Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Memoire du Sieur de Ramezay, <strong>com</strong>mandant aQuebec, au sujet de la reddition de cette villele 18 septembre 1759. (Soc. Hist, de Qu6bec,1861.)Relation de ce qui s est pass6 au siege de Qu6bec,et de la prise du Canada, par une religieuse de1Hopital General de Quebec. Quebec, 1855.Journals of Major Robert Rogers, containing anAccount of the Several Excursions he madeunder the Generals who <strong>com</strong>manded upon theContinent of North America, during the LateWar. London, 1765.Relation du siege de Quebec en 1759, par unereligieuse. (Soc. Hist, de Qu6bec, 1st series,vol. ii.)List of Ships, Regiments, etc., relating to FrenchRegime. (Canadian Archives Report, 1886.)Short Authentic Account of the Expeditionagainst Quebec in the Year 1759. By aVolunteer upon that Expedition. Quebec, 1872.Siege de Qu6bec en 1759. Copi6 d apres unmanuscrit apport6 de Londres par D. B. Viger.Quebec, 1834.Susane : Histoire de 1 Ancienne InfanterieFran9aise. Paris, 1849.Vaudreuil : Lettres du marquis de Vaudreuil.(Levis Coll.)Letters of Vaudreuil, L6vis and Dumas, in 1760.(Canadian Archives Report, 1905, vol. i,part iv.)Plan of the Battle of St Foy in 1760. (CanadianArchives Report, 1905, vol. i, part iv.)Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1760. By Gen.Jas. Murray. (Soc. Hist, de Quebec, 1871.)Corbett :England in the Seven Years War.NEW FRANCE, 1534-1760 <strong>23</strong>7London, 1907.Parkman : Half Century of Conflict, Montcalmand Wolfe. Boston, 1897-98.Samuel Waldo to Right Hon. Wm. Pitt. 1756-1761. (Canadian Archives Report, 1886.)Diaries of Lemuel Wood of Boxford, in theCanadian Expedition of 1759-60. (EssexInstitute.)THE COLONY IN ixs POLITICAL RELATIONS. ByAdam Shortt and Thomas Chapais. (pp.315-75.)THE COLONY IN ITS ECONOMIC RELATIONS. ByAdam Shortt. (pp. 445-528.)Canadian Archives :Correspondence G6n6rale.(Covering French period. )Letter from Charles I to Sir Isaac Wade, Ambassador to France, respecting the Reddition ofQuebec and Acadia, 12 June 1631. (CanadianArchives Report, 1884.)Documents relating to Negotiations betweenFrance and England, 1629-1633. (CanadianArchives Report, 1912.)Letters and Negotiations of Count d Estrades,1637 to 1662. London, 1755.Recueil de pieces sur la negociation entre laNouvelle - France et la Nouvelle - Angleterre,annees 1648 et suivantes. New York, 1866.Gendron :Quelques particularites du pays desHurons en la Nouvelle-France. Troyes etParre, 1660.Plan du Havre de Qu6bec en 1660. (CanadianArchives Report, 1905, vol. i, part v.)Documents relating to the Colonial History of theState of New York ; procured in Holland ,England, and France, by John RomeynBroadhead, Esq. Edited by E. B. O Callaghan,M.D., LL.D. 11 vols. Albany, 1858.ix and x, Paris Documents.)(Vols.Collection de Manuscrits contenant Lettres,M6moires, et autres Documents Historiquesrelatifs a la Nouvelle-France. 4 vols. Qu6bec,1883.Estat present de 1 Eglise et de la Colonie Franchisedans la Nouvelle-France. Par M. 1 Evequede Quebec. Paris, 1688.Nouvelle-France : Documents Historiques Correspondance6changee entre les Autoritea Francaiseset les Gouverneurs et Intendants. Vol. i(only one published). Qu6bec, 1893.Edits et Ordonnances. 3 vols. Quebec, 1854-56.Jugements et D61ib6rations du Conseil Souverainde la Nouvelle-France. 6 vols. Qu6bec, 1885.Charlevoix : Histoire et Description Gen6ralede la Nouvelle - France, avec le JournalHistorique d un Voyage fait par ordre duRoi dans I Amerique Septentrionale. 3 vols.Paris, 1744.Margry Relations et M6moires Inedits pour:servir a 1 Histoire de la France dans les paysd outre-mer. Tir6s des Archives du Ministerede la Marine et des Colonies. 6 vols. Paris,1867.Clement : Lettres, Instructions et Memoirea deColbert, etc. 7 vols. in E. Paris, 1861-73.(Vols. iii and vii. )Relations par Lettres de l Am6rique Septentrionale (annees 1709 et 1710). Paris, 1903.The Travels of Several Learned Missioners of theSociety of Jesus, into Divers Parts of theArchipelago, India, China, and America.Translated from the French. London, 1714.(Letters 17, ginseng plant; 20, Hudson sBay; 21, Acadia.)A Report from the Committee of Secrecy, appointed by Order of the House of Commons toexamine Several Books and Papers laid beforethe House, relating to the Late Negotiations ofPeace and Commerce. London, 1715.The History of the Peace, from the Arrival ofM. Mesuager, Sept. 18, 1711, to the Return ofthe Earl of Strafford from Utrecht, May 15,1712. London, 1712.A Letter to a Noble Lord concerning the Late Expedition to Canada. (By Jeremiah Dummer.)London, 1712.Walker : A Journal or Full Account of theExpedition to Canada. London, 1720.Plan of Quebec in 1726. (Canadian ArchivesReport, 1905, vol. i, part iv.)General Collection of Treatys, Declarations ofWar, Manifestos, and other Publick Papers,relating to Peace and War. London, 1732.An Account of the French Settlements in NorthAmerica :shewing from the Latest Authorsthe Towns, Ports, Islands, Lakes, Rivers, etc.,of Canada, claimed and improved by the FrenchKing. By a Gentleman. Boston, 1746.Kalm : Travels into North America ; containingits Natural History, and a CircumstantialAccount of its Plantations and Agriculture inGeneral, with the Civil, Ecclesiastical andCommercial State of the Country. 2 vols.London, 1772. (Vol. ii, pp. 214 to end of vol.)Chalmers : An Estimate of the ComparativeStrength of Great Britain, during the Presentand Four Preceding Reigns ; and of theLosses of her Trade from Every War since theRevolution. London, 1786.

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