Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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262 BIBLIOGRAPHYAlberta :Agricultural Credit Commission.British Columbia :Agriculture, Labour andCoal Commissions.3. Government of the United Kingdom.Annual Report on the Conditions andProspects of British Trade in Canada,by Commissioner, Board of Trade,London.Statistical Abstract for the Several BritishColonies, etc. London (Annual).H. Periodicals :Daily The Gazette, Montreal : ;The Globe,Toronto ;The Manitoba Free Press,Winnipeg.Financial : The Monetary Times, Toronto ;The Financial Post, Toronto ; The Journalof Commerce, Montreal ; The FinancialTimes, Montreal ; Canadian Finance, Winnipeg The Journal of the Canadian Bankers;Association, Toronto.Industrial : Industrial Canada, Toronto ;The Canadian Manufacturer, Toronto ; TheCanadian Mining Review and CanadianMining Journal, Toronto and Montreal ;The Pulp and Paper Magazine, Montreal ;Acton, Maclean and Industrial Press TradePublications.Agricultural The Weekly Sun, Toronto : ;The Canadian Farm, Toronto ; The CanadianCountryman, Toronto ;Farm and Dairy,Peterborough The Farmers Advocate,London ; ; The Grain Growers Guide,Winnipeg.III. Annual Publications :Morgan : Dominion Annual Register, 1878-1889.Hopkins : Canadian Annual Review of PublicAffairs, 1901-13.Heaton : Commercial Handbook of Canada.Toronto.Houston : Annual Financial Review. Toronto,1900.NATIONAL HIGHWAYS OVEHLAND.(pp. 359-472.)Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of theDominion Board of Trade, 1871.Annual Reports of the Chartered Banks.Annual Reports of the Canadian Pacific, Grand Casgrain :Trunk, and Canadian Northern.IV. Secondary Sources :Barrett : Canada s Century ; Progress andResources of the Great Dominion. London,1907.Begg: History of the North-West. 3 vols.Toronto, 1894-95.Bouchette : L lndependence economique duCanada fran9ais. Arthabaska, 1906.Breckenridge : History of Banking in Canada.Washington, 1910.Dewavrin : Le Canada economique au XX eSiecle. Paris, 1909.Davidson : Commercial Federation andColonial Trade Policy. London, 1900.Field :Capital Investments in Canada.Toronto, 1911.Fleck : Kanada 1 : volkwirtschaftliche Grundlagenund weltwirtschaftliche Beziehungen.Jena, 1912.Griffin : Protection and Prices and the FarmersHome Market. Toronto, 1906.Harpell : Canadian National Economy.Toronto. 1911.Hopkins : Canada ;an Encyclopaedia. 5 vols.Toronto, 1898-1900.Hurlburt : Field and Factory Side by Side.Montreal, 1870.Jeans : Canada s Resources and Possibilities.London, 1904.Johnson : Sketches of the Late Depression.Montreal, 1882.:Lang The Chemical Industries of theDominion. Toronto, 1905.:Magrath Canada s Growth and Some Problems affecting it. Ottawa, 1910.Macpherson : Cooperative Credit Associationsin the Province of Quebec. Kingston,1910.Maclean : The Complete Tariff Handbook.Toronto, 1880.M c Lean: The Tariff History of Canada.Toronto, 1895.Porritt :Sixty Years of Protection in Canada.London, 1908.Porritt : The Revolt of Canada against theNew Feudalism. London, 1911.Shortt :Imperial Preferential Trade from aCanadian Point of View. Toronto, 1904.Strauss : Le Canada. Paris, 1867.Walker : The Industrial Future of Canada.Wickett: Canada and the Preference. Toronto,1911.Willison : The New Canada. London, 1911.Woodsworth :Strangers Within our Gates.Toronto, 1909.THE LABOUR MOVEMENT IN CANADA. By R. H.Coats, (pp. 277-355.)The Archives of the Department of Labour,The Labour Gazette, and the Annual Reportsof the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada.By S. J. Mc Lean.Rapports du Comit6 special sur les chemins etautres <strong>com</strong>munications intSrieures. Quebec,1829.Problems of Transportation in Canada.Quebec, 1909.Currier : A Concordance of the Railway Act,Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906, chap. 37.Ottawa, 1907.Currier : Index to Railway Legislation of theDominion of Canada, from 1867 to 1897 inclusive. Ottawa, 1898.:Fleming The Intercolonial : a HistoricalSketch. Montreal, 1876.Acts incorporating the Great Western RailwayCompany, etc. Hamilton, 1854.Hopkins: The Canadian Annual Review. 1901-15.Intercolonial Railway. Report of Board ofRailway Commissioners, New Brunswick,1858-60. St John, 1859-61.Guide Book to the Intercolonial Railway.Montreal, 1877.Keefer :Eighty Years Progress of British NorthAmerica, 1863.Statutes Special and General affecting theMidland Railway of Canada, with Notes andIndex by F. J. Joseph. Toronto, 1875.Report of Ontario Commission on RailwayTaxation. 1905.

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