Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE DOMINION: POLITICAL EVOLUTION 257Munro : Constitutions of Canada. Cambridge,1389.O Sullivan : A Manual of Government in Canada.Toronto, 1879.Poley The Federal Systems of the United States:and the British Empire. London, 1913.Quebec Legislative Assembly Manual. Quebec,1885.Rules, Orders and Forms of ProceedingsHouse of theof Commons of Canada. Ottawa, 1868.Smith : Canada andNew York, 1891.the Canadian Question.Stewart : Canada under the Administration ofthe Earl of Dufferin. Toronto, 1874.Taylor Are : Legislatures Parliaments ? AStudy and Review. Montreal, 1879.Teece : A Comparison betweon the FederalConstitutions of Canada and Australia.Sydney, 1902.Todd : The Practice and Privileges of the twoHouses of Parliament. Toronto, 1880.Todd :Parliamentary Government in the BritishColonies. Boston, 1880.Watson : The Constitutional History of Canada.Toronto, 1874.Wheeler : Confederation Law of Canada, etc.London, 1896.DEFENCE, 1812-1912. By C. F. Hamilton, (pp.379-468.)Copy of a Report to the Duke of Wellington,relative to His Majesty s North AmericanProvinces, etc. Halifax, 1825.A Few Words on Canada by a Canadian.Ottawa, 1871.Borthwick :History of the Montreal Prison,containing a Complete Record of the Troublesof 1837-1838, burning of Parliament Buildings,in 1849, the St Alban s Raiders, 1864, the TwoFenian Raids of 1866 and 1870. Montreal, 1886.Chambers : The Origin and Services of thePrince of Wales Regiment, including a briefHistory of the Militia of French Canada andof the Canadian Militia. Montreal, 1897.Egville, d :Imperial Defence and Closer Union.London, 1913.The Fenian Raid at Fort Erie, June the Firstand Second, 1866. Toronto, 1866.Correspondence relating to the Fenian Invasion.Ottawa, 1869.Documents relatifs aux incursions des rebellegsudistea sur la frontiore des Etats-Unis et a1 invasion du Canada par les f6uiens. Ottawa,1869.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>ITrials of the Fenian Prisoners at Toronto, whowere captured at Fort Erie, C.W., in June1866. Toronto, 1867.Huyshe : Red River Expedition. London,1871.M c Micken : Fenian Raid on Manitoba. (Man.Hist, and Sc. Soc., 1888.)MArthur : Causes of the Rising in Red RiverSettlement. (Man. Hist. Soc., 1882.)Macdonald : Troublous Times in Canada ; aHistory of Fenian Raids in 1866 and 1870.Toronto, 1910.Murray : The Military Weakness of Canada.(In Military Outposts, pp. 167-78.)Epitome des documents parlementaires relatifs ala rebellion du Nord-Ouest, 1885.Report upon the Suppression of the Rebellionin the North-West (1885).O Neill: Official Report of Gen. John O Neill,President of the Fenian Brotherhood ; on theAttempt to invade Canada, May 25th, 1870;also a ReportNew of York, 1470.the Battle of Ridgeway.Regne militaire en Canada. Manuscrits recueilliset annot4s par le <strong>com</strong>mandeur J. Vigor.(Soc. Hist, de Montreal, 1870.)Robinson : Canada and Canadian Defence ;Defensive Policy in Relation to the Characterof her Frontier, the Events of the War of1812-14, and her Position To-day. Toronto,1910.Russell :Canada, its Defence, Condition andResources. Boston, 1865.Somerville : Narrative of the Fenian Invasionof Canada. Hamilton, 1866.Organization, Equipment, Despatch and Serviceof the Canadian Contingents during the Warin South Africa, 1899-1900. (Supplement toReport of Department of Militia and Defence,1901.)Labat : Le livre d or of the Canadian Contingentsin South Africa. Montreal, 1901.Smith : Pr6cis of the Wars in Canada, from1755 to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. London,1826.Casgrain et Tetu. Tetu et les Raiders de StSuite : Histoire de la milice canadienne francaiseAlban. Quebec, 1891.(1760-1897). Montreal, 1897.Boulton : Reminiscences of the North-West Suite : L expedition militaire du Manitoba, 1870.Rebellions. Toronto, 1886.Montreal, 1871.Bryce Manitoba, : its Infancy, Growth, and Verreau : Invasion du Canada. Collection dePresent Condition. London, 1882.memoires recueillis et annotes. Montreal, 1873.:Campbell The Fenian Invasions of Canada in1866 and 1870.DOMINION FINANCE, 1867-1912. By J. M.Clarke :CourtneyImperial Defence. London, 1897.and Adam Shortt. (pp. 471-606.)Daoust : Cent vingt jours de service actif.R6cit historique tres British North America<strong>com</strong>plet de laAct.campagnedu 65 e au Nord-Ouest.Acts of the First Session of theMontreal, 1886.Parliament ofDenisonCanada,:History of the Fenian Raid on caps. 4, 5, 10, 12, 13.FortErie, with an Account of the Battle of Journals of the House of Commons and Senate,Ridgeway.Toronto, 1866.1868-1912.Denison :Soldiering in Canada. Statutes of Canada :Toronto, 1900.1868, caps. 31, 32, 33, 35,41, 48, 49 ; 1870, caps. 3, 7 ; 1871, caps. 2, 3 ;1872, cap. 6; 1873, cap. 30; 1874, cap. 2;1875, cap. 4; 1876, caps. 2, 3; 1878; 1879,caps. 2, 7 ; 1881, cap. 3; 1882, caps. 14, 15,55; 1883, cap. 25; 1884, caps. 3, 4, 5; 1885,caps. 43, 47, 50, 58 ; 1886, caps. 8, 11, 14 ;1887; 1888, caps. 2, 3, 7 ; 1890 and 91; 1897,caps. 3, 6 ; 1900, cap. 11 ; 1902, cap. 18.Sessional Papers relating to Financial Matters,1868-1912.The Canada Gazette, 1868-1912.

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