Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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8 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESArmstrong, John (1758-1843), American secretary for war. Proposes campaign againstMontreal, 3 246.Armstrong, Lawrence (d. 1739). Administrator of Nova Scotia (1726-29, 1731-39), 1373 ;and land for religion and education, 14511 suicide of, 13 73.;Armstrong, William, sheriff of New Westminster. Fisheries <strong>com</strong>missioner (1891), 22453.Armstrong, W. J. Member of first legislativeassembly of British Columbia, 21 180 ;folios held by, 183, 22 546, 21 209.portArmstrong, Colonel. His raid on the Delawares,1 253.Arnold, Arthur. Anglican clergyman at SussexVale, N.B. (1791), 11 210.Arnold, Benedict (1741-1801). Attacks StJohns, 3 80 his ; campaign against Quebec,82, 84-96 ; wounded, 93 ; withdraws toMontreal, 96 ; retires on Crown Point, 97 ;his defence of Lake Champlain, 102-3 ;subscribes for road construction in New Brunswick, 13 168 ; his character, 3.88.Arnold, Judge Robert. Introduces shorthornsinto Canada, 7 658, 18 561.Arnold s American Legion. Their location onthe St John, 13 149.Arnoux, Dr. Montcalm succumbs in house of,1 306.*Aroostook War. Accounts of the dispute(1839), 7 390-1, 8 815, 13 203, 289 ; knownas the War of Pork and Beans, 204.Arpent de Paris. Unit of land measurement inNew France, 2 559 n.Arrets of Marly. See Seigneurial System.Arrow Lakes. Traversed by David Thompson,4 669 ; navigation system and steamer services, 10 571.Arsenault, Pierre. A pioneer colonist of Chignecto,13 52.Art. Painting and Sculpture in Canada, 12593-640 ; Music and the Theatre, 643-61 ;Canadian Architecture, 665-75 ; societies andorganizations, 634-6 ; the art situation inCanada, 636-40.Art Association of Montreal, 12 635.Art Museum of Montreal, 12 636.Art Museum of Toronto, 12 636.Arteaga, Captain Ignacio. In <strong>com</strong>mand ofSpanish expedition to North Pacific (1779),2122.Arthur, Sir George (1784-1854). Lieutenantgovernorof Upper Canada (1838-41), 3 356 ;his severity with the rebels, 3 367, 4 393 ;report of his <strong>com</strong>mission of inquiry, 18 286-8 his ;embarrassing position on question ofunion, 4 412-13.Arthur the Great. Quebec-built clipper designed by William Power, 10 579.Arts. Societies and organizations, 12 634-6 ;the situation in Canada, 636-40. See namesof individual societies.Ascania. Cunard liner, 10 600.Ash, John (d. 1886). Member of first legislative assembly of British Columbia, 21 180 ;provincial secretary, 183; favours arbitration on railway question, 203.Ashburton, Alexander Baring, first Baron (1774-1848). On the battle of the maps, 8 824 ;his instructions on Oregon boundary question, 862. See Ashburton Treaty.Ashburton Treaty (1842). Ashburton s negotiations and settlement on Maine boundarydispute, 8 815-18; attacked by Palmerston,818 ; views on the partition, 826-7, 13 203 ;and water channels of St Lawrence, 8 830 ;boundary from Lake Huron to Lake of theWoods under, 832, 835-6.Ashehurst, Thomas. Merchant of Bristol, 1 24.Ashley, Anthony, Lord (1621-83). Originalmember of Hudson s Bay Company, 1 166.Ashtabula. Lake Erie car ferry, 10 548.Asia. (1) Cunard steamship, 10 599. (2)Steamer of Windsor-Lake Superior Line, 10546.Asphodel, Township of. Its survey and settlement, 17 82.Asquith, Herbert H. (&. 1852), prime ministerof Great Britain. Defends free trade, 6 192,9 212 ; opposes creation of an imperialcouncil of state, 6 193.Asselin, Olivar (b. 1874). On the aims ofnationalism, 6 186.Assiniboia. C.P.R. steamer, 10 556.Assiniboia, Council of. Governing bodyRed inRiver Settlement, 6 32 its ; original<strong>com</strong>position, 19 47 ; amenable to Hudson sBay Company, 57 ; admission of Frenchhalf-breeds to, 11 140 ;social ostracism andrepression attempted by, 19 59-60 ; itsordinances regulating court procedure, 20372.Assiniboia, Court of. Created in 1839, 20 371 ;its jurisdiction challenged at Lepine s trial,371-2.Assiniboia, District of. Name given to RedRiver Settlement, 20 369 ;its boundariesand area, 386 ;cultivated area (1886, 1887),19 168 and n. ; foreign immigration in,167-8.Assiniboine River. Explored by David Thompson, 4 665.Assiniboines, Indian tribe.Offer to ac<strong>com</strong>panyJacques de Noyon to shores of Western Sea,1 114; La Verendrye visits the, 1<strong>23</strong>-4; theirdiscipline and order on the march, 125 ; abuffalo hunt among the, 4 647-9 ; theirterritory and numbers, 11 115.Associated Loyalists. Land grants to, 17 29.Astor, John Jacob (1763-1848).Applies for aland grant in Eastern Townships, 15 148 ;establishes Pacific Fur Company and foundsAstoria, 4 668, 21 58-9 ; engages French-Canadian voyageurs, 15 73.Astoria. Fort built near mouth of ColumbiaRiver by Pacific Fur Company (1811), 4 668,8 850, 21 59, 246 ;territorial claim foundedon its construction, 8 859 n. ;sold to North-West Company and renamed Fort George(1813), 850, 21 61 ;restored to UnitedStates, 8 850, 854, 21 61 ; farming at, 22 527.Astre, French frigate. Its fight with theCharlestown, 13 222-3.Atahualpa, American ship. Attacked byIndians at Nootka, 21 54.

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