Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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<strong>23</strong>4 BIBLIOGRAPHYNarrative and Circumstances of the Death of:Burpee The Search for the Western Sea.Sieur de La Salle according to the Memorial Toronto, 1908.dated at Fort St Louis des Illinois, the 1st Parkman : AMarch 1690. (Supplement to CanadianHalf Century of Conflict (chap.xvi). Boston, 1897-98.Archives Report, 1899.)Jeffreys History of the French Dominions inDernieres d6couvertes dans 1 Ame : rique Septentrionalede M. de la Salle. Mises au jour parNorth and South America. London, 1761.Bougainville s Memoir on the French Posts.II. le Chevalier de Tonti. Paris, 1697.Recueil de (In Margry s Decouvertes et 6tablissements.voyages au Nord. 8 vols. Amster 6 vols. Paris, 1879-88.)dam, 1715.Journal Historique du dernier Voyage que feu THE ADVENTURERS OF HUDSON BAY.M. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe du Mexique.By T. G.Paris, 1713.Marquis, (pp. 149-98.)M^moire envoye&quot;en 1693 sur la de&quot;couverte du Relation du voyage du sieur Pierre EspritMississipi et des nations voisines, par le Radisson au nord de l Am6rique 6s ann6es 1682Sieur de la Salle en 1698, et depuia sa mort et 1683. (Canadian Archives Report, 1895.)par le Sieur de Tonty. Paris, 1861.Voyage d Iberville Journal du Voyage fait parRelation du voyage entrepris par feu M. Robert deux frigates du Roi, La Badine et Le1Cavelier, sieur de la Salle, pour ddcouvrir dans Marin, <strong>com</strong>mence en 1 an 1698. (Soc. Hist.le golfe du Mexique1 embouchure du Missis de Quebec, 1871.)sipi. Manate, 1858.Voyages of Peter Esprit Radisson. Being anParkman : La Salle and the Discovery of the account of his travels and experiences amongGreat West.the NorthBoston, 1897-98.American Indians, from 1652 to1684. Boston, 1885.Sieur Dulhut. (Minn. Hist. Coll., vol. i.)Lettre du Pere Gabriel Marest, J^suite, oil ilMLennan: Death of Dulhut. (Trans. Roy. d^crit le ilVoyage qu a fait en 1694 avec M.Soc. Can., 1903.)d Iberville a la Baye de Hudson. Paris,Nouveau Voyage d un pays plus grand que 1712.1Europe. Utrecht, 1698.J6r6mie : Relation du d6troit et de la bayed Hudson. (In Bernard s Recueil de Voyagesau Nord. Amsterdam, 1724.)Robson : Account of Six Years Residence in:Burpee Search for the Western Sea. Toronto,1908.La Potherie : Histoire de 1 Ame rique Septentrionale.4 vols. Paris, 1722.Parkman : Pioneers of France in the New World.Boston, 1897-98.Suite : Histoire des Canadiens-Fran9ais. 8 vols.Montreal, 1882-84.Winsor : Cartier to Frontenac ; GeographicalDiscovery in the Interior of North America.Boston, 1900.Winsor : Narrative and Critical History ofAmerica. (Vol. iv, part i, chap, iii.)THE PATHFINDERS OF THE GREAT WEST. ByLawrence J. Burpee, (pp. 111-46.)Dernieres d6couvertes dans l Am6rique Septentrionalede M. de la Salle. Mises au jour parM. le Chevalier de Tonti. Paris, 1697.Journal of La Vrendrye, 1738-39. (CanadianArchives Report, 1889, pp. 1-29.) (Frenchand English Texts.)Journals of La V6rendrye. Edited by LawrenceJ. Burpee. (Champlain Society.)Prud homme : Pierre Gaultier de Varennes,Sieur de la V6rendrye. (Roy. Soc. Can.,1905.)Memoir or Summary Journal of the Expeditionof Jacques Repentigny Le Gardeur de StPierre for the Discovery of the Western Sea.(Canadian Archives Report, 1886.)Journal of Legardeur de St Pierre, 1750-52.(Canadian Archives Report, 1886.)Summary of Documents at Paris, made byEdouard Richard. (Canadian Archives Report,1904, Appendix K.)Voyage au Canada dans le Nord de l Am6riqueSeptentrionale, fait 1depuis an 1751 a 1761.Par J. C. Bonnefonds. Qu6bec, 1887.Tass6 : Les Canadiens de 1 Quest. 2 vols.Montr6al, 1878.Dngas : L Ouest Canadien jusqu a I annee 1822.Montreal, 1896.Hudson s Bay, 1733-6 and 1744-7. London,1752.Ellis :Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage, etc., 1746-7. London, 1748.Voyage for the Discovery of a North-WestPassage by Hudson Streights, etc., 1746-7, inthe Ship California,&quot; Captain Smith. London,1748.Dobbs : An Account of the Countries adjoiningHudson s Bay. London, 1744.Dobbs : Remarks upon Captain Middleton sDefence. London, 1744.Middleton :Voyage for the Discovery of theNorth-West Passage. (In Coats s Geographyof Hudson s Bay, 1727-51. London, 1852.)Middleton : Vindication of his Conduct. Dublin,1744.Hendry : Journal, 1754-55. Ed. by Burpee.(Trans. Roy. Soc. Can., 1907-1908.)Minute Books, Letter Books, Stock Books,Memorial Books, and the Daily Journals ofchief traders in Hudson s Bay House, London.Colonial Documents of New York State. Ed.by O Callaghan. Albany, 1856.Company sPapers relating to the Hudson s Baycharter and license to trade. London, 1859.Hakluyt : Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques,and Discoveries. Ed. by E. Goldsmid.16 vols. Edinburgh, 1884-90.Purchas :Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas HisPilgrimes. 20 vols. Glasgow, 1905-6.Asher :Henry Hudson the Navigator. (Hakluyt Society.) London, 1860.Gosoh :Expedition of Jens Munk to Hudson sBay. (Hakluyt Society.) London, 1897.Chisty : Voyages of Luke Foxe and ThomasJames, 1631-2. 2 vols. (Hakluyt Society.)London, 1894.Oldmixon : British Empire in America, etc.2 vols. London, 1741.

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