Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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BRITISH DOMINION, 1760-1840 247The Regulations lately made concerning theColonies, and the Taxes imposed upon them,considered. (Mr Campbell by Direction ofLord Hillsborough, President of Board ofTrade.) London, 1765.Documents relating to the Constitutional Historyof Canada, 1759-91, selected and edited withNotes by Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty.Ottawa, 1907. EspeciallyGeneral Murray s Report on the State of theGovernment &quot;ofQuebec, 1762 (p. 37).Col. Burton s Report on Three Rivers, 1762(p. 61).General Gage s Report on Montreal, 1762(p. 69).Petition of Quebec Traders to the King(p. 168).Petition of London Merchants to the King(p. 170).Instructions to Governor Carleton re Tradeand Navigation, 1775 (p. 438).Plan for Establishment of a Chamber ofCommerce for the City and District ofQuebec, 1777 (p. 462).Petition of Sir John Johnson and Loyalists,1786 (p. 524).Memorial of British Merchants trading toQuebec, with Letters of Merchants of Montreal and Quebec, 1785 (p. 54).Report of the Committee of Council relatingto Commerce and Police, with SpecialReports, 1787 (pp. 612-38).Report of Same on Population, Agricultureand the Settlement of the Crown Lands,1787 (pp. 639-45).Ordinances for the Province of Quebec, 1764-90.The Present State of the Nation ; particularlywith Respect to its Trade, Finances, etc.Addressed to the King and both Houses ofParliament. (By Wm. Knox. ) London, 1768.The Present State of the Nation :Particularlywith Respect to its Trade, Finances, etc.London, 1769. (By Wheatley ?)Observations on a Late State of the Nation.London, 1769. (By Ed. Burke ?)An Appendix to the Present State of the Nation.Containing a Reply to the Observations onthat Pamphlet. (By Wheatley.)Remarks on the Appendix to the Present Stateof the Nation. London, 1769.Considerations on the Dependencies of GreatBritain. With Observations on a Pamphlet,entitled, The Present State of the Nation.London, 1769.Chalmers :Opinions on Interesting Subjects ofPublic Law and Commercial Policy arisingfrom American Independence. London, 1784.Considerations on the Provisional Treaty withAmerica, and the Preliminary Articles of Peacewith France and Spain. London, 1783.Canadian Archives, Manuscript Letters of JohnRichardson and Geo. Forsyth of Montreal,1780-1799, M 8o2.Extra Official State Papers. By a Late Undersecretary of State. (By Wm. Knox.) 2 vols.1789.Manuscript Letter Books of the Hon. RichardCartwright. Kingston, 1785-1815.The Quebec Almanac, 1780-1840.Thoughts on the Canada Bill, now depending inParliament. London, 1791.Observations on the Commerce of theSheffield :American States. London, 1784.Coxe : A View of the United States of America.Interspersed with Authentic Documents.Philadelphia, printed 1794 ; London, reprinted 1795.The American Remembrancer; or, an ImpartialCollection of Essays, Resolves, Speeches, etc.,relative, or having affinity, to the Treaty withGreat Britain. Philadelphia, 1795.Weld: Travels through the States of NorthAmerica, and the Provinces of Upper and LowerCanada, during the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797.2 vols. London, 1800. (Vol. ii.)La Rochefoucault-Liancourt : Travels throughthe United States of North America, theCountry of the Iroquois and Upper Canada,in the Years 1795-96 and 97. 2 vols. London,1799.War in Disguise ; or the Frauds of the NeutralFlags. (By Jas. Stephen.) London, 1805.Baring An Inquiry into the Causes and Conse:quences of the Orders in Council ; and anExamination of the Conduct of Great Britaintowards the Neutral Commerce of America.London, 1808.Heriot : Travels through the Canadas, with anAccount of the Productions, Commerce, andInhabitants of those Provinces. London,1807.Gray : Letters from Canada, shewing the PresentState of Canada, its Productions, Trade,Commercial Importance, and Political Relations. London, 1809.Atcheson : American Encroachments on BritishRights. London, 1808.Medford : Oil without Vinegar and Dignitywithout Pride ;or British American andWest-Indian Interests considered. London,1807.The British Treaty. With an Appendix of StatePapers which are now first published.;America. Printed, unknown where, or bywhom sold. London, reprinted 1808.Compressed View of the Points to be Discussed,in Treating with the United States of America ;with an Appendix. (By N. Atcheson.)London, 1815. (The Pamphleteer.)Anderson : Canada ; or, a View of the Importance of the British American Colonies. London,1814.The Colonial Policy of Gt. Britain, consideredwith Relation to her North American Provincesand West India Possessions, wherein theDangerous Tendency of American Competitionis developed and the Necessity of re<strong>com</strong>mendinga Colonial System on a Vigorous and ExtensiveScale exhibited and defended. London, 1816.American State Papers. Vol. iv, No. 280,Commercial Convention, 1815 ; No. 306,Convention of Oct. 1818, Commerce andFisheries. Vol. v, Nos. 332, 334, 345 and 356,British West Indian and Colonial Trade ;No.. 339, Commerce with British AmericanColonies, 1820 ;No. 396, Commerce with WestIndies and Canada. Vol. vi, Nos. 438, 439,440, 442, 449, 457, 458, 464, 489, 492, ColonialTrade, 1826-28.The Colonial Journal. Vols. i-iii. 1816-17.London, 1816-18.Pitkin : A Statistical View of the Commerce ofthe United States of America. Now Haven,1835.

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