Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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256 BIBLIOGRAPHYBlake : Letter to Electors of West Durham(pamphlet). 1890.Bourassa : Grande Bretagne et Canada. Montreal, 1903.Bourassa : Great Britain and Canada. 1901.Bourassa : The French Canadian in the BritishEmpire. London, 1902.Bourassa : Les Canadiens-Francais et 1empireBritannique. Quebec, 1903.Collins : Life and Times of the Right HonourableSir John A. Macdonald. Toronto, 1883.Correspondance 6chang6e entre l 6veque eatholiqueromain de Toronto et le surintendant en chefdes 6coles au sujet des ecoles separ6es dans leHaut-Canada. Qu6bec, 1852.David : Histoire du Canada depuis la Conf6deratlon,1867-1887. Montreal, 1909.DeCelles : Life of Cartier. Toronto, 1910.Evans : Canada and the Contingents. Toronto,1901.Gunn and Tuttle :History of Manitoba. Ottawa,1880.Hansards during period covered.:Hopkins Canadian Annual Review, 1902 to 1910.Immigration Review.Official Reports of Imperial Conferences.Laurier : Lecture on Political Liberalism.Quebec, 1877.Laurier: Discours. Montreal, 1910.Laurier devant I histoire. Les erreurs de sondiscours et les v6ritables principes du particonservateur. Quebec, 1877. (Written byL. G. Desjardins.)Wilfrid Laurier a la tribune 1871-1890. Ed. byBarthe. Qu6bec, 1890. (Collection of Laurier simportant speeches.)Liberal Regime, 1897-1908. Quebec, 1908.Leggo : The History of the Administration of theRight Hon. Frederick Temple, Earl of DuSerin,late Governor-General of Canada. Montreal,1878.Lewis : Life of George Brown. Toronto, 1910.Report of Liberal Convention of 1893.Longley : Life of Joseph Howe. Toronto, 1910.Mackenzie :Speeches during his Recent Visit toScotland with his Principal Speeches in Canadasince the Session of 1875. Toronto, 1876.Mackenzie : Life of George Brown. Toronto,1882.Nation files about 1875 and following years.Parliamentary Reports.:Pope Memoirs of Sir John A. Maodonald.2 vols. London, 1894.Official report of Parliamentary Committee onRed River Troubles (about 1874).Various pamphlets and newspaper files dealingwith Reciprocity issue.Ross and :Buckingham Life of AlexanderMackenzie. Toronto, 1892.Smith s Report on Red River Troubles.Stewart : Canada under the Administration ofthe Earl of Dufferin. Toronto, 1878.Tass6 : The French Question. Montreal, 1888.Lafrance : Nos divisions politiques. Qu6bec,1873.Willison : Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the LiberalParty. 2 vols. Toronto, 1903.Tach6 : M6moire sur la question des 6coles.Montreal, 1894.Willson : Life of Lord Strathcona. London,1915.THE FEDERAL CONSTITUTION. By A. H. F. Lefroy.(pp. 209-67.)THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. By Sir Joseph Pope,(pp. 271-376.)Ashley : Nine Lectures on the Earlier Constitutional History of Canada. Toronto, 1889.Egerton and Grant : Canadian ConstitutionalDevelopment. London, 1907.Bourinot : Constitutional History of Canada.Montreal, 1888.Bourinot :Parliamentary Procedure and Practice in the Dominion of Canada. Ed. Flint.Toronto, 1903.Cartwright : Cases decided on the British NorthAmerica Act, 1867, in the Privy Council, theSupreme Court of Canada and the ProvincialCourts. Toronto, 1882-83.Chapleau Report on the Constitution of the:Dominion of Canada prepared for presentationto the Imperial Parliament. Ottawa, 1891.Clement : The Law of the Canadian Constitution.Toronto, 1892.Parliamentary Debates on Confederation, 3rdSession, 8th Provincial Parliament of Canada.Quebec, 1865.Correspondence, Reports of the Minister ofJustice and Orders in Council upon the Subjectof Dominion and Provincial Legislation,1867-1895. Compiled by Hodgins. Ottawa,1896.Correspondence, Reports of the Ministers ofJustice, and Orders in Council upon theSubject of Provincial Legislation. Compiledby Hodgins. 2 vols. (1885-87, 1896-1906.)Ottawa, 1888, 1907.Doutre : Constitution of Canada. Montreal,1880.Egerton: Federations and Unions within theBritish Empire. Oxford, 1911.G6rin-Lajoie: Cat6chisme politique ; ou, elementsdu droit public et constitutionnel du Canada.Montreal, 1851.Gooch : Manual of the Act for the Union ofCanada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick,with Text of the Act, and Index to the Actand the Treatises. Ottawa, 1867.Hassard : Canadian Constitutional History andLaw. Toronto, 1900.Houston : Documents illustrative of the CanadaConstitution. Toronto, 1891.Lefroy : Canada s Federal System. Toronto,1913.Lefroy : The Law of Legislative Power in Canada.Toronto, 1897-98.Loranger Lettres sur : I interpr6tation de laconstitution f6d6rale. Qu6bec, 1883, andMontreal, 1884.Loranger : Letters upon the Interpretation ofthe Federal Constitution. Quebec, 1884.Merens : Etude sur les colonies autonomes de1 Australie et du Canada. 1907.Mignault : Manuel de droit parlementaire oucours 6I6mentaire de droit constitutionnel,pr6ced6 d une esquisse historique du regimeparlementaire en Angleterre et au Canada.Montreal, 1889.Montigny : Cat6chisme politique. Montreal,1878.

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