Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESAlverstone, Sir Richard Webster, Baron (1842- Anderson, Chandler P. United States boundary1915), lord chief justice of England. Member <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 779.of Alaskan Boundary Commission, 6 146, Anderson, David (1814-85). First Anglican8 938, 955 his ; position as arbitrator, 6 148 ; bishop of Rupert s Land (1849-64), 11 228 ;his decisions, 8 939-40, 950 ;<strong>com</strong>ments on founds St John s College, Winnipeg, 20 425 ;his decisions, 940 and n., 957.21 125.Amalgamated Asbestos Company, 9 260. Anderson, James. Secures Franklin relics, 5Ameau, Severin. First teacher at Three 304.Rivers, 16 346.Anderson, James R. Petitions for retention ofAmerica. (1) Arrives at Victoria, British Governor Blanshard, 21 121 ;first secreColumbia (1845), 21 88. (2) Great Western tary of department of Agriculture of BritishRailway steamboat, 10 545. (3) Cunard Columbia, 22 546-7.steamship, 10 599.Anderson, John. Anglican clergyman at FortAmerican Civil War. Its effect on Canadian Erie, 11 2<strong>23</strong>.trade, 5 188.Anderson, S. Signs loyalist petition (1787), 17American Federation o! Labour. Founded in 39.1881, 9 306 ;its conflict with Knights of Anderson, S., captain R.E. Boundary surveyLabour, 304, 306-9 ;allied with Canadian <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 877.Trades and Labour Congress, 330-2.Anderson, William (d. 1778). Surgeon of theAmerican-German Catholics. Immigration of Resolution, 21 24.in Saskatchewan, 19 178.Andre, Louis (c. 16<strong>23</strong>-1715), Jesuit. At LakeAmerican Mail Line. Its fleet, 10 540 ; liquida Nipissing, 181; at Sault Ste Marie, 103 ;ontion of, 540.Manitoulin Island, 103 ;at Green Bay, 104.American Metal Company, of New York. Itsoperations in Nova Andre, Father. Parish priest of Prince Albert,Scotia, 14 696 ; engages 11 165.in litigation, 697.Andres, Nicholas. Obtains grant in EasternAmes, Sir Herbert Brown (b. 1863). His charge Townships, 15 150.against the Laurier administration, 6 162. Andrew Weir Line of steamships, 10 618.Amherst, Sir Jeffery (1717-97). In <strong>com</strong>mand Andrews, Frederick William, judge of Superiorof Louisbourg expedition, 1 222, 13 324 ;at Court of Quebec. His decision on Pacaud-Ticonderoga and Lake Champlain, 1 273 ; Armstrong agreement case, 15 205.characteristics as leader, 274 ;<strong>com</strong>manderin-chiefin North America, 4 427 ;Andrews, I. D. On reciprocity, 5 <strong>23</strong>7 ; reportsat Mon on Canadian trade, <strong>23</strong>8treal, 1 311 ;refuses to regard French;sent on mission toCanada, 241-2.Canadians as neutrals, 15 261 ;his instruc Andrews, Samuel (1736-1818). First Anglicantions to district governors, 4 428 ;claims a incumbent at St Andrews, N.B., 11 209.share of Jesuit estates, 16 408 ;relieved of Andrews, Captain. In <strong>com</strong>mand of the Ontario,<strong>com</strong>mand, 3 68.wrecked on the lake (1780), 10 487-8.Amherst, William Pitt, Earl Amherst of Andros, Sir Edmund (1637-1713), governor ofArracan (1773-1857). Appointed governorin-chiefof the Canadas, but resigns before Angelica. Lake vessel, 10 486.New York. Ignores his instructions, 2 356 n.taking office, 3 320.Angers, Sir Auguste Real (b. 1838). Leader ofAmb.erstbu.rg. Hull s movements against, 3 220 ;the Quebec assembly, 15 180 ;as lieutenantgovernordismisses Mercier, 200-4.Sir F. B. Head s visit to Indian settlementat, 5 336.Angers, Felicite Laure(Conan ).French-Amhurst, Lieutenant. Deputy surveyor in Canadian novelist, 12 476.Nova Scotia, 13 79.Anglican Church. Special Article : TheAmours, Louis d , Sieur de Chauffeurs. See Church and its Missions, 11 199-246 ;notesChauffeurs.on the mother church, 199-200 ;untrainedAmours, Mathieu d . Prefect of Little Semi in systematic liberality, 200. Nova Scotia :nary of Quebec, 16 387.its history, 201-6 ; bishops of, 207-8, 13Amundsen, Roald (b. 1872), Arctic explorer. 240-1Completes the North-West ; founding of King s College,Passage (1903-5), New 241-2.Brunswick : 11 208-12 ; bishops of,5 302 n.211 ; rights of presentation, 13 166 ;imAmyot, Jean. Petitions for full exercise of perial aid granted to missionaries, 166 ;itsCatholic religion in Quebec, 11 16.favoured position, 167. Prince EdwardAndania. Cunard liner, 10 600.Island : first clergyman and religious conAnderson, Alexander. Principal of Prince of ditions, 11 206. Quebec: 212-20; erectionWales College, Charlottetown, 14 537 ;of diocese (1793), 215. Ontario: 221-7;superintendent of Education, P.E.I., 538. Laymen s Missionary Movement, 227. North-Anderson, Alexander Caulfleld (1814-94). Sent West Territories : 227-32. British Columbia :to establish a post in Alaskan hinterland, <strong>23</strong>2-5. Educational and evangelical work,21 68 ; justice of peace for Vancouver <strong>23</strong>9, 14 547, 7 610, 611, 612; missionaryIsland, 87, 124 ;at New Fort Langley, 127 n.: organizations and fields of labour, 11 244-6.encourages farming and horticulture, 22 528 ;Constitutional : Quebec Act and support ofon British Columbia as a field for immigra clergy, <strong>23</strong>5-6 ;Constitutional Act, <strong>23</strong>6 ;tion, 535-6 ; on crops raised at trading cler-ry reserves question, <strong>23</strong>6 ;state aid to,posts, 527-8. <strong>23</strong>6-7 ; synods of the Church, <strong>23</strong>7-9. See

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