Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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248 BIBLIOGRAPHYHaliburton : An Historical and StatisticalAccount of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. Halifax,1829.On the Origin and Progress of the North -WestCompany of Canada, with a History of theF*r Trade as connected with that Concern.London, 1811.A View of the Political Situation of the Provinceof Upper Canada. In which her PhysicalCapacity is stated ; the Means of diminishingher Burden, encreasing her Value, and securingher Connection to Great Britain carefullyconsidered. London, 1809.Letters, from an American Loyalist in Upper-Canada, to his Friend in England, on aPamphlet published by John Mills Jackson,Esquire Entitled, A View of the Province of:Upper Canada. (1810.)Canniff: History of the Settlement ofCanada. Toronto, 1869.UpperErmatinger The Talbot R6gime, or the First:Century of the Talbot Settlement. StThomas, 1904.Canadian Archives : Markham Settlement Papers,chiefly from Wm. Berczy, Founder of theSettlement 1798 . M 138.Ball : Travels in Canada and the United States,in 1816 and 1817. London, 1818.Grece : Facts and Observations respectingCanada, and the United States of America ;affording a Comparative View of the Inducements to Emigration. London, 1819.Carey : Observations on the State of the Colony.York, U.C., 1821.Strachan : A Visit to the ProvinceCanada in 1819. Aberdeen, 1820.of UpperStewart : Present State of Eastern Townships,with Hints for their Improvement. 1817.Gourlay : Statistical Account of Upper Canada.Compiled with a View to a Grand Systemof Emigration. 2 vols. and Introduction.London, 18^2.British Blue Books relating to Canada in itsEconomic Aspects, 1817-1840.The Annual Report of the Board of Directorsof the Welland Canal Company, 1832. StCatharines, 1833.Rolph A Brief Account made : during a Visitin the West Indies, and a Tour through theUnited States, together with a StatisticalAccount of Upper Canada. Dundas, U.C.,1836.The Canadas :Comprehending TopographicalInformation concerning the Quality of theLand for the use of Emigrants and Capitalists.Compiled from Original Documents furnishedby John Gait, Esq. London, 1836.Statement on the Present Timber and DealTrade, as regards Europe and the BritishAmerican Colonies. London, 1821. (ThePamphleteer. )Political Annals of Lower Canada. Montreal,1828.The Speeches of the Right Hon. Wm. Huskisson.3 vols. London, 1831. (Vol. ii. The ColonialTrade Bill, 1822, p. 110. Colonial Policy,1825, p. 304.)Bliss : Letter to Sir Henry Parnell, Bart., M.P.,on the New Colonial Trade Bill. London,1831.Bliss: On the Timber Trade. London, 1831.Revans : Observations on the Proposed Alteration of the Timber Duties, with Remarks onthe Pamphlet of Sir Howard Douglas. London,1831.Atkinson : The Effects of the New System ofFree Trade upon our Shipping, Colonies andCommerce, exposed in a Letter to the RightHon. W. Huskisson, President of the Boardof Trade. London, 1827. Also, A SecondLetter. London, 1827.Hume : Canada as it is.Comprising Detailsrelating to the Domestic Policy, Commerce andAgriculture of the Upper and Lower Provinces.New York, 1832.Statistical Sketches of Upper Canada for the Useof Emigrants. By a Backwoodsman. (DrDunlop.) London, 1833.Sherreff : A Tour through North America :together with a Comprehensive View of theCanadas and United States, as adapted forAgricultural Emigration. Edinburgh, 1835.Mactaggart Three Years in Canada : ; AnAccount of the Actual State of the Countryin 1826-7-8. Comprehending its Resources,Productions, Improvements, and Capabilities.2 vols. London, 1829.Duncan Travels :through Part of the UnitedStates and Canada in 1818 and 1819. 2 vola.Glasgow, 18<strong>23</strong>. (Vol. ii.)Howison : Sketches of Upper Canada, Domestic,Local, and Characteristic ; to which are addedPractical Details for the Information ofEmigrants of Every Class. Edinburgh, 1822.Shipping Interest. Two Letters in Reply to theSpeech of the Rt. Hon. W. Huskisson in theHouse of Commons, May 7th, 1827. London,1827 (signed Mercator Loyds).Niles Weekly Register. Baltimore, 1827-33.Evans :Supplementary <strong>Volume</strong> to a Treatise onthe Theory and Practice of Agriculture.Adapted to the Cultivation and Economy ofthe Animal and Vegetable Productions ofAgriculture in Canada. Montreal, 1836.A Statement of the Satisfactory Results whichhave attended Emigration to Upper Canada,from the Establishment of the Canada Company until the Present Period ; <strong>com</strong>prisingStatistical Tables, and Other ImportantInformation, <strong>com</strong>municated by RespectableResidents in the Various Townships of UpperCanada. London, 1841.The State of the Nation, at the Commencementof the Year 1822. Considered under the FourDepartments of the Finance Foreign RelationsHome Department Colonies and Board ofTrade. London, 1822.Bell : Hints to Emigrants in;a Series of Lettersfrom Upper Canada. Edinburgh, 1824.Three Reports, from the Select Committeeappointed to enquire into the State of theTrade and Commerce of Upper Canada.1835.Reports on Grievances, House of Assembly,Upper Canada, 1835. Folio. Also octavo,1835.Report from the Select Committee on TimberDuties ; together with the Minutes of Evidence, an Appendix, and Index. (LondonGovt. Print.) 1836.Bouchette : The British Dominions in NorthAmerica ; or a Topographical and StatisticalDescription of tb.3 Provinces of Lower and

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