Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Druillettes to support reciprocity with NewFrance, 2 333.Wisconsin. Founded by French Canadians, 1577.Wisner, Q. Y. United States representativeon International Waterways Commission, 8838.Wisswall, Judge. Superintends Indian settlements in Annapolis County, 5 359.Witherspoon, John. Prisoner of war successively at Miramichi, Louisbourg, and Quebec,13 98-9.Withrow, William Henry (1839-1908). Aseditor and author, 11 331-2, 12 633 ;on workof itinerant Methodist preachers, 11 312.Wolfe, James (1727-59). Attracts attention ofPitt, 1 255 ;his services at Louisbourg, 222,224, 225, 208 ;sails from Spithead, 277 ;George II s opinion of, 279 ;leaves Louisbourg, 280; at Island of Orleans, 281;occupies Levis heights and left bank of Montmorency,284 ;his attempt on the Montmorency,285-6 ;casualties suffered by, 287 ;his proclamation to the inhabitants, 15 82-3 ;lays waste their property, 83 ;illness of, 1288 ; plans submitted to brigadiers, 289 ;resumes <strong>com</strong>mand and forms final plan,291-3 ;his orders, 294 ;will of, 296 ;ascentof the Heights, 296-9 ; strength of forces, 3OO ;battle of the Plains, 301-3 ;death of, 305-6 ;monument to Wolfe and Montcalm, 307 ;sketch of, 278-9.Wolfe, soaped British prisoner. WarnsCarleton of intended attack on Quebec (Dec.22, 1775), 3 87.Wolfe Island, Kingston. Ceded to GreatBritain in exchange for other islands, 8 829.Wolfenden, Richard (d. 1911). First Queen sPrinter in British Columbia, 21 166 n.Wolfe s Cove. Landing of Wolfe s expeditionat (1775), 1 296-9; Arnold s expedition at,3 85.Wollaston Land. Named by Richardson, 4 684.Wolseley, Garnet Joseph, afterwards ViscountWolseley (1833-1913). Commands trainingcamp at La Prairie, 7 405 his ; expeditionto Red River, 6 41-3, 11 157, 19 97.Wolsey, Thomas (b. 1819). Missionary toIndians in Alberta, 20 478.Wolstenholme, Sir John (1562-1639).Merchantadventurer, 1 151, 155.Wolverine. Steamer on Georgian Bay andLake Superior route, 10 546.Wolverton, N. Member of seriate of Universityof British Columbia, 22 442.Woman Suffrage. Qualified grant of, undermunicipal law of Nova Scotia, 14 480.Wood, Charles Edward Dudley (b. 1856).Founder of Fort Macleod Gazette (1882), 19164.Wood, Edmund Burke (1820-82), chief justiceof Manitoba ( 1874-82). Treasurer of Ontario(1867-71), 17 107-8, 210 n. ; opposes construction of narrow-gauge lines, 112-13;and the Speak Now incident, 124-5 and n. ;charged with corruption in resigning hisportfolio, 132-3 ; supports Mowat s Municipal Loan Fund settlement, 141 ;favoursGENERAL INDEX 221Clarke s liquor prohibition bill, 141 ;hlajudgment on jurisdiction of general courtof Assiniboia, 20 371-2 ; passes sentence ofoutlawry on Riel, 6 44.Wood, Joanna E. Her novels of Canadian life,12 565.Wood, John Fisher (d, 1899). Resigns fromBowell ministry, 6 126.Wood, Josiah (b. 1843). Lieutenant-governorof New Brunswick, 14 427.Wood, Samuel Casey (d. 1913). Commissionerof Agriculture and secretary of Ontario, 17148, 200 n., <strong>23</strong>2 n. ; provincial treasurer,210 n. ; resigns, 164 ;chairman of OntarioAgricultural Commission (1880), 18 572.Wood, S. S. Conducts a <strong>com</strong>bined secularschool and theological institute at ThreeRivers, 16 461 ;declines invitation to ac<strong>com</strong>pany his divinity students to Lennoxville,498.Wood, Thomas. Assistant to Anglican incumbent of Halifax (1753), 11 202; appointed to Annapolis, 203 holds services at;Fort Cumberland, 208 ;visits settlements onthe St John, 208 ; baptizes twins who hadbeen born in an open canoe two leagues fromany house, 208.Wood, William. His Fight for Canada andbiographies of Wolfe and Montcalm, 12 501.Wood. Lake Ontario vessel, 10 494.Woodbridge. Principal of Halifax Institutionfor the Deaf, 14 534.Woodcock, P. F. Artist, 12 625.Woodman, James. A pioneer lumberman onthe St John, 14 603.Woodmass, member of assembly of NovaScotia. Forced to apologize for insultingthe Speaker, 13 119.Woodruff, Wilford (1807-98), president ofMormon Church. His prohibition of polygamy, 7 537.Woodstock, New Brunswick. Twice ravagedby fire, 14 426.Woodstock and Lake Huron Railway andHarbour Company. Scandal in connectionwith its chartering, 10 409.Woodstock Charcoal Iron Company, 14 689-90.Woodstock College (Baptist), Ont., 11 369, 18401.Wool, John Ellis (1784-1869). Lands Americantroops above Queenston, 3 <strong>23</strong>0-1.Woollens. See Manufactures.Wooster, David (1710-77). American generalin Invasion of 1775, 3 96.Justice ofWork (or Wark), John (1792-1861).peace for Vancouver Island, 21 86 and n. ;appointed to council, 108 ; encouragesfarming and horticulture, 22 528 ;exhibitsat first agricultural show at Victoria, 538 ;death of, 21 154.Workman, Aaron. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Workman, T. H. Movee protectionist amendment to budget of 1876, 6 80.Worrell, Clarendon Lamb (b. 1854). BishopNova ofScotia, 11 208.Worsley, Miller. Boards American schoonersoff St Joseph s Island, 3 253.

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