Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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MANUSCRIPT SOURCES: NEW FRANCE 225Series C 11 (III) : Boundary Papers-, etc.This third section (16 vols., 1651-1791) includes the following items : memoranda and miscellaneous papers relating to boundaries between the French and English territories in North andSouth America ;memoirs and papers dealing chiefly with the rivalry between French and Englishcolonies in North America miscellaneous ; papers relating to missions and church matters ;various documents concerning Labrador and western trading-posts ; journals, memoirs andcorrespondence relating to trade, settlements and explorations (Dulhut, La Verendrye) in thewest.This section is calendared in the Report for 1887, pp. cclxiii-cclxxxii.Series C 11 (IV) : He Roy aleThis fourth section (38 vols., 1706-1762) covers the military, civil and religious historyHe ofBoyale from its first establishment down to its final conquest, 1712-1758. It ismostly madeup of the official correspondence addressed to France by the governors, intendants and officialsof the island regarding administration, fishery, trade, land grants, fortifications, etc. It alsoincludes various orders, memoirs and miscellaneous papers. The Acadians, as well as the Indiansand their missions, in British Acadia form a large subject of the correspondence. The boundaryquestion and the relations with the British are also prominent matters.This section is calendared in the Report for 1887, pp. cclxxxii-cccxciv.Series C 11 (V) : Terrenetive, lie Royale, He St Jean,etc.This fifth series (10 vols., 1661-1762) may be divided in two parts. The first one, vols. 1-7,consists of the correspondence from officials to the minister, and miscellaneous papers, relatingmainly to Newfoundland and occasionally to Acadia, He Royale, He St Jean, St Pierre and otherislands. They mostly deal with trade, fisheries, English settlements, military and ecclesiasticalmatters, etc.The second part, vols. 8-10, contains documents of a miscellaneous nature relating to HeRoyale, He St Jean, Gaspe, Canso, etc., concerning land grants, trade, religion, etc. There is ajournal of Franquet s voyage to He St Jean, Acadia, etc., and some journals and letters concerningthe capture of Louisbourg.Only the last three volumes 8, 9, 10 of this section are calendared in the Report for 1887,pp. cccxciv-cccxcviii.Series C 11 (VI) : Raudot-Pontchartrain Correspondence, etc.This sixth section (12 vols., 1689-1758) is mainly <strong>com</strong>posed of the royal memorials, instructionsand dispatches from the king and the minister to the governors Vaudreuil and Beauharnois, andthe intendants Raudots, with the letters from the same to the minister. There is a volume ofinteresting memoirs from Vaudreuil and the Raudots, and also a volume of decrees of the Councilof State, ordinances, grants, etc., concerning the French possessions. Other papers includeregisters of receipt of domain and seigneurial dues, and ordinances, letters patent, grants, etc.,relating to He Royale.This section is calendared in the Supplement to the Report for 1899, pp. 201-44.Series D *This series consists of lists, service-rolls and registers of <strong>com</strong>missions, appointments, etc.,relating to troops and civil officials in the French colonies. It is partly calendared in the Supplement to the Canadian Archives Report for 1905, vol. i, pp. 508-18. Additional information onthis series may be found in the Supplement to the Report for 1899, pp. <strong>23</strong>-32. Only a few volumeshave been copied for the Canadian Archives.SeriesThis series is known as the Moreau St Me&amp;gt;ycollection. Only part of it relates to Canada and,in a less degree, to He Royale, He St Jean and Louisiana. Numerous papers are duplicates ofSeries B and C 11 , but many documents are only found there. It contains decrees of the Councilof State, letters patent, grants and official correspondence from the minister ; ordinances anddecrees of the Sovereign Council, memorials and correspondence from the colonial officials to theminister ; numerous memoirs, petitions, journals, narratives, miscellaneous correspondence andpapers. These documents relate to administration, trade, agriculture, war, religion, Indians, etc.,and deal with all subjects possible.This series is partly calendared in the Supplement to the Report on Canadian Archives for1899, pp. 39-191, and in the Report for 1905, vol. i, pp. 449-505, but only a certain number ofvolumes have been copied.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IF zp

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