Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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222 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESWorthington, Thomas. Member of <strong>com</strong>mission Yarmouth. Steamer on St John-Digby route,on Indian Affairs, 5 341.10 562.Wrangel, Ferdinand Petrovitch, Baron von Yates, James (d. 1899). Signs petition to(1796-1870), governor of Alaska. Requests retain Governor Blanshard, 21 121 ; memberthat British privilege of navigation in Alaska of first legislative assembly of Vancouverbe rescinded, 21 68 ; prevents British from Island, 112 ; petitions for removal of tradeentering Russian territory, 08.restrictions, 151.Wright, Alexander. Establishes shipyard near Yates, J. B. Largest shareholder in WellandMoncton, 10 583.Canal, 10 525.Wright, Benjamin. Submits plans for Corn Yates, J. Stuart. Chief <strong>com</strong>missioner of Landswall and Williamsburg Canals, 10 513.and Works in British Columbia, 21 225.Wright, James. First settler on the English Yellowhead Pass. Favoured by Milton andRiver, 15 157 ; removes to the Chateauguay, Cheadle as most practicable line of <strong>com</strong>muni157 ;his services at battle of Chateauguay, cation for transcontinental road, 5 327.157-8.Yellowknife River. Samuel Hearne on, 4Wright, Philemon (1760-1839). Predicts site 672.of future capital of Canada, 11 49 ;his Yeo, Sir James Lucas (1782-1818). In <strong>com</strong>settlement at Hull, 15 159-60 ;on educa mand of lake flotillas in War of 1812, 3tional condition of Hull in 1821, 16 403.240 ; destroysWright, Thomas. Member forts at Oswego, 253.of council of St Yonge Street. Commenced by Simcoe, 3 177 ;John s Island, 13 345 ;taken prisoner by settled partly by immigrants from NorthernAmerican privateers, 353.States of republican sympathies, 17 44-5.Wrigley. Steamer on Mackenzie River, 19 York, Frederick Augustus, Duke of ( 1763-1827).170.His reception of Rev. Alex, (afterwardsWrinch, Mary E. Landscape and miniature Bishop) Macdonell (1802), 17 67; receivespainter, 12 627.grant for sixty years of reserved mines andWrong, George M. (b. 1860). His Life of Lord minerals of Nova Scotia, 14 675 ; transfersElgin, 12 510 ; editor of Revieiv of Historical his rights to Rundell, Bridge and Rundell,Publications, 5<strong>23</strong>, 529.394, 675.Wfirtele, Jonathan Saxton Campbell (&amp;gt;l. 1904). York, Captain. At tho battle of the Plains, 1Member of Chapleau s cabinet, 15 189 ;his 302.budget speech of 1882, 210 ; presides at trial York. Favoured by Simooe as site for anof Mercier and Pacaud, 206.arsenal, 3 175 ; instructions given to fortify,Wyandots, Indian tribe. Located near Fort 176 ; seat of government transferred to,Detroit, 3 59.183 ; market established at (1802), 18 421 ;Wyandotte. Lake war vessel, 10 488.Brock opens special session of legislature at,Wyatt, Charles B. Surveyor-general of Upper 3 222 ; attacked and burnt by Americans,Canada, 3 184 ; dismissed by Gore, 185 ; <strong>23</strong>9; population (1830), 18 558; incorportakes proceedings against Gore, 331.ated as city of Toronto (1834), 17Wycliffe College. Opened at Toronto 260, 18(1880), 425 ;its borrowing powers, 17 260. See11 242, 18 390 ; enters federation, 393.also Toronto.Wylde, Charles. Revenue officer at Langley, York. Lake Ontario vessel, built (1792),British Columbia, 21 148 n.wrecked (1799), 10491.Wyndam, Colonel. His scheme of assisted York and Simcoe Battalion. Engaged duringimmigration, 5 205, 207.North-West Rebellion, 7 431.York Factory (Fort Nelson, Fort Bourbon).Ximines, Fortune, Spanish navigator. Diego Founded by Hudson s Bay Company, 1 171,Becerra slain by, 21 14 ; lands on Californian 8 880peninsula at Santa ; seized by Radisson (1683), 1 174, 8Cruz, 14 his ; party slain 880 ; recaptured by Radisson for theby natives, 14.English (1684), 1 175, 8 880; burnt (1691)X Y Company. Founded (1795), 4 691 ;its and rebuilt (1692), 1rivalry with and 182;amalgamation into North-captured byd Iberville (1694), 183, 8 884; retaken byWest Company, 19 16, 17.British (1696), 1 184, 8 884 ; again capturedby d Iberville (1697), 1 187, 8 884Yamachiche. Seigniory of Petit, held ; perilousby position of Frenchwidow of Boucher de Grand in, 1 189-90 ; surrenderedPr6 (1712), 2 under Treaty of Utrecht, 190 ; Anthony556.Hendry s expedition from, 197 ;Franklin at,Yamachiche, Grand. Ownership of seigniory 4 679, 683 ; Anglican mission established at,of (1712), 2556.11 228. See also Port Nelson.Yarmouth, N.S. Stock owned by Puritan Yorktown. Surrender of (1782), 13 227.settlers from Connecticut at, 7 655 ;as a ship Young, Allen W. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies M c Clintock onbuilding centre, 10 581, 13 255.his Franklin search expedition, 5 305.Yarmouth, Township of, Upper Canada. Young, Aretas William (d. 1835), lieutenantgovernorof Prince Edward Island (1831-35).Grant of land in, to the Babys, 17 60, 61.Yarmouth, North, Township of. Settled by Instructed to form an executive apart fromScottish Highlanders, 17 63.council, 13 368.Yarmouth, South. Settled by Quakers from Young, Brigham (1801-77). Progress of Mormonismunder, 7 Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 17 63. 536-7.

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