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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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2BRITISH DOMINION, 1760-1840 249.Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Sootia,the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward,and Cape Breton. vols. London, 1832.Substance of Two Speeches, delivered in theHouse of Commons, on the 21st and 25th ofMarch 1825, by the Right Hon. WilliamHuskisson, respecting Colonial Policy, andForeign Commerce of the Country. London,1825.Despatches from Colonial Department. CanadianArchives, Series S, vol. 443. 1839.Journals of the Special Council, Lower Canada,1838-40.Murray An Historical and :Descriptive Accountof British America. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1839.(Vols. ii and iii.)Report on the Affairs of British North America,from the Earl of Durham, Her Majesty s HighCommissioner. 1839. (Together with Appendixes A and B.)Ordinances passed by the Governor and SpecialCouncil of Lower Canada, 1839-41. London.Journal of the House of Assembly, Lower Canada.Quebec, 1793. Same continued to 1838.Canadian Archives, Sir Charles Bagot s Correspondence, Series M, vols. 158, 160, 161,165.Lord Sydenham s Letter Books as Governor-General of Canada and British North America,1839-41.Martin : Statistics of the Colonies of the BritishEmpire. From the Official Records of theColonial Office. First edition, London, 1839.Later edition, 1847.Christie : A History of the Late Province ofLower Canada. 6 vols. Quebec, 1848.Preston : Three Years Residence in. Canada,from 1837 to 1839. To which is added aReview of the Condition of the CanadianPeople. 2 vols. London, 1840. (Vol. ii.)Murdoch : A History of Nova-Scotia, or Acadie.3 vole. Halifax, 1867. (Vol. iii.)Strickland :Twenty-Seven Years in CanadaWest ; or the Experience of an Early Settler.2 vols. London, 1853.CURBENCY AND BANKING, 1760-1841 (pp. 599-636) ;1840-67 (<strong>Section</strong> in, United Canada, pp.261-91).THE BANKING SYSTEM OP CANADA (The Dominion,<strong>Section</strong> v, pp. 627-60). By Adam Shortt.Canadian Archives, State Papers, Series Q,vols. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 18, 20, 27, 55, 278, 280,325, 127.Canadian Archives, Haldimand Papers, Series B,vols. 47, 54, 55.An Essay, concerning Silver and Paper Currencies.More especially with Regard to the BritishColonies in New-England. (By WilliamDouglass.) Boston, n.d. (1738.)Ordinances for the Province of Quebec, 1764-1790.A Bill introduced in the House of Assembly ofthe Province of Lower Canada, to incorporatea Bank in Lower Canada. Quebec, 1808.Articles of Association of the Montreal Bank,with Rules and Regulations. 1817.Articles of Association of the Quebec Bank.Quebec, n.d. (1818.)Articles of Association of the Bank of Canada.Montreal, 1818. Also, Quebec, 1818. (Supplementto Quebec Gazette.)Statement of the Affairs of the Late Bank ofUpper Canada, at Kingston. Taken fromAuthentic Documents. Kingston, 1840.Account of the Early Times of the Bank ofMontreal. Manuscript by H. Dupuy, FirstAccountant of the Bank. Kingston, 1868.Young Upon the : History, Principles, andProspects of the Bank of British North America,and of the Colonial Bank ; with an Enquiryinto Colonial Exchanges, and the Expediencyof Introducing British Sterling and BritishCoin in Preference to the Dollar.,of Account and Currency, of the North AmericanColonies. London, 1838.Goddard : A General History of the MostProminent Banks in Europe or the Rise and:Progress of the Bank of North America ; AFull History of the Late and Present Bankof the United States. Also A. Hamilton sReport to Congress on Currency. New York,as a Money1831.The Acts Relating to Banking and Currency ofthe Various Provinces of B.N.A. and of theDominion of Canada.The Annual Reports to the Shareholders of theVarious Chartered Banks throughout theVarious Provinces of British North Americaand after 1867 of the Dominion of Canada.Gallatin : Considerations on the Currency andBanking System of the United States. Philadelphia, 1831.The Monthly Review, vol. i. 1841.An Inquiry into the Origin and Present Systemof Colonial Banks and their DangerousWith Effects.a Proposition for a National Bank.Quebec, 1820.Joplin A Plan of a System of Territorial Banks:for the Colonies. Miramichi, 1830.The Canada Gazette, especially the MonthlyReports of the Chartered Banks, and theReturns of the Department of Finance as tothe Gold Reserve, the Issues of DominionNotes, and Fractional Silver and CopperCurrency.Report of the Select Committee appointed toexamine and report on the Expediency ofEstablishing a Provincial Bank within thisProvince (U.C.), 1835.Chalmers : A History of Currency in the BritishColonies. London, n.d. (1894.)Review of the Proceedings of the Legislatureof Lower Canada in the Session of 1831 ;with an Appendix. (By Andrew Stuart.)Montreal 1832. (Chapters or sections, 9,10, 11.)The Currency of the British Colonies.James Pennington.) London, 1848.(ByThe History of the Session of the ProvincialParliament of Lower Canada for 1828-9. (n.d.)Sherwood : Observations on the Usury Laws.Hildreth :Banks, Banking, and Paper Currencies.Boston, 1840.Third Report of Committee on Banking. 1839.Conclusion des Observations d Anti-Banque surlesBanques du Canada, (n.d.)Thoughts on the Banking System of UpperCanada, and on the Present Crisis. Toronto,1837.The Constitution. W. L. Mackenzie, Editor.(Vol. i, 1836-37.)Correspondence on the Subject of Suspension ofSpecie Payments. 1839.

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