Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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264 BIBLIOGRAPHYRoberta :Chignecto Ship Railway. (In theCosmopolitan Magazine, vol. ix.)The following articles in vol. iii of Canada : anEncyclopaedia Waterways of Canada, byWatson : Griffin ; History of Canadian Naviatipn,by James Croil ; Shipbuilding in Novacotia, by Robert M. MacGregor, B.A.Bourinot : Canals of Canada. (In the CanadianMonthly, vol. i.)Keefer : The Canals of Canada. Toronto,1850.Chatterton :Steamships and theirLondon, 1910.Story.Fletcher :Steamships : the Story of theirDevelopment to the Present Day. 1910.Curwood : The Great Lakes, and the Vessels thatPlough Them. New York, 1909.Monetary Times, Toronto, 1912 and 1913.Hannay : History of New Brunswick. 2 vols.St John, 1909.Gesner : New Brunswick, with Notes for Immigrants. London, 1847.Monro : New Brunswick. Halifax, 1855.M c Gregor Historical and :Descriptive Sketchesof the Maritime Colonies of British NorthAmerica. London, 1828.Sleigh Pine Forests and Hacmatack :Clearings.London, 1853.Bourinot : Maritime Industry ofthe Canadian Monthly, vol. iii.)Canada. (InShipbuilding in Canada, by Captain N. W. Beckwith.(In the Canadian Monthly, vol. iii.)Victoria Colonist, 1912 and 1913.Vancouver Province, 1912 and 1913.Montreal Gazette, 1912 and 1913.Wilson :History of the County of Digby. 1895.Des Brisay:History of the County of Lunenburg.Toronto, 1895.Campbell : History of the County of Yarmouth.Saint John, 1876.Brown : Yarmouth, Nova Scotia : A Sequel toCampbell s History. Boston, 1888.More :History of Queen s County. Halifax, 1873.Patterson :History of the County of Pictou.Montreal, 1877.Fry t : tory of North Atlantic Steam Navigation, witn some Account of Early Ships andShip Owners. London, 1896.Maginnis The Atlantic : Ferry. London, 1892.Hannah :Fifty Years of Transatlantic Navigation. (In Toronto Saturday Night, April 20,1912.)Richardson : Evolution of the Parsons SteamTurbine. 1911.Mason :Encyclopsedia of Ships and Shipping.London, 1908.THE BANKING SYSTEM OP CANADA (pp. 627-60).By Adam Shortt. See p. 249.(Vols. n, 12)<strong>Section</strong> VI- -The Dominion: Missions; Arts and LettersTHE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHTTRCH EAST OF THE GBEATLAKES, 1760-1912. By H. A. Scott,(pp. 11-112.)French and LatinAlexis : Histoire de la Province Eccl6siastiqueet de la Colonisation dans la va!16e de1 Ottawa. 2 vols. Ottawa, 1897.Bulletin des Recherches historiques. Levis,1895-1912.Le Canada Eccl&amp;lt;siastique. Montr 6al, 1912.Chouinard : Le Premier Pretre Acadien,I abb6 Jos. Mathurin Bourg. (In thereview La Nouvelle France, July andSeptember, 1903.)Casgrain : Les Sulpiciens et les Pretres desMissions Etrangeres en Acadie. Quebec,1897.Casgrain : P61erinage au Pays d Evangeline.Quebec, 1888.Casgrain : Une Nouvelle Acadie. Quebec,1894.Conciles de Quebec. I-IV, first edition ; 2nded. I-VII. 1888.Council of Halifax. Halifax, 1860.Council of Toronto. Toronto, 1882.Concile de Montreal. Montreal, 1901.Le Premier Concile P16nier de Qu6bec, 1909.Qu6bec, 1910.Dionne : Les Eccl6siastiques et les RoyalisteaFranais refugee s au Canada. Qu6bec, 1905.Documents Historiques de la Nouvelle-France.4 vols. Qu6bec, 1883-85.Ferland : Cours d Histoire. 2 vols. Qu6bec,1861-65.Ferland : Notice Biographique sur MonseigneurPlessis, Eveque de Que hiec, dans le FoyerCanadien, 1863.Garneau : Histoire du Canada. 4 vols.Montreal, 1883.Huart: L Apotre du Saguenay. Qu6bec, 1895.Jouve : Les Freres Mineurs a Qu6bec. Qu6bec,1905.M6moire sur les Missions de la Nouvelle-Ecosse,du Cap Breton et de 1 Ile du Prince Edouard.Quebec, 1895.Journal d un Voyage en Europe, par Mgr.Plessis. Qu6bec, 1903.Journal des visites pastorales de 1815-16,par Mgr. Pleesis. Qu6bec, 1903.Pagnuelo fitudes :historiques et 16gales sur laIibert6 religieuse au Canada. Montreal, 1872.Poirier : Le P. Lefevre et 1 Acadie. Montreal,1898.Le 2 me Centenaire de l Evech6 de Quebec.Quebec, 1874.Le 200 me anniversaire de la fondation duS6minaire de Quebec. Quebec, 1863.Souvenir des Fetes du 21, 22, <strong>23</strong> juin, 1908.Quebec, 1908.Rapports sur les Missions de Quebec. Qu6bec,1839-74.Rameau : La France aux Colonies. Paris, 1859.Rameau : Une Colonie f6odale en Ame rique:L*Acadie. 2 vols. Paris, 1889.

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