Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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BRITISH DOMINION, 1760-1840 243Joint Address of the Legislative Council andHouse of Assembly of Upper Canada to HisMajesty and Report of the Committee appointedby the Honourable the Legislative Counciland House of Assembly, to consider and reportupon the Subject Matter of Certain Resolutionsof the House of Assembly in which the Honourable the Legislative Council have concurred,respecting the Financial Concerns of thisProvince with Lower Canada. York, 1822.The State of the Nation, at the Commencementof the Year 1822. Considered under the FourDepartments the Finance, Foreign Relations,Home Department, Colonies and Board ofTrade. London, 1822.Some Account of the Public Life of the LateLieutenant-General Sir George Prevost, Bart.Particularly of his Services in the Canadas ;including a Reply to the Strictures on hisMilitary Character contained in an Articlein the Quarterly Review for October, 1822.London, 18<strong>23</strong>.Wilson : The Wanderer in America, or Truthat Home ; <strong>com</strong>prising a Statement of Observations and Facts relative to the United Statesand Canada, North America. 18<strong>23</strong>.Duncan : Travels through Part of the UnitedStates and Canada in 1318 and 1819. 2 vols.Glasgow, 18<strong>23</strong>.Extract from the Royal Instructions to HisExcellency the Right Honourable George Earlof Dalhousie, relating to the Grants of theWaste Land of the Crown, with Other Papers.Quebec, 18<strong>23</strong>.Bell : Hints to Emigrants ;in a Series ofLetters from Upper Canada. Edinburgh, 1824.A Warning to the Canadian Land Company, ina Letter addressed to that Body by an Englishman resident in Upper Canada. Kingston,1824.Plan for a General Legislative Union of theBritish Provinces in North America. London,1824. (Attributed to Jonathan Sewell and J.B. Robinson.)Remarks on a Plan Intituled A Plan for aGeneral Legislative Union of the BritishProvinces in North America. London, 1824.(Written by James Stuart.)Sewell : An Essay on the Juridical History ofFrance so far as it relates to the Law of theProvince of Lower Canada. Quebec, 1824.Financial Difficulties of Lower Canada. Reprinted from the Quebec Gazette. Quebec,1824.Appel au Parlement Imperial et aux habitants descolonies anglaises dans 1 Amerique du Nord,sur les pr6tentions exorbitantes du GouvernementEx^cutif ot du Conseil L6gislatif de laProvince du Bas Canada. Par un Membrede la Chambre d Assemblee. Quebec, 1824.(Written by Dr Franjoia Blanchet.)Premier Rapport du Comit6 Special de laChambre d Assemblee sur le Bill grossoye du,Conseil Legislatif, pour abroger certainesparties de 1 A.cte de Judicature et pour faire deplus amples Dispositions pour rAdministrationplus certaine et plus uniforme de la Justicedans cette Province. Quebec, 1824.Eighth and Ninth Reports of the Committee ofthe House of Assembly on that Part of theSpeech of His Excellency the Governor inChief which relates to the Settlement of theCrown Lands, with Minutes of Evidence takenbefore the Committee. Quebec, 1824.Substance of Two Speeches, delivered in theHouse of Commons on the 21st and 25th ofMarch 1825 by the Right Hon. WilliamHuskisson respecting Colonial Policy, andForeign Commerce of the Country. London,1825.Lettre a 1 Honorable Edouard Bowen, Ecuyer,Un des Juges de la Cour du Bane du Roi deSa Majeste pourle District de Quebec. Quebec,1825. (Written by A. N. Morin.)A Faithful Report of the Trial and Acquittal ofRobert Randall, Esq., a Member of theCommons House of Assembly in Upper Canada,accused of Perjury and tried at Niagara onWednesday the 7th of September, 1825.York, 1825.An Abridged View of the Alien Question Unmasked. By the Editor of the CanadianFreeman. York, 1826.Letters from Delta to Senex. Montreal, 1827.Letters from Ryerson to Strachan. Kingston,1828.Labrie : Les Premiers rudiments de la Constitution Britannique. Montreal, 1827.Lower Canada Watchman. Kingston,(Attributed to David Chisholm.)1829.Political and Historical Account of LowerCanada. (Attributed to Pierre de SalesLaterriere.) London, 1830.Rapport du <strong>com</strong>it6 choisi sur le gouvernementCivil du Canada. Quebec, 1829.Rapport et t6moignages du <strong>com</strong>it6 special de laChambre d Assemblee. 1830.Copy of a Letter from James Stuart, Esq., toLord Goderich. 1831.Appendix to the above. 1831.Letter from D. B. Viger to Lord Goderich. 183 1.Copy of Memorial from James Stuart, Attorney-General for Canada, 1831.Observations on a Letter from James Stuart toLord Goderich, 1832.:Heney Commentaire sur la constitution duBas Canada. Montreal, 1832.Mackenzie : Sketches of Canada and the UnitedStates. London, 1833.Affaires du Canada, Documents et extraits depuis1828. Quebec, 1833.The Canadas as they now are. By a LateResident. London, 1833.Present State of the Canadas. London, 1833.Observations siir la r6ponso de Mathieu LordAylmer & la d6putation du Tattersall, et surles discours du tres Honorable E. G. Stanley.Montreal, 1834.Resolutions (92) proposees a la Chambre parBedard, le vendredi, 21 fevrier, 1834.Les deux girouettes ou 1hypocrisie de masque e.L. H. Lafontaine. Montreal, 1834.The Celebrated Letter of Joseph Hume, Esq.,M.P., to William Lyon Mackenzie, Esq.,Mayor of Toronto. Toronto, 1834.Public Documents relating to Lord Aylmer sAdministration of the Government of LowerCanada. London, 1835.Notes diverses sur les Canadas. Girod. VillageDebartzch, 1835.Seventh Report of the Select Committee of theHouse of Assembly of Upper Canada onGrievances. Toronto, 1835.:Chapman Petition from Lower Canada withExplanatory Remarks. London, 1835.

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