Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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252 BIBLIOGRAPHYTranscripts from General Post Office, London, Q Series (Can. Arch.), vol. 183.M Series (Can. Arch.), 1812-46.Journals of House of Assembly (N.B.), 1835 tC Series (Can. Aroh.), vol. 286.1852.House of Commons Papers (U.K.), 1846.Reports Postmaster-General (X.B.), 1852 toJournals of Assembly, Nova Scotia, 1849.1866.Period between assumption of control by British Columbia :Canadian Government and Confederation :Imperial Blue Books of Affairs relating toReports of Postmaster-General: (Can.) 1852- Canada, No. 39.67; (U.K.) 1859, 1863; (U.S.) 1859, 1863, Statutes of British Columbia.1864.ReportHouse of Commons of Postmaster-General: (U.K.) 1859;Papers (U.K.), 1852-53,(U.S.) 1863.1856, 1859, 1860.Statistical Account of British Columbia. BySess. Papers (Prov. of Canada), 1859, 1860,A. Harvey.1864.British Columbia and Vancouver Island. ByReport of Select Committee of House ofR. C. Mayne. London, 1862.Commons (U.K.) on Packet Service, 1860.History of British Columbia. By AlexanderNova Scotia prior to Confederation :Begg. Toronto, 1894.British Records Office. C.O. 5, Bundles 134, Manitoba and North-West Provinces :136 ; Admiralty Secy., Bundle 4072.ImperialHaldimand Papers, B Blue Books of Affairs relating to62 (Can. Arch.).Canada, No. 42.British Post Office Transcripts, M Series (Can. Red River. By Joseph James Hargrave,Arch.), vols. 667 to 678.F.R.G.S. Montreal, 1871.Q series (Can. Arch.), vols. 155, 166.Report of Postmaster-General, Canada, 1858.Nova Scotia Calendars, 1803, 1816, 1818.Prince Edward Island :Journals of House of Assembly (Xova Scotia). Journals of Assembly, 1827, 1835 to 18721817 to 1858.inclusive.Report of Postmaster-General (Xova Scotia),Transcripts from General Post Office, London,1852 to 1865.M Series (Can. Arch.),House of Commons Papers (U.K.), 1852-53.vols. 673, 674, 677.ReportNew of Post Office Commission, 1841 (Can.Brunswick Sess. :Papers, 1846).Transcripts from General Post Office (London), Journals ofM Series (Can. Arch.), vols. 666 Assembly, Province of Canada,to 678. 1843.(Vol. 5)<strong>Section</strong> III United Canada, 1840-1867PARTIES AND POLITICS. By J. L. Morison. (pp.13-101.)CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT. By EdwardKyue. (pp. 105-82.)HISTORY or PUBLIC FINANCE. By DuncanM&amp;lt;=Arthur,(pp. 165-82.)The Despatches exchanged between the Secretaryof State and the Governor-General.Adderley : Review of The Colonial Policy ofLord J. Russell s Administration, by LordGrey, 1853. London, 1869.Adderley : Letter to Mr. Disraeli. Pamphlet onColonies. 1862.Ashley : Nine Lectures on the Earlier Constitutional History of Canada. Toronto, 1889.Bagot Papers.Baldwin Correspondence.Letters of Frederic Rogers, Lord Blachford. Ed.by Marindin. London, 1896.Bolton and Webber : The Confederation ofBritish North America. London, 1866.Buller : Sketch of Lord Durham s Mission toCanada. London, 1840.Cartwright Some Memories of Confederation.:(Addresses delivered before The CanadianClub of Ottawa, 1903-1909.)Cauchon : The Union of the Provinces of BritishNorth America. Quebec, 1865.Cauchon : L union des provinces de 1 Ameriquebritannique du Nord. Quebec, 1865.Chisholm : Letters and Speeches of Joseph Howe.2 vols. Halifax, 1909.Correspondence relative to the Affairs of LowerCanada, 1841. London, 1841. (Union of thetwo Canadas. Their financial situation.Emigration. Official correspondence betweenLord Russell, Sir George Arthur and LordSydenham. )Correspondence relative to the Affairs of Canada,1846. London, 1847. (Granting of a civillist to Her Majesty.)Correspondance entre Hon. W. R. 1 Draper et1 Hon. R. E. Caron et entre 1 Hon. R. E.Caron et les;Honbles. L. H. Lafontaine etA. N. Morin. Montreal, 1846.Correspondence relative to the Affairs of Canada,1848. London. (Relating to the admissionof French as official language.)Copy of Correspondence between the Government of the British North American Provincesand the Secretary of State, relative to theIntroduction of Responsible Government intothose Colonies. London, 1848.

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