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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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BRITISH DOMINION, 1760-1840 245Ogg The : Opening of the Mississippi. NewYork, 1904.Winsor : The Mississippi Basin. Boston, 1895.Gayarre A History of Louisiana. 3 vols.New : Orleans, 1906.Mason : Illinois in the Eighteenth Century ;Kaskaskia and ita Parish Records. Chicago,1890.Carter: The Illinois Country, 1763-1774.Washington, 1910.Transcripts of the Bouquet and HaldimandCollections. (Canadian Archives Reports,1884-1889, 1904-1905.)Expedition, 1775. Cambridge, 1886.Journals of Henry Dearborn, 1776-1783. Cam duringbridge, 1887. 1868.EgertonCANADA AND THE AMEBICAN REVOLUTION. ByWilliam Wood. (pp. 73-103.)Ethan Allen s Narrative of the Capture of HoughTiconderoga, and of his Captivity and Treatment by the English. Burlington, 1849.Jones :Allen, W. : Journal of an Expedition to Quebec.(Maine Hist. Soc.)Arnold s Letters on his Expeditions to Canada in1775. (Maine Hist. Soe.)Almon : The Remembrances ; or, ImpartialRepository of Public Events, 1775 to 1784.(Includes Journal of Occurrences duringArnold s Expedition to Canada Journal of;the most Remarkable Occurrences in Quebec,l r ,75-76.)Anderson : Siege and Blockade of Quebec.(Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., 1872.)Baxter : The British Invasion from the North.The Campaigns of Generals Carleton and Lossing :Burgoyne from Canada, 1776-77. With theJournal of Lieutenant William Digby. Albany, Lossing1888.Blockade of Quebec in 1775-1776 by the AmericanRevolutionists. (Quebec Lit. and Hist. Soc., 1901-11.1905.)Bradley : The Making of Canada. London,1900.Brief Examination of the Plan and Conduct ofthe Northern Expedition in America, in 1777.And of the Surrender of the Army under theCommand of Lieutenant-General Burgoyne.MeigsLondon, 1779.A State of the Expedition of Burgoyne from Arnold.Canada as laid before the House of Commonsby the Author, and verified by evidence. Melvin :London, 1780.A Supplement to the State of the Expeditionfrom Canada. London, 1780.Orderly Book of Lieut. -Gen. John Burgoyne.Albany, 1777.Journal of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, duringhis Visit to Canada in 1776. Baltimore,1845.Authentic Narrative of Facts relating to theExchange of Prisoners taken at the Cedars,with Original Papers. London, 1777. (ByCapt. Parke.)Codman : Arnold s Expedition to Quebec. NewYork, 1901.Coffin : The Province of Quebec and the earlyAmerican Revolution. Madison, 1896.Drake :Burgoyne s Invasion of 1777. Boston,1889.Journal of Captain Henry Dearborn in the Quebecand Grant : Canadian ConstitutionalDevelopment. London, 1907.Fonblanque Political and Military Episodes in:the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century,derived from the Life and Correspondence ofthe Right Hon. John Burgoyne. London, 1876.Hadden : Journal kept in Canada upon Burgoyne s Campaign. Albany, 1884.Haskell :Diary, May 5, 1775, May 30, 1776.A Revolutionary Soldier s Record beforeBoston, and with Arnold s Expedition.Newburyport, 1881.Henry An Accurate and Interesting Account:of the Hardships and Sufferings of that Bandof Heroes, who traversed the Wilderness inthe Campaign against Quebec in 1775.Lancaster, 1812.: The Northern Invasion of October 1780.New York, 1866.History of the Campaign for the Conquestof Canada in 1776.Journal of Occurrences at Quebec from Nov. 1775to May 1776, by an Officer of the BritishGarrison. (New York Hist. Soc., 1880.)Journal of the March of a Party of Provincialsfrom Carlyle to Boston and from thence toQuebec. Glasgow, 1775.Lettres confidentielles de quelques Officiers Allemandsdans le Canada en 1777 et 1778.Gottingen, 1779.Lindsay Lives of the Lindsays. (Includes:correspondence of Alexander Lindsay, whowas with Burgoyne. )Pictorial Field-Book cf the Revolution.2 vols. New York, 1860.: Field-Book of the War of 1812. NewYork, 1869.Lucas :History of Canada. 3 vols. Oxford,Kingsford History of Canada. 10 vols. Tor:onto, 1887-98.Shortt and Doughty Constitutional Documents,:1759-1791. Ottawa, 1907.: An Authentic Journal of Occurrenceswnich happened within the Circle of MajorMeig s Observations, in the Detachment<strong>com</strong>manded by Col. (now General) BenedictA Journal of the Expedition to Quebecin the Year 1775, under the Command ofColonel Benedict Arnold. Philadelphia, 1864.Journals of Colonel James Montresor and CaptainJohn Montresor. New York, 1882.Montresor s Journals, 1757 to 1778. (New YorkHist. Soc., 1881.)Montresor s Journal. (Maine Hist. Soc.)Morison s Journal. Hagerston, Maryland, 1803.(This journal of the siege of Quebec in 1775is also to be found in the PennsylvaniaMagazine, vol. xiv.)Northern Invasion of October 1780 :Papersrelating to the Expedition from Canada underSir John Johnson. (Bradford Club.)Pausch : Journal during Burgoyne s Campaign.Albany, 1886.Riedesel : Letters and Memoirs relating to theWar of American Independence, and theCapture of the German Troops at Saratoga.New York, 1827.Riedesel :Memoirs, and Letters and Journalshis Residence in America. Albany,

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