Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE DOMINION : INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION 261Islands on Board the D.G.S. Neptune, 1903-1904. Ottawa, 1906.M e Connell :Report on an Exploration in theYukon and Mackenzie Basins, N.W.T. (Ann.Rep. Geol. Sur. Can., vol. iv, part D.)M c Connell :Report on a Portion of the Districtof Athabasca. (Ann. Rep. Geol. Sur. Can.,vol. v, part D.)Macoun :Catalogue of Canadian Plants. (Geol.Sur. Can.)Macoun : Manitoba and the Great Northwest.Guelph, 1882.M c lnnes : The Basins of Nelson and ChurchillRivers. (Geol. Sur. Can., Memoir 30.)Mackenzie :Voyages through the Continent ofNorth America in the Years 1789 and 1793.London, 1801.Ogilvie : Exploratory Survey of Part of theLewes, Tat-on-duc, Porcupine, Bell, Trout,Peel, and Mackenzie Rivers. (Ann. Rep.Dept. of Interior, Io89, part 8.)Petitot :G6ographie de 1 Athabaskaw-Mackenzieet des grands lacs du bassin arctique. ^ Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic. Paris, 1875.)Preble :Biological Investigation of the HudsonBay Region. (Division ofU.S. Biological Survey,Dept. of Agriculture, Washington.)Preble : A Biological Investigation of theAthabaska-Mackenzie Region. (Bureau ofBiological Survey, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,Washington. )Reports of the Bureau of Mines, Toronto.Reports of the Department of Mines, Ottawa.Reports of the Mines Branch, Department ofColonization, Mines and Fisheries, Quebec.Report of the Survey and Exploration of NorthernOntario, 1900. Toronto, 1901.:Selwyn Observations in the North-WestTerritory ; or a Journey across the Plains fromFort Garry to Rocky Mountain House, returning by the Saskatchewan River and LakeWinnipeg. (Rep. Geol. Sur. Can., 1873-74.)Suess : The Face of the Earth (Das Antlitz derErde). Oxford, 1904-9.Tyrrell, J. B. Report on a Part of Northern:Alberta and Portions of Adjacent Districtsof Assiniboia and Saskatchewan. (Ann. Rep.Geol. Sur. Can., vol. ii, part E.)Tyrrell, J. B. :Report on the Doobaunt, Kazanand Ferguson Rivers and the North-WestCoast of Hudson Bay and on Two OverlandRoutes from Hudson Bay to Lake Winnipeg.(Ann. Rep. Geol. Sur., vol. ix, part F.)Tyrrell, J. W. : Exploratory Survey betweenGreat Slave Lake and Hudson Bay, districts ofMackenzie and Keewatin. (Ann. Rep. Dept.of Interior, 1900-1901.)Wakeham :Report of the Expedition to HudsonBay and Cumberland Gulf in the Steamship Diana, 1897. (Dept. of Marine andFisheries. )Young and Brock : A Descriptive Sketch of theGeology and Economic Minerals of Canada.(Geol. Sur. Can.)GKNEEAL ECONOMIC HISTOBY, 1867-1912. ByO. D. Skelton. (pp. 95-274.)I. Government Publicatioiia :1. Federal Government.(a) Hansard.(6) Statutes.(c) Sessional Papers, especiallyDepartment of Agriculture Annual Re:ports, Agricultural Gazette, Bulletins.Department of Customs Annual :Reports.Department of the Interior : Annual Reports ; Immigration Pamphlets ; Forestry, Irrigation, Water Power Bulletins ; Railway Lands Reports.Department of Labour: Annual Reports;Labour Gazette ;Reports on Wholesale Prices ; Reports on Labour Organization ; Reports of Proceedingsunder Industrial Disputes Investigation Act ; Reports of Proceedingsunder Combines Investigation Act.Department of Mines Report of Geo:logical Survey Branch and of MinesBranch.Department of Trade and Commerce :Annual Report ; Canada Year Book ;Census and Statistics Monthly.Department of Railways and Canals :Annual Reports.Reports of Proceedings of Colonial andImperial Conferences, 1894, 1897, 1902,1907 and 1911.Reports on the Census, 1871, 1881, 1891,1901 and 1911.Commission of Conservation : AnnualReports Reports on ; Agriculture,Fisheries, Game, and Fur-bearingAnimals, Forests, Minerals, Watersand Water-powers.(d) Appendices to Journals of the House ofCommons, especially in the earlieryears1869, App. No. 1, Report of Select Committee on Banking and Currency.1872, App. No. 1, Report of Select Committee on Manufactures.1874, App. No. 2, Report of Select Committee on Agricultural Interests.1874, App. No. 3, Report of Select Committee on Manufacturing.1876, App. No. 2, Report of Select Committee on the Salt Interests of Canada.1876, App. No. 3, Report of Select Committee on the Causes of the PresentDepression.1879, App. No. 4, Report of Select Committee on Chinese Labour and Immigration.1883, App. No. 4, Report of SelectCommittee on Interprovincial Trade.1888, App. No. 4, Report of Select Committee on Combinations.1890, App. No. 2, Report of Select Committee on Alien Contract Labour.1907, App. No. 3, Report of SpecialCommittee on Industrial and Cooperative Societies.2. The Provincial Governments.Annual Reports of Departments of Agriculture : Crown Lands (N.S., N.B., Quebec,Ontario, and B.C.) ; Public Utilities Commission or Railway Board (Quebec,Ontario, Manitoba).Reports of Royal CommissionsOntario :Agricultural Commission, 1881.Saskatchewan :Elevator, Grain Marketsand Agricultural Credit Commission.

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