 vols.Toronto, 1894-95.Correspondence relative to the Recent Disturbances in the Red River Settlement. London,1870.Preliminary Investigation and Trial of AmbroseD. Lepine.Blue Book of 1869-70. London, 1870.Huyshe : The Red River Expedition. 1871.Gunn and Tuttle :History of Manitoba. Ottawa,1880.Morice : Aux Sources de 1 Histoire Manitobaine.Qu6bec, 1907.Morice :History of the Catholic Church inWestern Canada. 2 vols. Toronto, 1910.THE ANGLICAN CHURCH AND ITS MISSIONS. ByL. Norman Tucker, (pp. 199-246.)Bethune : Memoir of Bishop Strachan. Toronto,1870.Cross :Anglican Episcopate and the AmericanColonies. New York, 1902.Gowen : Church Work in British Columbia,being a Memoir of the Episcopate of ActonWendeyer SUlitoe. London, 1899.Hawkins : Annals of the Diocese of Toronto.London, 1848.Ketchum : Life of Bishop Medley. Saint John,1893.Lee : Historical Sketch of First Fifty Years ofChurch of England in New Brunswick. SaintJohn, 1880.Mockridge The : Bishops of the Church ofEngland in Canada and Newfoundland.Toronto (c. 1896).Norton : Life of Bishop Stewart of Quebec.New York, 1859.Mountain : A Memoir of George JehoshaphatMountain, late Bishop of Quebec. London,1866.Mountain: The Journal of the Bishop of Montreal,during a visit to the Church MissionarySociety s North - West American mission.London, 1845.Reports of the Society for the Propagation of theGospel, the Society for Promoting ChristianKnowledge, and the Church Missionary Society.Roe :Story of the First Hundred Years of theDiocese of Quebec. Quebec, 1893.

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