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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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10 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESBack, Sir George (1796-1878). Ac<strong>com</strong>paniesFranklin on his Arctic expeditions, 4 679-83,683-4 ; explores Arctic coast, 686-8 ; 21 125.Backs River. Its course, length, and drainagearea, 22 642.Backster, William. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Bacon, C. A. Melter in the assay office, BritishColumbia, 21 148 n.Badgley, William (1801-88). His municipalact (1847), 15 294.Baffin, William (d. 1622), navigator. ChartsHudson Bay, 1 157.Baldwin, Robert (1804-58).tive council of Upper Canada, 3 354 ;treatsBagot, Sir Charles (1781-1843), governor-inchiefof Canada (1842-43). On the Russian 4 414 ;with the rebels, 365, 367 ; solicitor-general,rebuked by Sydenham, 5 19 ;desiresUkase of 1821, 8 917 ; on Alaska boundary adispute, 919-<strong>23</strong> homogeneous ministry, 33-4 ;his univer;lines of boundary suggested sity bill (1843), 18 367-8 ; opposes Draper sby, 920, 922-3 ; suspends negotiations, 9<strong>23</strong>, university bill (1845), 368-9925 ;on Russian his ; universitymethods, 9<strong>23</strong> n. ;his in act of 1849, 371-3 ;on denominationalstructions modified, 924 ; on concession of a education, 371lisiere, 952 n. ; transferred to The his ; municipal bill of 1843,Hague, 438 ;and act of 1849, 439-42 ;demands that925 ;effect of his ill-health on constitutional appointments be made on advice of ministers,government, 5 5 ; condemns Sydenham s 5 40 ;and clergy reserves, 63, 65 ; resignsadministration, 20 ; endeavours to conciliate office, 69 ;on necessity for co alition, 86,French Canadians, 33, 88 ;a historical 617; favours race co-operation, 5 89, 15 169.parallel, 35-6 his ; policy being unacceptable Baldwin, T. Baptist missionary, reports on theto Stanley and Peel, invites recall, 35-6 ;ex North-West, 11 374.presses gratitude for their approval, 37 ;his Baldwin, William Warren (d. 1844). Opens aplace in constitutional development, 110-15 ; private school, 18 349 ; chairman of postalre<strong>com</strong>mends beginning of a Geological Sur investigation <strong>com</strong>mittee of Upper Canada,vey, 6 344 ;sketch of, 5 31.4 742 ;entrusted with care of Quetton StBaie de Chaleurs Railway. Its financial failure, George s estate, 17 55.10 447-8 ;scandal associated with its con Baldwin Reformers. Why so called, 6 17.struction, 15 200-5.Balfour, Andrew. Founds Shefford AcademyBaie Verte Canal. An abortive project, 10 532. (1838), 16 461.Bailey, Jacob (d. 1808). Anglican incumbent Balfour, Arthur James (6. 1848). On the Boerat Annapolis, 11 203 ; on sufferings of the War, 6 139 ;and Franco-Canadian <strong>com</strong>loyalists, 13 <strong>23</strong>4-5.mercial treaty (1907), 9 <strong>23</strong>4.Baillairge, Jean (d. 1805). The first Canadian Balfour, William (c. 1759-1811), major-general.sculptor, 12 632.President and <strong>com</strong>mander-in-chief in NewBaillargeon, Charles Francois (1798-1870). Brunswick (1811), 13 184.Roman Catholic archbishop of Quebec (1867- Balfour, W. D. Attempted corruption of, 1770), 11 98, 99-101.166 ; provincial secretary of Ontario, 200 n.Baillif, George le, R6collet. Arrives in Quebec Ball, Henry Maynard (d. 1897). Stipendiary(1620), 2 391-2.magistrate at Lytton, B.C., 21 148 n. ;memBailly de Meissein, Charles Francois (1740-94).Missionary in Nova Scotia, 11 29, 203 ;avictim of religious intolerance, 29 ; coadjutorof Quebec (1788-94), 33-4 ;favours the mixeduniversity in opposition to Bishop Hubert,34, 16 407, 448.Bailly, Guillaume (d. 1696), Sulpician. Arrivesin Montreal, 16 337.Bailly, Father. Wounded at Point L6vis, 3 96.Bain, James. His edition of Alexander Henry sTravels and Adventures, 12 512.Bainbridge, Captain William (1774-1833).American naval <strong>com</strong>mandor, 3 198.Baird, W. T. Commands militia at Fredericton(1865), 14 414.Baker, E. Crowe. Opposes Chinese immigration into British Columbia, 21 260.Baker, James. Provincial portfolio held by,in British Columbia, 21 218, 220.Baker, John. Hoists American flag in MadawaskaSettlement, 13 199 ;his arrest andpunishment, 199 ; indemnity claimed for hisarrest, 8 791.Baker, Richard. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Balboa, Vasco Nunez (1475-1517 or 1518), discoverer. His extravagant claims for Spain,21 13.Baldoon, on Lake St Clair. Scottish Highlandsettlement established at, 17 71-2, 19 16 ;its unhealthy situation, 17 72 ; raided duringWar of 1812, 72.Baldwin, Augustus. Member of executivecouncil of Upper Canada, 3 354.Member of execuber of legislative council (1863), 166.Ballantyne, Thomas, 9 118; member ofOntario Agricultural Commission (1880), 18572.Baltic. Rescues passengers of Republic, 10 610.Baltimore. (1) Lake Superior steamer, 10 543.(2) Michigan Central Railway steamboat, 10545.Bancroft, George (1800-91). United Statesminister at Berlin, 8 874.Bancroft, Samuel (1789-1876), Baptist preacher.His daily allowance, 11 354.Bank of Brantford. Chartered in 1857, 5 279,281.Bank of British North America. Begins business in Canada (1836), 4 631-2 ; adopts freebanking system, 5 273, 277 ;in the MaritimeProvinces, 10 628, 637 ; establishes agencyin New York, 636.Bank of Canada. Private bank, founded(1818), 4 610, 612, 613.Bank of Canada. Bill introduced to establisha, 4 606 ; chartered in 1858, 5 281.

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