Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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UNITED CANADA, 1840-1867 253Etude BUT 1 Union projetee des provinces britanniquesde l Am6rique du Nord. Qu6bec, 1858.(By Jos. Cauchon. )The proposed Constitution as adopted by theQuebec Conference in October 1864. Montreal,1864.Correspondence relative to a Meeting at Quebecof Delegates appointed to discuss the proposedUnion of the British North American Provinces.London, 1865.Parliamentary Debates on the Subject of Confederation of the British North AmericanProvinces.Parliamentary Debates on the British NorthAmerican Provinces. Quebec, 1865.Discours sur la Confederation prononces parMM. C. S. Cherrier, Charles Laberge et G. E.Clerk. Montreal, 1865.Couronnement de dix annees de mauvaiseadministration. Montreal, 1867.Reponses aux censeurs de la Conf6d6ration. StHyacinthe, 1867.Correspondence respecting the Proposed Unionof the British North American Provinces.London, 1867.Nouvelle Constitution du Canada. Ottawa, 1867.Contre-Poison. La Confederation, c est le salutdu Bas-Canada. Montreal, 1867.David : L Union des deux Canadas, 1841-1867.Montreal, 1898.Dent : Last Forty Years. 2 vols. Toronto,1881.Elgin-Grey Correspondence.Memorandum of His Excellency the GovernorGeneral (about 1847). (Relates to Elgin sconfidential notes.)Condition and Prospects of Canada in 1854, asportrayed by the Earl of Elgin. Quebec,1855.:Elgin Letters and Journals of James, EighthEarl of Elgin. Ed. by Walrond. London,1872.Etat et avenir du Canada en 1854, tel queretrace dans les d6peches du tres honorable<strong>com</strong>te d Elgin. Quebec, 1855.:Egerton Federations and Unions within theBritish Empire. Oxford, 1911.Egerton and Grant : Canadian ConstitutionalDevelopment. London, 1907.French Domination. Hamilton, 1849.Gait : Canada, 1849 to 1859. Quebec, 1860.G6rin-Lajoie : Dix ana au Canada, de 1840 a1850. Quebec, 1888.Gray Confederation : ;the Political and Parliamentary History of Canada from 1846-71.Toronto, 1872.Grey, Earl Colonial :Policy of Lord J. Russell sAdministration. 2 vols. London, 1853.Grey, Earl : Colonial Trade Policy and theM c Kinley Tariff.Hamilton : Observations upon a Union of theColonies of British North America. Halifax,1855.Hansard of the Imperial Parliament, especiallythe Debates on the Act of Union and theChange in the Constitution of the LegislativeCouncil.Hinoks : The Political History of Canada between 1840 and 1855. Montreal, 1877.Hinoka : Reminiscences of his Public Life.Montreal, 1884.Houston : Constitutional Documents of Canada.Toronto, 1891.Howe : Confederation considered in Relation tothe Interests of the Empire. London, 1866.Jenkyns : British Rule and Jurisdiction beyondthe Seas. Oxford, 1912.Kaye The Life and Correspondence of :Charles,Lord Metcalfe. London, 1858.Keith :Responsible Government in the Dorainions.3 vols. Oxford, 1912.Le Sueur : Memorials of the Quebec Conference.Quebec, 1863.Letter on the Ministerial Aims by the old MontrealCorrespondent of the Colonial Gazette ofLondon. Kingston, 1843.Letters from Charles Grey to his Father, Jan. 18,1838, Dec. 31, 1838.Letters of Queen Victoria, 1837 to 1861.Letters on Responsible Government, by Legion.Toronto, 1844.The Hon. R. B. Sullivan s Attacks upon SirCharles Metcalfe refuted by Egerton Ryersonbeing a Reply to the Letters of Legion.Toronto, 1844.Lewis : On the Government of Dependencies.(By C. P. Lucas.) London, 1891.Lindsey : The Clergy Reserves, their History andPresent Situation. Toronto, 1851.Macfie :Papers and Letters on Colonial Questions.M c Gee :Speeches and Addresses chiefly on theSubject of British American Union. London,1865.Mackay The Crisis in Canada, or Vindication of:Lord Elgin and his Cabinet as to the Coursepursued by them in Reference to the RebellionLosses Bill. London, 1849.Mackenzie : The Life and Speeches ofBrown. Toronto, 1882.GeorgeManifesto adress6 au peuple du Canada par leComit6 Constitutionnel de la reforme et duprogres. Quebec, 1847.Mirror of Parliament, 1841, 1846, I860.Merivale : Lectures on Colonization and Colonies.2 vols. London, 1841-42.Addresses presented to Sir Charles T. Metcalfeon the Occasion of the Resignation of his LateAdvisers with His Excellency s Replies.Sir Charles Metcalfe defended against thaAttacks of his Late Counsellors by EgertonRyerson. Toronto, 1844.The Crisis. Metcalfe and the Lafontaine-BaldwinCabinet defended. Letter by Zeno. Quebec,1844. (Zeno was the nom de plume of DunbarRoss, a Quebec lawyer.)Munro : The Constitution of Canada. Cambridge(Eng.), 1889.On Enquiring as to the Causes and Consequencesof the Late Ministerial Resignation. Montrealand Quebec, 1844.Pope Confederation : : being a Series of hithertoUnpublished Documents bearing on the BritishNorth America Act. Toronto, 1895.:Pope Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald. 2vols. London, 1894.:Rawlings The Confederation of the BritishNorth American Provinces. London, 1865.Representation de la Minorite parlementaire duBas-Canada, a Lord Carnarvon, secretaire descolonies, au sujet de la Confederation projeteedes provinces de 1Amerique Britannique duNord. Montreal, 1866.

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