Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEXAtalante. Vauquelin s gallant handling of, atQuebec, 1 309-10.Athabasca. (1) C.P.R. steamer, 10 556.(2) Steamer on the Mackenzie River, 19 170.Athabaska, District of. Its boundaries andarea (1882), 20 386; treaties with Indiansand half-breeds of, 11 184.Athabaska River. Fort constructed by PeterPond on (1778), 4 651 ; ascended by DavidThompson (1810-11), 667 ;its navigablestretches and steamer services, 10 568.Athapascan Indians. Inform Alexander Henryof existence of Peace and Slave Rivers, 4649.Athenia. Donaldson Line steamship, 10 614.Athenian. (1) Canadian Navigation Company s steamboat, 10 539. (2) C.P.R. steamship, 10 617.Atkinson, E. W. Painter of pastorals, 12 617.Atlantic. Michigan Central Railway steamboat, 10 545.Atlantic and St Lawrence Railway. See StLawrence and Atlantic Railway.Atlas. Ottawa River steamboat, 10 554.Atnah Indians, and Simon Eraser s descentof the Fraser River, 4 659-60.Atwater, Albert William (6. 1856). JoinsFlynn s administration in Quebec (1896), 15208.Aubert de Gasp6, Philippe (1786-1871), French-Canadian novelist. Arrested for threateninga member of assembly, 4 475 ;his LeaAnciena Ccmadiens, 12 472-3.Aubert de la Chesnaye, Charles (1630-1702).Persuades Radisson and Groseilliers to reenterFrench service, 1 173.Aubert, Neret, and Gayot. Farmers of therevenue, 2 492 ; merged in Company of theWest, 492.Aubert, Pierre. Joins Red River mission, 11133, 134, 20 421.Aubrey, Nicolas, pioneer priest of New France.Ac<strong>com</strong>panied de Monts to Acadia, 2 381.Auchinleck, Gilbert. His History of the War(of 1812), 12 502.Auckland, William, first Baron (1744-1814).Negotiates unratified boundary conventionwith United States, 8 771, 783, 840.Augsburg, League Of. Coalition of England,Holland, and Germany against France.Ends with Treaty of Ryswick, 15 49.Augusta, Township of. Settled by part ofJessup s corps, 17 25.Augustinian Nuns. Arrive at2411.Quebec (1639),Auld, William, Hudson s Bay Company superintendent at York Factory. His hostility toMiles Macdonell, 19 21, 24, 26, 31 ; describesHighlanders as civilized Caff res, 25.Aulneau de la Touche, Jeanne Pierre (1705-36),Jesuit. Missionary at Fort St Charles, 11117 ; murdered by the Sioux, 117-18.Ausonia. Cunard liner, 10 600.Austin, Horatio Thomas, navigator. On Franklin search expedition (1850), 5 301 ; exploresPrince of Wales Land, 303.Austin, James T. Boundary Commission agent,8772.Austin, Nicholas. Loyalist patentee of Boltontownship, 15 150.Austin, R. H. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Australia. Contributes to imperial naval defence, 6 188 ; as a destination for Britishimmigrants, 9 194 ; negotiates for reciprocalpreference with Canada, 213 its ; shippingpreference reserved by imperial government,<strong>23</strong>3.Austrian Succession, War of the, 1 219, 15 50.Austro-Hungarians. Canadian immigration of,7 558-60 ; their lack of capital, 559 ; theirdefects as settlers, 560 ; homesteaders inPrairie Provinces, 20 316.Auteuil, Denis Joseph Ruette d , procureurgeneralof Canada. His memoirs on HudsonBay boundaries, 8 890.Avaugour, Pierre Dubois, Baron d , governorof New France (1661-63). His extortionatedemands on Radisson, 1 77, 79 ; favoursacquisition of a winter port, 2 348, 460-1 ;his report on the colony, 460-1 ; recalled, 336.Avenant, L , French man-of-war. Takes firstsupply of masts to France (1700), 14 599.Aveu et denombrement, 2 543.Avray, J. Marshall d .Principal of Frederictonnormal school, 14 551 ; superintendent ofEducation for New Brunswick, 552.Aylesworth, Sir Allen Bristol (6. 1854). Memberof Alaska Boundary Commission, 6 146, 8955, 956 ;dissents and refuses to sign award,6 146, 8 950 ;his criticism of award, 6 147-8,8 940 ; on disallowance of provincial legislation, 6 220 ; his act to purify elections, 163 ;on fisheries regulations, 176.Aylesworth, J. B. Member of Ontario Agricultural Commission (1880), 18 572.Aylmer, Matthew Whitworth, Baron (1775-1850), governor-in-chief of Canada (1831-35).His administration, 3 310-11 ; appointsnationalists to council, 314-15 ; and assembly s expulsion of Dominique Mondelet,4 478 ; condemned in the Ninety-two Resolutions, 3 318 ; present at launch of RoyalWilliam (1831), 10 592.Aylmer, Lady. Christens the Royal William,10 592.Aylmer Lake. Explored by Captain Back, 4686.Aylwin, Thomas. Signs Quebec grand jury spetition (1764), 15 128, 135.Babcock, John Pease. Deputy <strong>com</strong>missioner ofFisheries, British Columbia, 22 454 ; reportson a hatchery system, 455 ; member offisheries <strong>com</strong>missions, 456, 459 ;his investigations, 466.Baby, Francis (1733-1820). Member of firstexecutive council of Lower Canada, 3 141.Baby, Jacques (1762-1833). Member of firstexecutive council of Upper Canada, 3 173.Baby, Louis Francois Georges (1834-1906).Minister of Inland Revenue (1878-80), 6 83 ;reports on Baie des Chaleurs RailwajScandal, 15 203.Bachelor s Delight. Seized by Radisaon atFort Nelson, 1 173-4.

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