Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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THE DOMINION: POLITICAL EVOLUTION 255Johnston :Report on the Agricultural Capabilities of the Province of New Brunswick.Fredericton, 1850.Outrara : Nova Scotia, its Condition and Resources. In a Series of Six Letters. Glasgow,Edinburgh, and London, 1850.Letter from F. Hincks, Inspector General ofCanada, to the Hon. R. M. M c Lane, ChairmanCommittee of Commerce, House of Representatives. Dated National Hotel, Washington,Jan. 6, 1851. (The above has no title, but isdeclared to be Printed for Convenience ofreading and not for Circulation. ):Cayley Finances and Trade of Canada at theBeginning of the Year 1855. London, 1855.Haw : Fifteen Years in Canada ; being a Seriesof Letters on its Early History and Settlement ;its Boundaries, Divisions, Population andGeneral Routes its ; Agricultural Progress andWealth <strong>com</strong>pared with the United States.London, 1850.Sleigh Pine Forests and Hacmatack : Clearings ;or Travel, Life, and Adventure in the BritishNorth American Provinces. London, 1853.Langevin : Le Canada, sea Institutions, Ressources,Produits, Manufactures, etc. Qu6bec,1855.Smith : Canada ; Past, Present and Future.Being a Historical, Geographical, Geologicaland Statistical Account of Canada West.2vols. Toronto, n.d. 1851.)Grey, Earl : The Colonial Policy of Lord JohnRussell s Administration. 2 vols. London, 1853.Condition and Prospects of Canada in 1854. Aspourtrayed in the Despatches of the RightHonourable the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine.Quebec, 1855.Letters and Journals of James, Eighth Earl ofElgin. Edited by Theodore Walrond, C.B.London, 1872.Day : English America ;or Pictures of CanadianPlaces and People. 2 vols. London, 1864.Buchanan : The Relations of the Industry ofCanada with the Mother Country and theUnited States. Edited by Henry J. Morgan.Montreal, 1864.The Canadian Merchants Magazine and Commercial Review. 2 vols. Toronto, 1857-58.:Young Rival Routes to the Ocean from theWest, and Docks at Montreal. Montreal, 1858.A Lecture delivered by the Hon. Wm. HamiltonMerritt before the Mechanics Institute of StCatharines on the 21st day of Jan. 1857. StCatharines, 1857.Letter of a Canadian Merchant on the Prospects ofBritish Shipping in Connection with the GrandTrunk Railway of Canada. London, 1858.Canadian Manufacturers, To the People ofCanada. (1858.)Report of Select Committee appointed to enquireinto the Causes which have directed the Tradeof the West through the United States, byWay of the Hudson and Port of New York,and the Mode of regaining it. With Appendix.Quebec, 1861.Ellis : New Brunswick as a Home for Emigrants.St John, 1860.Report of the Minister of Finance on the Reciprocity Treaty with the United States, also theMemorial of the Chamber of Commerce ofSt Paul, Minnesota, and Report of Congress,U.S., thereon. Printed by Government.Quebec, 1862.Keefer : A Sketch of the Rise and Progress ofthe Reciprocity Treaty, with an Explanationof the Services rendered in connection therewith. Toronto, 1863.Harvey : The Reciprocal Treaty. Its Advantages to the United States and Canada. Quebec,18C5.Parliamentary Debates on the Subject of theContederation of the British North AmericanProvinces. Quebec, 1865.The Reciprocity Treaty, its History, GeneralFeatures, and Commercial Results. A Speechby Hon. Joseph Howe at the InternationalCommercial Convention at Detroit. Hamilton,1865.Letters from Canada, with Numerous Illustrations.Published by Authority. London, 1863.Speech of the Honourable A. T. Gait, Ministerof Finance of Canada, in introducing theBudget. Ottawa, 1866.Derby Report upon the :Treaty of Reciprocityto regulate the Fisheries and the Trade betweenthe United States and the British Provincesof North America. Washington, D.C., 1866.Report of the Commissioners from British NorthAmerica appointed to enquire into the Tradeof the West Indies, Mexico and Brazil.Ottawa, 1866.Peto : The Resources and Prospects of America.London, 1866. (Chap, iv, Trade with theBritish Provinces.)CURRENCY AND BANKING, 1840-67. By AdamShortt. (pp. 261-91.) See p. 249.WESTERN EXPLORATION, 1840-67. By LawrenceJ.Burpee, (pp. 295-328.) Seep. 250.INDIAN AFFAIRS, 1840-67. By Duncan CampbellScott, (pp. 331-62.) See p. 251.THE POST OFFICK, 1840-67. By William Smith,(pp. 365-404.) See p. 251.(Vols. 6, 7, 8)<strong>Section</strong> IV The Dominion : Political EvolutionTHE NEW DOMINION, 1867-73 (pp. 15-60).THE MACKENZIE ADMINISTRATION, 1873-78 (pp.63-83).CANADA UNDER MACDONALD, 1878-91 (pp.87-115).FOUR PREMIERS, 1891-96 (pp. 119-28).THE LAURIER REGIME, 1896-1911By John Lewis.(pp. 131-205).Speech from the Throne. Canada, 1867.Annual Register, Canada, 1878 to 1886.Asselin : A Quebec View of Canadian Nationalism.1910.Borden : Halifax Platform. (Political campaign programme.)Blake :Speeches on Pacific Scandal (pamphlet).

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