Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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260 BIBLIOGRAPHYAppendix, a reprint of tho British documents andthree volumes of maps. These publicationscontain an enormous mass of documents, andnecessarily form the main source whence information respecting the Alaska boundary differences must be drawn. In their preparation noeffort was spared, and no possible source ofinformation that appeared likely to furnishevidence was overlooked.The Fur Seal Arbitration papers contain manyof the documents ot state that have a bearing onthe dispute, but all that are germane are reprinted in the Alaska Boundary Papers.T. W. Balch.in his The Alaska-Canadian Frontierand his later work The Alaska Frontier, dealswith the map evidence in great detail, but theirvalue is minimized by his prejudice. GeorgeDavidson s The Alaska Boundary is a statementfrom the United States point of view, but containsrepetitions and numerous erroneous statementsand deductions. Hon. John W. Foster in theNational Geographic Magazine, No. 1899, andDr John B. Moore in the North American Review,Oct. 1 899, made able but moderate statements ofthe contentions of the United States.David Glass in the Anglo-American Magazine,Dec. 1899, and an anonymous writer in theEdinburgh Review, April 1900, have contributedarticles from the Canadian view-point. John S.Ewart s The Alaska Boundary is a stronglypartisan exposition of the Canadian view, whileD. A. M c Arthur in the University Magazine,Dec. 1907,goes to the otherextreme. F. C. Wade sSome Comments on the Alaskan Award, in theCanadian Magazine, is a severe criticism of theaward by one of the British counsel. Mr RichardJebb in the Empire Review, 1903, Sir T. H. Holdichin the Geographical Journal, Dec. 1903, ThomasHodgins in The Alaska Tribunal and InternationalLaw, Hon. John W. Foster in the NationalGeographic Magazine, January 1904, and others,have contributed articles on this much discussedquestion.Jose Mine Bagot s George Canning and HisFriends, Stapleton s George Canning, and Lano-Poole a The Life of Stratford Canning, containmuch private correspondence and historical datathat throw light upon many phases of the differences that were ended by the Treaty of 1825.(Vols. 9, 10)<strong>Section</strong> V--The Dominion: Industrial ExpansionTHE PHYSICAL BASIS or CANADA.By R. W. Brock,(pp. 9-91.)Adams and Barlow :Geology of the Haliburtonand Bancroft Areas, Province of Ontario.(Geol. Sur. Can., Memoir 6.)Annual Reports of the Department of theInterior, Ottawa.Back : Narrative of the Arctic Land Expeditionto the Mouth of the Great Fish River. London,183ft.Bailey: The Mineral Resources of New Brunswick.(Ann. Rep. Geol. Sur. Can., vol. x, part M.)Barlow :Report on the Geology and NaturalResources of the Areas included by theNipissing and Temiscaming Map-sheets. (Ann.Rep. Geol. Sur. Can., vol. x, part 1.)Bell : Observations on the Geology, Mineralogy,Zoology and Botany of the Labrador Coast,Hudson s Strait and Bay. (Rep. Geol. Sur.Can., 1882-83-84, part DD.)Bowman Forest :Physiography. New York, 1911.Chambers : The Unexploited West. (RailwayLands Branch, Dept. of Interior.)Daly : Geology of the North American Cordilleraat the Forty-ninth Parallel. (Appendix 6,Report of the Chief Astronomer, Canada,1910.)Dawson, G. M. :Report on the Geology andResources of the Region in the Vicinity of theForty-ninth Parallel, from the Lake of theWoods to the Rocky Mountains, with Listsof Plants and Animals collected and Notes onthe Fossils. (Brit. North Amer. Bound. Com.Montreal, 1875.)Dawson, G. M. :Preliminary Report on thePhysical and Geological Features of theSouthern Portion of the Interior of BritishColumbia, 1877. (Rep. Geol. Sur. Can.,1877-78, part B.)Dawson, G. M. :Report on an Exploration fromPort Simpson on the Pacific Coast to Edmonton on the Saskatchewan, embracing a Portionof the Northern Part of British Columbia andthe Peace River Country, 1879. (Rep. Geol.Sur. Can., 1879-80, part B.)Dawson, G. M. : The Physical Geography andGeology of Canada. Toronto, 1897.Dawson, J. W. : The Geology of Nova Scotia,New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island,or Acadian Geology. London, 1891.Denis and White : Water Powers of Canada.(Com. of Conservation, Canada.):Dowling Coal Fields and Coal Resources ofCanada. (The Coal Resources of the World,vol. ii. Toronto, 1913.)Dowling Report on the Geology of the West:Shore and Islands of Lake Winnipeg. (Ann.Rep. Geol. Sur. Can., vol. xi, part F.)Ells :Report on the Mineral Resources of theProvince of Quebec. (Ann. Rep. Geol. Sur.Can., vol. iv, part K.)Fletcher :Report on Geological Surveys andExplorations in the Counties of Pictou andColchester, Nova Scotia. (Ann. Rep. Geol.Sur. Can., vol. v, part P.)Franklin : Narrative of a Journey to the Shoresof the Polar Sea, in the Years 1819, 20, 21 and22. 2 vols. London, 18<strong>23</strong>.Franklin : Narrative of a Second Expedition tothe Shores of the Polar Sea in the Years 1825,1G26, and 1827. London, 1828.Gordon :Reports of the Hudson s Bay Expeditions, 1884, 1885, and 1886. (Dept. of Marineand Fisheries.)Logan : Geological Survey of Canada, Report ofP-ogress from its Commencement to 1863.Montreal, 1863.Low :Report on Explorations in the LabradorPeninsula along the East Main, Koksoak,Hamilton, Manicuagan and Portions of OtherRivers in 181)2-93-94-95. (Ann. Rep. Geol.Sur. Can., vol. viii, part L.)Low :Report on the Dominion GovernmentExpedition to Hudson Bay and the Arctic

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