Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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NEW FRANCE, 1534-1760 <strong>23</strong>5Bryce Remarkable History of the Hudson s:Bay Company. London, 1900.Willson : The Great Company. London, 1899.Randall : Narrative of Voyages towards theNorth-West, 1496 to 1631. (Hakluyt Society.)London, 1849.Markham :Voyages of William Baffin, 1612-22.(Hakluyt Society.) London, 1881.Winsor : Narrative and Critical History ofAmerica. 8 vols. Boston, 1884-89.Kingsford : History of Canada. 10 vola.Toronto, 1887-98.Parkman : Frontenao and New France, A HalfCentury of Conflict, La Salle and the Discoveryof the Great West. Boston, 1898.Fiske :Discovery of America. Boston, 1892.Harrisse :Discovery of North America, etc.London, 1892.:Burpee Search for the Western Sea. London,1908.Reed: First Great Canadian. Chicago, 1910.Desmazures : Histoire du Chevalier d Iberville.Montreal, 1890.Drake :History of the Early Discovery ofAmerica. Boston, 1854.Laut :Conquest of the Great Northwest.Chicago, 1908.Prowse :History of Newfoundland. London,1896.Proulx : A la Baie d Hudson. Montreal, 1886.Warburton : Memoirs of Prince Rupert.London, 1849.La Potherie : Histoire de lAm6rique Septentrionale.4 vols. Paris, 1722.AN OUTPOST OF EMPIRE. ByJ. S. M&amp;lt;=Lemmn. (pp. 201-27.)THE FIGHT FOB OVERSEA EMPIRE. By WilliamWood. (pp. <strong>23</strong>1-312.)Accurate Journal of the Proceedings of NewEngland Land Troops, during the late Expedition against the French Settlements onCape Breton. 1746.Lettre d un habitant de Louisbourg, contenantune relation exacte et circonstanciel de laprise de 1 Ile Royale par les Anglais.Qu6bec (?), 1745.Dudley s Bradstreet Diary at Siege of Louisbourg, 1745. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., series 2,vol. ii.)Letter from William Shirley, Esq., Governor ofMassachusetts Bay, to his Grace the Duke ofNewcastle, with a Journal of the Siege ofLouisbourg. Boston, 1746.Particular Account of the Taking of CapeBreton by Admiral Warren and Sir WilliamPepperell. By Philip Durell. London, 1745.Gibson : A Journal of the Late Siege of theTroops from North America against the Frenchat Cape Breton. London, 1745.Wrong Louisbourg in 1745. The anonymous:Lettre d un Habitant de Louisbourg. Containing a narrative by an eye-witness of thesiege in 1745.&quot; Toronto, 1897.Pepperell Papers relating to the Capture ofLouisbourg. (Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll., series 6,vol. x.)Accurate and Authentic Account of the Takingof Cape Breton in the Year 1755. London,1758.Gordon s Journal of Siege of Louisbourg, 1758.(Nova Scotia Hist. Soc.)Journal of the Landing of his Majesty e Forceson the Island of Cape Breton, and of the Siegeand Surrender of Louisbourg. Boston, 1758.The Campaign of Louisbourg, 1750-1758. AShort Account of what passed at Cape Breton.(Soc. Hist, de Quebec, 1865.)Authentic Account of the Reduction of Louisbourg in June and July 1758, by a Spectator.London, 1758.Campaigns of Louisbourg, 1750-1758. Narrativeattributed to the Chevalier Johnstone. (Soc.Hist, de Quebec, 1868.)Memoirs of the Principal Transactions of the lastWar between the English and French in NorthAmerica. London, 1758.Waddington : Histoire de la Guerre de Sept Ans.Paris, 1899.Waddington : Louis xv et la Renversement desAlliances. Paris, 1896.Journal of Major George Washington. Williamsburgh,1754.French Policy Defeated :being an Account ofall the Hostile Proceedings of the French againstthe British colonies. London, 1755.Campagne de 1755 (sous Dieskau). (Soc. Hist,de Montreal, 1900.)History of an Expedition against Fort Duquesnein 1755 under Major Edward Braddock.(Pennsylvania Hist. Soc., vol. v.)Letter to a Friend of the Ohio Defeat. Boston,1755.Expedition of Major General Braddock toVirginia. Letters from an Officer. London,1755.Present State of North America and London.1755.Account of the Engagement near Lake George.Boston, 1755.Relation de Iexp6dition <strong>com</strong>mandee par M.Rigaud de Vaudreuil pour 1 attaque du fortGeorges sur le lac St Sacrement ; attaque dufort St Fr6d6ric, etc.Second Letter to a Friend, giving a more Particular Narrative of the Defeat of the FrenchArmy at Lake George. Boston, 1755.Two Letters to a Friend on the Present CriticalConjunctures of Affairs in North America,particularly on the Vast Importance of theVictory at Lake George. (By W. T.)Letters to a Friend giving an Account of theAction at Lake George. Boston and London,1755.Relation de la prise du fort Georges. Paris,1757.Relation de la prise des forts de Choueguen ouOswego et de ce qui s est pass6 cette ann6e enCanada. 1757.Relations des avantages remport6s par les arm6esdu Roi sur les Angltiis. Paris, 1757.Bellin.: Remarques sur le d6troit de Belle-Isleet les cotes Septentrionales de la Nouvelle-France, depuis la Riviere S. Jean jusqu auCap Charles : Tir6es des journaux de navigation. 1758.Journal of Le Formidable in 1757. (CanadianArchives Report, 1905, vol. i, part vii.)Journal of L Inflexible in 1757. (CanadianArchives Report, 1905, vol. i, part viii.)Historical Account of American Affairs ensuinathe Last Two Years, with a Particular Journal

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