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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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244 BIBLIOGRAPHYDivers documents recus par M. le President(Papineau) de John Arthur Roebuck, M.P.Trois Rivieres, 1335.Remarks on the Proposed Union of the Canadas.Roebuck. Quebec, 1835.Existing Difficulties in the Government of theCanadas. Roebuck. London, 1836.1Traite sur la politique coloniale du Bas Canada,1835. (Mandelet.)Anti-Gallic Letters of Camillus (Adam Thorn).Addressed to His Excellency the Earl ofGosford. Montreal, 1836.Declaration of the Views and Objects of theBritish Constitutional Society. Toronto, 1836.Petition of the House of Assembly of LowerCanada to the King and to the Two Houses ofParliament. London, 1836.Martin :History of Upper and Lower Canada.1836.Representation on the Legislative Union of theProvinces of Upper and Lower Canada, bythe Constitutional Association of the City ofMontreal. Montreal, 1837.Papers relating to the affairs of Lower Canada.London, 1837.Reports of the Commissioners appointed toenquire into the Grievances <strong>com</strong>plained of inLower Canada. London, 1837.A Correct Account of the Rise and Progress ofthe Recent Popular Movements in LowerCanada, 1837.The Canadian Portfolio, 1837.Brougham Speech on the Maltreatment of the:North American Colonies. London, 1838.Buller : Sketch of Lord Durham s Mission toCanada in 1838.Canadian Controversy: Its Origin, Nature andMerits. London, 1838.The Canadian Crisis, and Lord Durham s Missionto the North American Colonies. London,1838.Lord Durham and the Canadians. Montreal,1838.Hints on the Case of Canada, for the Consideration of Members of Parliament. London,1838.Horton :Exposition and Defence of EarlBathurst s Administration of the Affairs ofCanada, 1822 to 1827. 1838.Mackenzie s own Narrative of the Late Rebellion.Toronto, 1838.Poutr6 : Souvenirs d un Prisonnier d EtatCanadien en 1838. Montreal 1838.:Papineau Histoire de 1 insurrection du Canada.Burlington, 1839.Refutation de l 6crit de Louis Joseph Papineau,intitu!6e Histoire de 1 insurrection du Canada.Montr6al, 1839.Bliss : An Essay on the Reconstruction of Her.Majesty s Government in Canada. London,1839.The Report and Despatches of the Earl of Durham.London, 1839.Fry : Report of the Case of the CanadianPrisoners. London, 1839.Thoughts on the Present Crisis of the Canadas,and on the Policy of a Legislative Unionbetween the two Colonies. London, 1839.Report of the State Trials before a General CourtMartial held at Montreal in 1838-39. Montreal,1839.Scott :Thoughts on the Government, UnionDanger, Wants and Wishes of the Canadas.Montreal, 1839.Robinson : Canada and the Canada Bill. Edinburgh and London, 1840.Taylor On the :Forth<strong>com</strong>ing Union of the TwoCanadas. Montreal, 1841.PONTIAC S WAR, 1763-1766. By T. G. Marquis,(pp. 53-70.)Chicago Historical Society Collections, vol. iv.Chicago, 1890.Documents relating to the Colonial History ofthe State of New York. Ed. by O Callaghan.Albany, 1856.Journal of Pontiac s Conspiracy, 1763. Ed. byBurton. Detroit, 1912.Constitutional Documents, 1757-1791. Selectedand edited by Shortt and Doughty. Ottawa,1907.Transactions of the Illinois State HistoricalSociety for 1907. Ed. by Carter. Springfield,1908.Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections,vols. xix, xx. Lansing, 1891, 1892.New York Historical Society Collections. NewYork, 1811-59, 1868-81.Wisconsin Historical Collections, vol. xviii.Madison, 1908.Early Western Travels, 1748-1846. Ed. byThwaites. Cleveland, 1904, 1906.Annual Register for 1763. London.Bossu, M. Travels :throughout that Part ofNorth America called Louisiana. Trans, byForster. 2 vols. London, 1771.Hough Diary of the : Siege of Detroit in theWar with Pontiac. Albany, 1860.Expediency of securing our American Coloniesby Settling the Country adjoining the RiverMississippi, Considered. Edinburgh, 1763.Historical Account of the Expedition againstthe Ohio Indians, 1764. (Attributed to DrWilliam Smith.):Rogers Journals. London, 1765.:Rogers Concise Account of North America.London, 1765.Henry Travels and Adventures in Canada and:the Indian Territories. New York, 1809.Secondary Sources :Kingsford History of Canada, 10 vols.:Toronto, 1887-98.Parkman :Conspiracy of Pontiao and theIndian War after the Conquest of Canada.2 vols. Boston, 1910.Stone : The Life and Times of Sir William Johnson. 2 vols. Albany, 1865.Winsor : Narrative and Critical History ofAmerica. 8 vols. (Chapter on the MississippiVadey, vol. v, and chapter on the West, vol. vi.)Boston, 1884-89.Aid en : New Governments West of the AlleghanyMountains before 1780. Madison, 1899.Alvord : Genesis of the Proclamation of 1763.(In Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collection,vol. xxxvii. Lansing, 1908.)Beer: British Colonial Policy, 1754-1765.London, 1907.Roosevelt : The Winning of the West. 4 volaNew York, 1896.

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