Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE DOMINION: INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION 263Pennington : Railways and Other Ways.Toronto, 1894.Poor : The First International Railway and theColonization of New England. New York,1892.Reports of Board of Railway Commissioners,1907-13.Returns :railway statistics of Canada, andcapital, traffic, and working expenditure ofthe railways of the Dominion ; also, inlandrevenue statistics of Canada. (Departmentof State, 1876.)Talbot : The Making of a Great Canadian Railway ; the Story of the Grand Trunk Pacific.London, 1912.Trout : The Railways of Canada for 1870-1,showing Progress, Mileage, Cost of Construction;also a Sketch of the Difficulties incident toTransportation in Canada in the pre-Railroaddays. Toronto, 1871.SHIPPING AND CANALS. By M. J. Patton. (pp.475-624.)The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents,1610-1791. Ed. by Thwaites. 73 vols. Cleveland, 1896-1901.Hennepin A New :Discovery of a Vast Countryin America. Utrecht, 1698.Hennepin : Description de Louisiane. Paris,1688.Lescarbot s History of New France. 3 vols.(Champlain Society.) Toronto, 107-1914.Canadian Archives, Ottawa :Series B, volumes 57, pt. 1 ; 76, 77, 78, 81,95, 101, 128, 144, pt. 1 ; 145, 201.Series C, volume 273.Series F, volumes 2, 3, 4, 76, 77, 79, 82, 96,208.Series M, volumes 108, 180.Series Q, volumes 26, pt. 1 ;299.Regulations for the Transport of MerchantGoods or Other Private Effects in theGovernment Yacht Toronto, July 1, 1806unclassified shipping papers.Tour through Upper and Lower Canada.Author anonymous. 1799. Pamphlet No.333.Reports of Captain George Phillpotts on theCanals of Canada. 1839 and 1840.Lachine Canal Papers.Welland Canal Papers.American Papers. Shelburne Collection.Vol. 1.The Present State of Nova Scotia. Authoranonymous. 1787. Pamphlet No. 289.Report of the Bureau of Archives for Ontario,1904.Report of the Canal Commission of 1871.Sessional Paper No. 54, 1871.Journal of the Assembly of Upper Canada, withAppendix, 1835.Semi-centennial Report of the Board of Trade,Montreal. 1892.Annual Report of the Department of PublicWorks, Canada, 1867.Annual Reports of the Department of Railwaysand Canals, Canada.Canal Statistics. Published annually by theDepartment of Railways and Canals, Ottawa.Annual Reports of the Department of Marine,Canada.Annual Reports of the Harbour Commissioneraof Montreal.Georgian Bay Ship Canal Report upon Survey,:with Plans and Estimates of Cost. Eugene D.Lafleur, Chairman of Commission.Shipbuilding in Moncton a memorandum prepared for the author by Edward M c Carthy,a pioneer shipbuilder of Moncton, N.B., andlater published in the Moncton Daily Times ofMay 11, 1912.Shipbuilding in Quebec. Henry Fry. (In theCanadian Magazine, vol. v. )Car Ferries. A pamphlet published by the GrandTrunk Railway.Records of the Dominion Marine Association.Kingston.Report of Israel D. Andrews on the Trade andCommerce of the British North AmericanColonies and upon the Trade of the GreatLakes. Washington, 1854.Sketches of New Brunswick by an Inhabitantof the Province. 1825. Canadian Archivespamphlet, No. 437.Moorsom : Letters from Nova Scotia. London,1830.Report of the Department of Trade and Commerce, Canada, 1911. Pt. vi, SubsidizedSteamship Services.Canada, Her Natural Resources, Navigation,Principal Steamer Lines and TranscontinentalRa-lways. (Department of Marine.) Ottawa,1912.Report of the Secretary of State for Canada, 1894.Cunard Passenger Log Book, 1906.The Allan Line, 1854-1900. A booklet publishedby the H. & A. Allan Company.Annual Report of the St John, N.B., Board ofTrade, 1909.St John, N.B., as a Canadian Winter Port. Abooklet published by the City and the Boardof Trade of St John, 1898.Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the VancouverBoard of Trade. 1910-11.Memorandum relating to the Necessity of Providing Adequate Dry-docking Facilities inLeading Canadian Ports. Department ofPublic Works, Ottawa, 1912.Trade and Navigation Returns. Publishedannually by the Department of Customs,Ottawa.Parkman : Pioneers of New France. Boston,1897.Colby : Canadian Types of the Old Regime,1608-1698. New York, 1908.Chapais Jean Talon. Toronto, 1904.:Robertson : Landmarks of Toronto. 6 vols.Toronto, 1894-1914.Croil : Steam Navigation and its Relation to theCommerce cf Canada and the United States.Toronto, 1898.Canniff :History of the Settlement of UpperCanada. Toronto, 1869.Patterson :Description of the Great WaterHighways of the Dominion of Canada. 1874.Mills : Our Inland Seas, their Shipping andCommerce for Three Centuries. Chicago, 1910.Transactions of the Canadian Society of CivilEngineers. Presidential Address by E.Marceau.Vol. xx, 19C6.Merritt :Biography of the Hon. W. H. Merritt,M.P. St Catharines, 1875.

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