Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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BRITISH DOMINION, 1760-1840 251Jefferys : Voyages from Asia to America, for<strong>com</strong>pleting the Discoveries of the North-westCoast of America. London, 1764.Journal du voyage de M. St Luc de la Come.Dans le navire 1Auguste, en 1 an 1761. Montreal, 1778.Kane :Wanderings of an Artist among theIndians of North America. London, 1859.Keating Narrative of an Expedition to the:Source of St Peter s River, Lake Winnipeg,Lake of the Woods, etc., performed in theYear 18<strong>23</strong>. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1824.Keating Narrative of an Expedition to the:Source of St Peter s River, Lake Winnipeg,etc. 2 vols. Montreal, 1825.King Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of:the Arctic Ocean in 1833, 34, and 35, underthe Command of Captain Back, R.N. London,1836.Long Voyages and Travels of an Indian Inter:preter and Trader. London, 1791.Lusas : Historical Geography of the BritishColonies. (Vol. v, Canada.) Oxford, 1901.M c Donald : Peace River. Canoe Voyage fromHudson s Bay to the Pacific by the late SirGeorge Simpson, in 1828. Ottawa, 1872.Mackenzie :Voyage from Montreal, on the RiverSt Lawrence, through the Continent of NorthAmerica, to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans,in the year 1789 and 1793. London, 1801.Masson : Le Bourgeois de la Compagnie duNord-Ouest. 2 vols. Quebec, 1889-90.Milton and Cheadle : North-West Passage byLand. London, 1865.Murray : Historical Account of Discoveries andTravels in North America. 2 vols. London,1829.Narrative of Occurrences in Indian Countries ofNorth America. London, 1817.New Light on the History of the Greater North-West ;the Manuscript Journals of AlexanderHenry and of David Thompson, 1799-1814.Ed. by Coues. 3 vols. New York, 1897.Origin and Progress of the North-West Company.London, 1811.Palliser : Journals, detailed Reports, etc.London, 1863.Exploratory Travels through the WesternTerritories of North America. London, 1811.Rae : Narrative of an Expedition to the Shoresof the Arctic Sea, 1846 and 1847. London,1850.Richardson : Arctic Searching Expedition, 1848.2 vols. London, 1851.Ross : Fur Traders of the Far West. 2 vols.London, 1855.Simpson, Alex. : Life and Travels of ThomasSimpson. London, 1845.Simpson, Sir Geo. Narrative of a :Journey roundthe World, in 1841-42. 2 vols. London,1847.Simpson, Thomas. Narrative of the Discoverieson the North Coast of America, 1836-9.London, 1843.Smet, de :Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses.Malines, 1844.Tyler Historical View of the Progress of Dis:covery of the More Northern Coasts of America.Edinburgh, 1833.Tyrrell, J. B. : Brief Narrative of the Journeysof David Thompson. Toronto, 1888.Tyrrell, J. W. : Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada.London, n.d.Whitney On Snow-shoes to the Barren Grounds.New :York, 1896.INDIAN AFFAIRS, 1763-1841 (pp. 695-725); 1840-67(<strong>Section</strong> m, United Canada, pp. 331-62);1807-1912 (<strong>Section</strong> iv, The Dominion, pp.593-626). By Duncan Campbell Scott.Annual Reports of Department for IndianAffairs.Copies or Extracts of Correspondence since the1st of April 1835, between the Secretary ofState for the Colonies and the Governors ofthe British American Provinces respecting theIndians in those Provinces. London, 1839.Indian Treaties and Surrenders, from 1680 to1890. Ottawa, 1891.Descriptions and Plans of Certain IndianReserves in the Province of Manitoba and theNorth-West Territories. (Dept. of IndianAffairs, 1880.)Handbook of Indians of Canada. Ottawa, 1913.Harmon : Journal of Voyages and Travels inthe Interior of North America. Andover,1820.Kane :Wanderings of an Artist among theIndians of North America. London, 1859.Laird : Our Indian Treaties. Winnipeg, 1905.Maclean : Canadian Savage Folk : the NativeTribes of Canada. Toronto, 1896.Mair :Through the Mackenzie Basin : a Narrative of the Athabasca and Peace River TreatyExpedition of 1899. Toronto, 1908.Morris : The Treaties of Canada with the Indianaof Manitoba and the North-West Territories.Toronto, 1880.THE POST OFFICE, 1763-1841 (pp. 729-57); 1840-67(<strong>Section</strong> in, United Canada, pp. 365-404) ;1867-1912 (<strong>Section</strong> iv, The Dominion, pp.629-48). By William Smith.Antecedents of Canadian Post Office :Smith, Wm. The Colonial Post Office (Amer.Hist. Rev., January 1916), with the authorities quoted therein.Correspondance Generate (Can. Arch.), 1733-38.Beginnings of Canadian Post Office and openingof <strong>com</strong>munications with Great Britain andthe United States :British Statutes 9 Anne, c. 10 ;5 Geo. m, c.25.Finlay s Correspondence in B Series (Can.Arch.), vol. 200.B Series (Can. Arch.), vols. 56, 64, 149, 150, 171.Q Series (Can. Arch.), vols. 24, 28, 115, 278.Quebec Gazette, 1789.Quebec Almanac, 1782 to 1812.Transcripts from General Post Office, London,M Series (Can. Arch.), vol. 665.C Series (Can. Arch.), vols. 284, 285.Until Canadian Post Office was transferred tocontrol of Canadian Government :Journals of Assembly, Upper Canada, 1821-22,1825-26, 1829, 1832-33, 1835, 1836, 1836-37.Journals of Assembly, Lower Canada, 1828-29,1831, 1831-32, 1832-33 1834, 1835-36.Journals of Assembly, Province of Canada,1844-45, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849. 1850.

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