Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Young, Charles Bedford. His attacks ongovernment of Vancouver Island, 21 131.Young, George (d. 1910). Pioneer Methodistmissionary of Manitoba, 11 318 ; member offirst Board of Education of Manitoba, 20 427.Young, George Paxton (1819-89). Chairmanof central <strong>com</strong>mittee on education of Ontario,18 320 ; reorganizes secondary education,377, 379-82 ; professor in University College,Toronto, 386, 388.Young, H. E. Provincial secretary and minister of Education of British Columbia, 21<strong>23</strong>2, <strong>23</strong>3.Young, Henry Esson. Passes university actsof British Columbia, 22 438-9.Young, James. Provincial treasurer of Ontario, 17 164, 210 n. ;<strong>com</strong>missioner ofAgriculture and treasurer, <strong>23</strong>2 n.Young, John. Minister of St Gabriel StreetChurch, Montreal, 11 265.Young, John, member of assembly ofCanada. His arrest, 4 475.LowerYoung, Hon. John. Chairman of the FreeTrade Association of Canada (1846), 5 2<strong>23</strong>;associated with St Lawrence and AtlanticRailway, 10 377 ; favours <strong>com</strong>mercialunion, 9 166.Young, John. Ships constructed by, at Lunenburg,10 581.Young, John ( Agricola ), 1773-1837. Hisletters in Acadian Recorder and their influence on agricultural development in NovaScotia, 7 664, 13 265-7, 14 649 ;the mysteryof his identity, 13 265, 14 649 ; elected toassembly, 13 267 ; his agricultural experiments, 267 ; favours abolition of Catholictest, 272 ; on assembly s right to sole control of taxation, 280.Young, Sir William (1799-1887), chief justiceof Nova Scotia (1860-81). A son of Agrioola Young, 13 267 ;his benefactions toHalifax, 267 ; passes School Act that isafterwards withdrawn, 298.GENERAL INDEX 2<strong>23</strong>Young, W. A. G. First colonial secretary ofBritish Columbia, 21 147.Young Men s Christian Association. Functionperformed by, 12 429-30.Youville, Madame d . Administers hospital ofCharon Brothers, 18 346 ; founds Grey Nunsof Montreal (1753), 2 438.Yukon River. Exploration in region of, 4 690,5 306-7 ; length, drainage, and course, 9 <strong>23</strong>,22 590 its ; principal tributaries with theirapproximate lengths, 691 ; distances measured along course of the stream, 591.Yukon Territory. Special Article, 22 585-636. Its position and extent, 585 ; topography, 685-9 ; hydrography, 589-94 ;names and areas of largest lakes, 694 ;geology of, 595-600 ; temperature and precipitation, 600 ; mean monthly temperatureat Dawson, 600-1 ; diurnal variations, 601 ;average dates for principal seasonal eventsat Dawson, 601 ; crops grown and pricesobtained, 613-16; suitability of climate forhorses and cattle, 618 ;routes chosen byearly gold-seekers, 602 ; railways in, 602-3 ;steamer services, 603 ; trading - posts ofHudson s Bay Company, 604-5 ;statisticsof immigration into territory (1897-1900),607 n. ; constitution and government, 607-9 ;census of 1901, showing racial <strong>com</strong>ponents,610-11 ; decline of population, 611 ; waterpowers,611. See also Mining; PhysicalFeatures ; Railways ; Roads.Yule, Patrick, captain R.E. Surveys for StAndrews and Quebec Railway, 10 368, 376,14 406.Zagoskin, a Russian. Explores the Yukon, 6 307.Zealandia. Vessel trading between Canadaand New Zealand, 10 618.Zimmerman Bank. Founded, 5 273 ; obtainsnew charter, 278.Zoldak, Father. His work among Rutheniansof the West, 11 186.

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