Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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242 BIBLIOGRAPHYThoughts on the Canada Bill now pending inParliament. London, 1791.Rules and Regulations of the House of Assembly,Lower Canada. Quebec, 1793.Plan of a Bill for Altering the Courts of Justice,sent bv the Legislative Council to the Assembly.Quebec, 1793.The Official Correspondence relative to theNegotiation for Peace between Great Britainand the French Republic, as laid before bothHouses of Parliament. London, 1797.Declaration of the Court of Great Britain respecting the Late Negotiation. London, 1797.A Tour through Upper and Lower Canada. By aCitizen of the United States. Litchfield, 1799.Sketch of His Majesty s Province of UpperCanada. By D Arcy Boulton. London, 1805.Heriot : Travels through Canada, with anAccount of the Productions, Commerce, andInhabitants of those Provinces. London, 1807.Gray Letters from Canada showing the Present:State of Canada, its Productions, Trade,Commercial Importance and Political Relations. London, 1809.A View of the Political Situation of the Provinceof Upper Canada, in North America, in whichher Physical Capacity is stated : the Means ofdiminishing her Burden, increasing her Valueand securing her Connection to Great Britainare fully considered. With Notes andAppendix. London, 1809. (Written by JohnMills Jackson.)Letters from an American Loyalist in UpperCanada, to his Friend in England on a Pamphletpublished by John Mills Jackson, Esquire,entitled, A View of the Province of UpperCanada. Halifax, 1809.Smyth : A Short Topographical Description ofHis Majesty s Province of Upper Canada, inNorth America, to which is annexed a Provincial Gazetteer. London, 1813.Proceedings in the Assembly of Lower Canadaon the Rules of Practice of the Courts ofJustice, and the Impeachments of JonathanSewell and James Monk, Esquires. Qviebec,1814.Anderson : Canada, or a View of the Importanceof the British American Colonies. London,1814.Extracts from the Proceedings in the House ofAssembly in the First Session of the EighthProvincial Parliament of Lower Canada uponthe existing Constitution of the Criminal andCivil Courts of Justice in the said Province.Quebec, 1815.The Canadian Inspector No. 1. Containing aCollection of Facts concerning the Governmentof Sir George Prevost ia the Canadas.Montreal, 1815.The Letters of Veritas, re-published from theMontreal Herald :containing a SuccinctNarrative oi the Military Administration ofSir George Prevost, during his Command inthe Canadas ; whereby it will appear manifestthat the Merit of preserving them fromConquest belongs not to him. Montreal, 1815.Bouchette :Description topographique de laProvince du Bas Canada. London, 1815.Stewart : A Short View of the Present State ofthe Eastern Townships in the Province ofLower Canada, bordering on the Line 45 ;with Hints for their Improvement. Montrealend London, 1817,Precedes dans L Assemblee du Baa Canada aurles Accusations contre L Honorable LouisCharles Foucher, Ecuyer, un des Juges Puinesde la Cour du Bane du Roi pour le District duMontreal. Qu6bec, 1817.The Colonial Journal. Vols. i-iii. 1816-1817.London, 1816-18.Christie : Memoirs of the Administration of theColonial Government of Lower Canada by SirJames Craig and Sir George Prevost, from theYear 1807 until the Year 1815. Quebec, 1818.Christie : A Brief Review of the Political Stateof Lower Canada since the Conquest of theColony to the Present Day. New York, 1818.Proceedings at a Meeting of the Inhabitants ofthe Townships of Hope and Hamilton in theDistrict of Newcastle, U.C. Held agreeableto notice from Robert Gourlay. York, 1818.Address to the Jury at Kingston Assizes ;in theCase of the King v. Robert Gourlay for Libel,with a Report of the Trial, etc. Kingston,1818.Hall : Travels in Canada and the United States,in 1816 and 1817. London, 1818.Grece : Facts and Observations respectingCanada, and the Central States of America ;affording a Comparative View of the Inducements to Emigration presented in thoseCountries. To which is added an Appendixof Practical Instructions to Emigrant Settlersin the British Colonies. London, 1819.Proceedings in the Assembly of Lower Canada,on the Accusations against Pierre B6dard,Esq., Provincial Judge for the District of ThreeRivers. Quebec, 18 19.Mountain : A Sermon preached in the CathedralChurch of Quebec on Sunday, the 12th September 1819, after the Public Calamityexperienced in the Death of His Grace the Dukeof Richmond, Governor in Chief. Quebec,1819.Memoirs of the Administration of the Government of Lower Canada by Sir Gordon Drummond, Sir John Coape Sherbrooke, the lateDuke of Richmond, James Monk, Esquire, fromthe 3 April 1815 until the 18 June 1820.Quebec, 1820.Strachan : A Visit to the Province of UpperCanada in 1819. Aberdeen, 1820.Lomond : A Narrative of the Rise and Progressof Emigration from the Counties of Lanark andRenfrew to the New Settlements in UpperCanada, on Government Grant. Glasgow,1821.Carey : Observations on the State of the Colony.York, 1821.First Report of the Committee of the House ofAssembly on that Part of the Speech of HisExcellency the Governor in Chief, which relatesto the Settlement of the Crown Lands, withthe Minutes of Evidence taken before theCommittee. Quebec, 1821.Letters to the Earl of Liverpool on the State ofthe Colonies. By a Member of Parliament.London, (about) 1821.Howison : Sketches of Upper Canada, Domestic,Local and Characteristic ;to which are addedPractical Details for the Information ofEmigrants of Every Class. Edinburgh, 1822.Gourlay : Statistical Account of Upper Canada.Compiled with a View to a Grand System ofEmigration. 2 vols. and Introduction. London,1822.

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