Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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258 BIBLIOGRAPHYThe Leading Canadian Newspapers of the Period, Foster : Results of the Bering Sea Arbitration,more particularly the Globe, Toronto, and the (North Amer. Rev., vol. clxi, p. 693.)Montreal Gazette.Foster : The Bering Sea Arbitration. (Amer.The Budget Speeches of the Ministers of Finance, Law Reg., vol. xxxii, p. 901.)1868-1912.Foster : The Bering Sea Arbitration. (Amer.The Year Book of Canada, 1868-1912.Law. Rev., vol. xxvii, p. 684.)Financial Statement of the Hon. John Rose, Documents and Proceedings of the Fur - Seal7th Dec. 1867. Ottawa, n.d. (1867.)Arbitration convened at Paris, 1893 ; 63rdSpeech on the Budget by the Hon. John Rose, Cong., 2nd Sess. Sen. Ex. Doc. 177.Minister of Finance, Canada. April 28, 1868. Foreign Relations, 7 U.S. 1890, p. 382 fg.Statutes of Canada, 1869. (Cap. 1, Supply Bill Bancroft:;History of Alaska. San Francisco, 1886.cap. 2, N.S., Better Terms ; cap. 4, Organising Bancroft :History of the North-West Coast.Department of Finance.)2 vols. San Francisco, 1884.Correspondence and Negotiations connected withthe Affairs of Nova Scotia. Laid beforeParliament by Command of His BOUNDARY DISPUTES AND TREATIES.ExcellencyBy Jamesthe Governor-General. Ottawa, 1869.White, (pp. 751-958.)Complimentary Banquet to the Hon. John Rose, From Fundy to Juan de Fuca. Moore a1869.History and Digest of the International Arbitrationsto which the United States has been aThe Dominion Annual Register and Review.Party containsaEdited by Henry J. Morgan. Montreal,remarkably full and fair history of the negotiations, acts of state, etc.,1879-87.respecting the boundarycontroversies. Dr Moore, particularly, whenassistantIMMIGRATION AND POPULATION. By W. D. Scott,secretary of state of the United States,had excellent opportunity to consult the manu(pp. 517-690.)scripts, correspondence, and other papers filedThe authorities for this contribution are the in that department. Ganong, in his BoundariesRevised Hansard, the Files of the Immigration of New Brunswick in Transactions of the RoyalDepartment, and the Statutes of Canada.Society of Canada,, 1901, gives in much greaterdetail an account of the negotiations, acts ofINDIAN AFFAIRS, 1867-1912. By Duncan Campbell state, acts of jurisdiction, and cartographicalScott, (pp. 593-626.) See p. 251.history, and has brought together a mass of information not elsewhere available. While ostenTHE POST OFFICE, 1867-1912. By William Smith,sibly confined to the boundary only so far as ifc(pp. 629-48.) See p. 251.affected New Brunswick, it covers the line fromthe BayTHE FISHERY ARBRITATIONS. By N. B. Wormwith.of Fundy to the Connecticut River andadmirably supplements Moore s work. Winsor s(pp. 681-748.)Narrative and Critical History of America containsmuch excellent material, especially in theNorth Atlantic Coast Fisheries ArbitrationDocuments and Proceedings:being a bibliographical notes. During 1838-45 blueReprint books containingof the Written and all diplomatic correspondenceOral Arguments of both nnd reports respecting the boundary controversyGreat Britain and the United States.were published by the British government.Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the Many of these and other papers were published&quot;United States, vol. v.in British and Foreign State Papers and AmericanStateJournals of the Continental Congress, vol. xiii,Papers, Foreign Relations. The British andpp. 14 andAmerican statements of case and second state15.ments to the King of the Netherlands are <strong>com</strong>Fitzmaurice : Life of Shelburne, vol. lii. 3 vols.pleteLondon, 1875-76.ex parte expositions of their respectiveclaims and of the historical aspect of the case.Winsor : Narrative and Critical History of The work Remarks upon the disputed Points ofAmerica, vol. v. 8 vols. Boston, 1884-89. Boundary under the fifth article of the Treaty ofAmerican State Papers ; Foreign Relations Ghent, supposed to have been written by WardSeries, vol. iv.Chipman, Jr., is an able exposition of the BritishAdams : The Fisheries and the claim.Mississippi,relating to the Negotiations of Ghent. 1822. In addition to the foregoing, Rives CorreSabine :Report on the Principal Fisheries of the spondence of Thomas Barclay is invaluable inAmerican Seas. Washington, 1852.studying the operations of the St Croix andPomeroy The North Passamaquoddy Islands Commissions, and the- Eastern Fisheries. <strong>com</strong>missions :(American Law appointed under Article v of theReview, vol. v, p. 389.)Treaty ofDocuments and Ghent, Proceedings of the Halifaxparticularly the negotiationsrespecting the Ashburton Treaty. Curtis sCommission. 1877.Life of Webster, The Works of Daniel Webster,Elliott : The United States and the North The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster,Eastern Fisheries ;a History of the Fisheries should be consulted. Gallatin s Right of theQuestion. 1887.United States of America to the North-easternSnow :History of American Diplomacy.Boundary Claimed by Them, and his Memoir onthe North-easternMooreBoundary,:Digest of International Law, vol. are v,clear expositionsof the American claim, bvit are, of course, biased.p. 770, 1906.The best bibliography of the subject thus farThe Bering Sea Fur-Seal published is the chronological list of Maps,DisputesDocuments, Reports and other Papers in theMoore : International Arbitrations :History and New York PublicDigest, vol. i, p. 703. Washington, 1898.Library relating to the NortheasternMoore :Digest of International Law, Boundary Controversy (in Bulletin ofvol. i, the New York Public Library, iv, No. 6, Decemberp. 890. 1906. 1900).

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