Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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<strong>23</strong>6 BIBLIOGRAPHYJournal of the Particular of the Siege and Surrender of Oswego. (ExtractHopson s Grenadiers. Boston, 1759. 1Angleterre. Yverdon, 1781.Transactions during thefrom the Gentleman s Magazine of 1757.)Siege of Quebec. By an Officer of Eraser sRelations diverses sur la bataille du Malengueul6. Regt. Quebec, 1901.Nouvelle-York, 1860.Journal of the Siege of Quebec, to which is annexedJournal written during the a CorrectExpeditionPlan ofagainstthe Environs ofTiconderoga in 1758. Edited by F. M. Quebec andRay.of the Battle fought on the 13th SeptemberChicago, 1881.1759. London, 1760.Lettres de M. de Bourlamaque. (Levis Collection. Journal of the)Expedition up the River StAn Impartial Account of Lieut. -Col. Bradstreet Lawrence.s(Soc. Hist, de Quebec, 1875.)Expedition to Fort Frontenac by a Volunteer Knox : An Historical Journal of the Campaignson the Expedition. London, 1759.in North-America for the years 1757-1758-1759Relation de la defense des retranchements sur la and 1760. London, 1769.hauteur de Carillon, 8 juillet 1758. Quebec, Knox: The Same. Ed. by Doughty. 3 vols.,1844.with Notes and an exhaustive Index. (ChamplainJournal de Paffaire du Canada passee le 8Society.) Toronto, 1914, 1916.Juillet 1758. Rouen, 1758.Kerallain : La Jeunesse de Bougainville et laAdmiral Holmes Journal of the Operations of Guerre de Sept Ans. Paris, 1896.the English Fleet before Quebec in 1759.:Lesage Aventures de Robert Chevalier dit(Extract from the Naval Chronicle, vol. xxiv. Beauchene, capitaine de flibustiers dans la1810.)Nouvelle-France. Mezieres, 1793.Account of the Taking and Capitulation of Genuine Letters from a Volunteer in the BritishQuebec. (London Gazette Extraordinary, Service at Quebec. London, 1759.Oct. 17, 1759.)Journal du Siege de Quebec en 1759, par M. JeanAll Canada in the Hands of the English ; or an Claude Panet, notaire. (Soc. Hist, de Quebec,Authentiok Journal of the Proceedings of the 1868.)Army under General Amherst. Boston, 1760. Journal du Siege de Qu6bec. Par Jean ClaxideM6moire pour Messire Francois Bigot. Paris, Panet. (Soc. Hist, de Quebec, 1875.)1763.Jugement impartial sur les operationsDocuments relating to Bigot, Vergor, and Villeray. de la campagne en Canada en 1759. (Soc.(Canadian Archives Report, 1904.)Hist, de Quebec, 1st series, vol. ii.)Lettres de 1 intendant Bigot. (Levis Coll.)Letter addressed to Two Great Men on theCampaign of 1760 in Canada : a Narrative Prospect of Peace. London, 1760.attributed to the Chevalier Johnstone. (Soc. Collection des Manuscrits du Marechal de Levis.Hist, de Quebec, 1868.)1889-95.Dialogue in Hades. A Parallel of Military Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, and of theErrors during the Campaign of 1759. Retreat of Bourlamaque from Carillon to theMontreal, 1350.Isle aux Noix. From the Journal of a FrenchDialogues oi the Dead Montcalm and WolfeOfficer. London, 1762.A Narrative of the Siege Operations before Memoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu aQuebec in 1759. Attributed to the Chevalier 1760. (Soc. Hist, de Quebec, 1st series,Johnstone. (Soc. Hist, de Quebec, 18C8.)Doughty The vol. i.): Siege of Quebec and the Battleof the Plains of Abraham. Containing theMoncrief : A Short Account of the ExpeditionLetters of against Quebec, 1759. Quebec, 1901.Bougainville, Journal of Foligne,Papers of Journals of Col. JamesCadet, etc. 6 vols. Quebec, 1901.Montresor, 1767-1759.Evenements de la guerre en Canada(New York Hist. Soc., 1881.)durant leaJournalsannees 1759 et 1760. Relation du Siege deCapt. John Montresor, 1757-1778.Quebec. (Soc. Hist, de (New York Hist. Soc.)Qu6bec, 1861.)Malartic : Journal des:Folign6 Journal des faits arrives a 1 armee deCampagnes au CanadaQuebec, pendant la de 1756 a 1760.campagne de 1 annee Paris, 1890.1759.Qu6bec, 1901.Mante : The History of the Late War in NorthAmerica.Col. Malcolm Eraser s Journal of the Siege ofLondon, 1772.Quebec, 1759. (Soc. Hist, de Qu6bec, Memoire d Antoine de1868.)Bougainville sur 1 EtatGabriel : Le Mar6chal de camp Desandrouins. de la Xouvelle-France a l6poque de la GuerredeGuerre du Canada, 1756-1760. Verdun, 1887.Sept Ans (1757). Paris, 1867.General Orders in Wolfe s Army during the (Memoires du S de C )contenant I histoire duExpeditions up the River St Lawrence, 1759. Canada durant la guerre et sous le gouvernement(Soc. Hist, de Qu6bec, 1875.)anglais. Qu6bec, 1838. (Soc. Hist.Journal of the deExpedition up the River StQuebec, 1st series, vol. i.)Lawrence.Lettres de Monsieur le(1759.)Marquis de Montcalm,ecrites dans les anneesJournal de 1757, 1758 a 1759.Iexp6dition sur le fleuve St Laurentdepuis le d6barquement a Louisbourg jusqu u Attributes a Roubaud. Londres, 1777.la reddition do Qu6bec en 1759. Quebec, 1855. Chapais Le Marquis de Montcalm. Quebec,:1911.Journal of the Expedition up the River StLawrence, containing a True and ParticularLettres du marquis de Montcalm. (Levis Coll.)Account of the Transactions of the Fleet and Caegrain: Montcalm et Levis. 2 vols. Quebec,Army from the Time of their Embarkation 1891.till after the Surrender of Quebec. (Soc. Memoirs of the Chevalier of Johnstone. AberHist, de Qu6bec, 1868.)deen, 1870.Journal of the Expedition up the River St Pouchot : Memoires sur la Derniere Guerre deLawrence, by the Sergeant-Major of Gen.lAm6rique Septentrionale entre la France et

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