Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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BRITISH DOMINION, 1760-1840 241A Letter to a Great M r on the Prospectof Peace ;the Importance of Canada fullyrefuted. London, 1761.An Inquiry into the Merits of the SupposedPreliminaries of Peace. London, 1762.Reflections on the Terms of Peace. London,1763.Thoughts on Trade in General, our West-Indianin Particular, our Continental Colonies,Canada, Guadeloupe, and the PreliminaryArticles of Peace. London, 1763.Account of the Proceedings of the British andOther Protestant Inhabitants to obtain aHouse of Assembly in the Province of Quebec.1766.Ordinances made for the Province of Quebecby the Governor and Council of the saidProvince since the Establishment of theCivil Government. Quebec, 1767.Present State of Great Britain and NorthAmerica. London, 1767.Pownall : Administration of the Colonies.London, 1768.Extra Official State Papers. By a Late Undersecretary of State. London, 1769.William Knox.)(ByThe Publications of the Baron Maseres relatingto Canada are most important, and are asfollows :A Collection of Several Commissions, andOther Public Instruments, Proceedingsfrom His Majesty s Royal Authority, andOther Papers, relating to the State of theProvince of Quebec. London, 1772.Considerations on the Expediency of admitting Representatives from the AmericanColonies into the British House of Commons.London, 1770.Draught of an Act of Parliament for settlingthe Laws of the Province of Quebec.(1772.)Draught of an Act of Parliament for settlingthe Laws of the Province of Quebec. (Thispamphlet, though bearing the same titleas the preceding one, is different.)An Account of the Proceedings of the Britishand Other Protestants of the Province ofQuebeck, in North America, in order toobtain an House of Assembly in thatProvince. London, 1775.Draught of an Act of Parliament for investingthe Governour and Council of the Provinceof Quebec, without an Assembly of the FreeHolders of the Same, with a Power of makingLaws and Ordinances for the Peace, Welfareand Good Government of the said Provinceduring the Space of Fourteen Years (1772 or1773). (This pamphlet and the followingone, though bearing the same title, aredifferent. )Draught of an Act of Parliament for investingthe Governour and Council of the Provinceof Quebec, without an Assembly of theFreeholders of the Same, with a Power ofmaking Laws and Ordinances for the Peace,Welfare, and Good Government of the saidProvince, during the Space of FourteenYears, (c. 1772.)M6rnoire a la Defense d un Plan d Acte deParlement pour1 Etablissement des Loixde la Province de Quebec. Londres, 1773.Additional Papers concerning the Province ofQuebeck. London, 1776.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IThings Necessary to be settled in the Provinceof Quebec.Occasional Essays on Various Subjects, chieflyPolitical and Historical. London, 1809.(Relates partly to Canada.)The Justice and Policy of the Late Act of Parliament for making More Effectual Provision forthe Government of the Province of Quebec,asserted and proved, and the Conduct of theAdministration respecting that Province statedand vindicated. London, 1774.An Appeal to the Public, stating and consideringthe Objections to the Quebec Bill. London,1774.A Letter to the Earl of Chatham on the QuebecBill. London, 1774. (By Sir WilliamMeredith. )A Letter to Sir William Meredith, Bart. ;AnAnswer to his Late Letter to the Earl ofChatham. London, 1774.A Letter from Thomas, Lord Lyttleton, to WilliamPitt, Earl of Chatham, on the Quebec Bill.New York (reprint), 1774.Thoughts on the Act for making More EffectualProvision for the Government of the Provinceof Quebec. London, 1774.Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress heldat Philadelphia September 5th 1774, containing an Address to the Inhabitants of theProvince of Quebec. London, 1775.The Speech of Lord Lyttleton on a Motion made inthe House of Lords for a Repeal of the CanadaBill, May 17, 1775. London, 1775.Proceedings between Sir Guy Carleton, lateGovernor of the Province of Quebec, and PeterLivius, Esq., Chief Justice. London, 1779.Cavendish : Debates of the House of Commonsin the Year 1774 on the Bill for making MoreEffectual Provision for the Government of theProvince of Quebec. London, 1839.Copy of a Petition from the British Inhabitantsof the Province of Quebeck to the CommonsHouse of Parliament in Great Britain in theYear 1783. London, 1784.Aux Citoyens et Habitants des villes et descampagnes de la province de Qu6bec. Qu6bec,1785. (Printed by the Reform Committee atQuebec.)A Review of the Government and Grievances ofthe Province of Quebec, since the Conquestof it by British Arms. London, 1788.State of the Present Form of Government of theProvince of Quebec. London, 1789. (Attributed to James Monk, Attorney-General of theProvince of Quebec.)Observations on a Pamphlet entitled A Stateof the Present Form of Government of theProvince of Quebec. London, 1790.Introduction to the Observations made by theJudges of the Court of Common Pleas for theDistrict of Quebec upon the Oral and WrittenTestimony adduced upon the Investigationinto the Past Administration of Justice orderedin Consequence of an Address of the LegislativeCouncil. London, 1790.Answer to an Introduction to the Observationsmade by the Judges of the Court of CommonPleas for the District of Quebec upon the Oraland Written Testimony adduced upon theInvestigation into the Past Administration ofJustice ordered in Consequence of an Addressof the Legislative Council. London, 1790.

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