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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Clergy Reserves ;also under names ofbishops and clergy.Anglin, Margaret Mary (6. 1876). Canadianactress, 12 660.Anglo-Saxon. Allan liner, 10 604 ;wreckednear Cape Race (1863), 5 403, 10 C04.Angloman. Dominion Line steamship, wrecked(1897), 10 609.Anian, Strait of. Navigators who claimed tohave sailed through, 21 18-19.Ann. (1) Conveys German settlers to Halifax(1750), 13 83. (2) Schooner built at Pictou,10 582.Annand, William (1808-92). Elected for Halifax County, 13 284 ; premier of Nova Scotia,14 380 ; anti-Confederation delegate to England, 380 ;refuses to meet Dominion delegates, 381 ;his attacks on Joseph Howe, 382.Annapolis Royal. First Anglican service inNova Scotia held at (1710), 11 201 ;schoolopened at, 201 ;attacked by expeditionfrom Louisbourg, 1211; first incumbents of,11 203 ; quantity of rum allowed for garrisonof, 13 86 ;social and religious conditions ineighteenth century, 11 203 ;failure to capture Acadians at, 13 96 ; number of Acadiansexpelled from, 97 ;sacked by Americanprivateers, 220 ;and loyalist immigration,<strong>23</strong>4; post office opened at (1788), 5373. SeePort Royal.Anne. Ship captured atCanadian militia, 7 388.Amherstburg byAnne and Jane. Ship passes through WellandCanal (1S29), 10 527.Anne Of Austria (1601-66). Offers bishopric ofQuebec to Father le Jeune, 2 418.Annexation Association (founded 1849). Discordant elements in, 5 59 ;Manifesto of 1849,<strong>23</strong>4-5 ;result of tariff changes in GreatBritain, 53-4, 10 373 ; hostility of Quebecclergy to, 15 106.Annuities, Old Age. Established in Canada(1908), 6 161-2, 342-3.Ansley, Amos. Anglican clergyman appointedto March, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Anson, George, Baron Anson (1697-1762).First Lord of the Admiralty (1751-56, 1757-62), 1 261-2; as a selector of <strong>com</strong>manders, 262.Anticosti, Island of. Sighted by Cartier, 1 35.Antigonish. College of St Francis Xavierfounded at (1854), 13 289.Anville, Nicolas de la Rochefoucauld, Due d .Anticipated attack by, on Annapolis Royal(1746), 13 80 ; destruction of his fleet, 80.Anwyl, William (d. 1750). Anglican clergymanat Halifax (1749), 11 201.Aplin, Joseph. On loyalist settlements at StJohn, 13 146.Appleton. Schoolmaster dismissed by JohnStrachan, 18 353.Arabasca. Lake vessel, 10 486.Arabia. Last Cunarder to be constructed ofwood, 10 599.Arabian. (1) Steamboat on Hamilton-Montreal route, 10 540. (2) Lakes freighter, 10557.Arbuthnot, Mariot (c. 1711-94). Supersedes SirGeorge Collier, 13 227.GENERAL INDEX 7Arbuthnot, Colonel. BringsIndian chiefs toHalifax, 13 108 ; receives Acadian submissions, 115.Archambault, L. Minister of Agriculture ofQuebec, 15 178 n. ;involved in Land-swapScandal, 179.Archambeault, Joseph Alfred (1859-1913).Roman Catholic bishop of Joliette (1904-13),1190.Archangel. Lake war vessel, 10 488.Archbold, George (d. 1840). Anglican missionary to Indians, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Archibald, Sir Adams George (1814-92), lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia (1873-83).Concurs in passing Nova Scotia Free SchoolsAct (1864), 14 5<strong>23</strong> ;on sensitiveness of thoMetis, 6 31-2 ; secretary of state, 22 ;governor of North-West Territories, 19 193 ;hia instructions, 193-5 ;arrives at FortGarry, 6 42-3, 19 97 ;makes ultra vireaappointments, 196-7 ; on flight of Riel, 98 ;accepts Riel s assistance against projectedFenian raid, 6 43, 11 158-9, 19 102-3 ;onFenian danger, 19 104 ;on treatment of theMetis, 11 158 ; acknowledges their services,159 ;on constitution of Nova Scotia, 14 441.Archibald, Samuel George William (1777-1846),speaker of Nova Scotia assembly. On rightof house to control of finance, 13 280.Architecture. Special Article : Canadian Architecture, 12 665-75 ; general conditions, 665-7 ;French-Canadian, 667-71 ; English-Canadian,671-4; influence of American on Canadian,674-5.Archithinues, tribe of Blackfoot Indians.Visited by Anthony Hendry, 1 198.Arctic Sound. Sir John Franklin s visit to, 4681.Arethuse. Skilfully handled by Vauquelin atLouisbourg, 1 225-6.Argall, Samuel (d. 1626). Destroys Frenchsettlements in Acadia, 13 34 ;raids Jesuitmission (1613), 2 386.Argenson, Pierre de Voyer, Vi<strong>com</strong>te d (1626-1710), governor of New France (1658-61).His reception at Jesuit College, Quebec, 16362, 371 ; on purity of morals in NewFrance, 2 417 ; deports an undesirable, 417.Argimault, Joseph (or Argimoosh), Indian chief.Makes submission at Halifax (1761), 13 108-9.Argonaut. Vessel trading on north-west coast(1789), 21 37 ; seized at Nootka, 43.Argue, William Pirritt. Member of senate ofUniversity of British Columbia, 22 442.Argus, American fishing vessel. Seizure of, 8687 ; damages awarded, 693.Aries, Henri d (Father Henri Beaude&quot;). Hisessays in criticism, 12 488.Arlington, Henry* Lord (1618-85). Originalmember of Hudson s Bay Company, 1 166.Armenians. As Canadian immigrants, 7 565-6.Armour, John Douglas (1830-1903), judge ofSupreme Court. Member of Alaskan Boundary Commission, 6 146, 8 938, 955.Armour, Samuel (1785-1853). Anglican clergyman at Peterborough, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.Armstrong, C. N., and the Baie des ChaleursRailway Scandal, 15 200-5.

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