Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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240 BIBLIOGRAPHYSuite du Voyage de l Ara6rique ou Dialogue deMonsieur le Baron de La Hontan et d unSauvage. Amsterdam, 1704.Parkman : Old Regime in Canada. Boston,1897-98.Rochemonteix : Lea J6suites et la Nouvelle-Franoe au XVIII* siecle d apres des documents in6dits. 2 vols. Paris, 1906.Roy : Histoire de la Seigneurie de Lauzon. Cvols. Montr6al, 1897-1907.Shortt and Doughty : Documents relating to theConstitutional History of Canada. Ottawa,1907.Projets de R6glemens qui semblent etre utilesen Canada proposes par M. Talon, le Janvier,1667. Arret6 et Reglemens du ConseilSup6rieur de Quebec. Quebec, 1855.Jugements et D61ib6rations du Conseil Souverainde la Nouvelle-France. 6 vols. Quebec,1885.Tache : De la Tenure seigneuriale en Canada etprojet de re<strong>com</strong>mandation. Qu6bec, 1854.Tanguay : Dictionnaire g6n6alogique des familiescanadiennea. 7 vols. Montr6al, 1871-90.Tetu et Gagnon : Mandements dea Eveques deQuebec. 6 vols. Quebec, 1888.Correspondence between the French Governmentand the Governors and Intendants of Canadarelative to the Seigniorial Tenure.and English Texts.) Quebec, 1853.(FrenchDocuments relating to the Seigniorial Tenure inCanada. Ed. by Munro. (Champlain Society. )Toronto, 1908.Edits, ordonnanoes, d6clarations et arrets relatifsa la Tenure Seigneuriale. 3 vols. Quebec,1852.Extraits des Titrea des anciennes conoessionade terre en fief et seigneurie, faites avant etdepuis la conquete de la Nouvelle - France.Qu6bec, 1804.Lower Canada Reports. Seigniorial Questions.Quebec, 1856.La convention anti-seigneuriale de Montr6al aupeuple. Montr6al, 1854.M6moire contenant un r6sum6 du plaidoyer deC. S. Cherrier. Montreal, 1855.Pieces et Documents relatifs a la Tenure Seigneuriale. Quebec, 1852-54.Reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the State of the Laws and other Circumstances connected with the SeigniorialTenure in Lower Canada. Kingston, 1844.Return with Despatches and Correspondencerelative to the Seigniorial and Feudal Tenurein Lower Canada. Quebec, 1852.Seigniorial Acts : 1854, 1855, and 1856. Toronto,1856.Titres des Seigneuries. Quebec, 1852.Extract of the Proceedings of a Committee of thewhole Council. Quebec, 1790.Titles and Documents relating to the SeigniorialTenure, in return to an Address of the Legislative Assembly, 1851. Quebec, 1852.Third Report and Proceedings of the SpecialCommittee of the Legislative Assembly.Quebec, 1852.Two Narratives by Madeleine de Vercheres ofher Conduct against the Iroquois, 1696.(Supplement to Canadian Archives Rport,1899.)Statutes of Canada.American Historical Review, October 1906.(Vols. 3, 4)<strong>Section</strong> II British Dominion, 1760-1840THE NEW REGIME, 1760-74 (pp. 21-49).Canadian Archives, Haldimand Collection,SeriesCANADA UNDER THEB.QUEBEC ACT (pp. 107-38).CanadianLOWER Archives, Minutes of the ExecutiveCANADA, 1791-1812 (pp. 141-67).Council of the Province of Quebec.UPPER CANADA, 1791-1812 (pp. 171-85).Canadian Archives, Journals of the LegislativePAPINEAXT AND FRENCH-CANADIAN NATIONALISMCouncil of Quebec.(pp. 275-3<strong>23</strong>).(The more important of the documents inthe series above referred to are to be foundTHE REFORM MOVEMENT IN UPPER CANADA (pp.in Shortt and Doughty Documents relating327-57).to the Constitutional History of Canada,THE REBELLIONS OF 1837 (pp. 361-85).1759-91, and in Doughty and M c Arthur forLORD DURHAM AND THE UNION OF THE CANADASthe period 1791-92. Ottawa, 1907-14.)(pp. 389-418).Contemporary Printed Sources :CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY, 1763-1840 (pp. 421-88). The Quebec Gazette.HISTORY OF PUBLIC FINANCE, 1763-1840 (pp. The491-518). By Duncan M Albion Newspaper. New York.c Arthur.A Letter addressed to Two Great Men on theENGLISH SETTLEMENT IN QUEBEC. By W. D.Prospect of Peace ;and on the TermsLighthall. (<strong>Section</strong> vm, Province of Quebec,Necessary to be insisted upon in thepp. 121-64.)Negotiation. London, 17(50.Documentary Sources :The Interest of Great Britain considered withCanadian Archives, Series Q, State Papers Regard to her Colonies, and the Acquisitionsrelating to the Provinces of British Northof Canada and Guadeloupe. London, 1761.America.The Importance of Canada considered in TwoCanadian Archives, Series M, MiscellaneousLetters to a Noble Lord. London, 1761.Correspondence of General Murray and of An Historical Memorial of the Negotiation ofSir Guy Carleton. France and England. London, 1761.

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