Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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Wholesale Grocers Guild. Endeavours tostereotype system of distribution, 9 190-1.Whyte, Sir William (1843-1914). Frustratesattempt of Northern Pacific Railway tocross Canadian Pacific tracks, 19 1<strong>23</strong>.Wicaninish, Indian chief. Wel<strong>com</strong>es Mearesat Clayoquot Sound, 21 36.Wickson, Paul Giovanni (b. 1860). His paintings, 12 613.Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island. Indiansettlement established at, 5 335 ; industrialschool founded at, 347.Wilberforce Falls, Hood s River. Sir JohnFranklin at, 4 681.Wilby, H. E. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Wilkes, Henry. Minister of Zion Congregational Church, Montreal, 11 382.Wilkie, Daniel (1777-1851). Establishes classical school at Quebec, 16 463.Wilkie, Sir David (1785-1841). A pupil ofJohnStrachan s at the parish school of Kettle,Scotland, 18 346.Wilkie, D. R. Honorary president of CanadianArt Club, 12 635.Wilkie, William. Author of anonymous pam William s Lake.phlet criticizing magistrates of Halifax, 13277 ; vindictively punished, 277.Wilkins, Major, <strong>com</strong>manding at Niagara. Hisfleet of bateaux destroyed, 3 67.Wilkinson,James ( 1 757- 1825 ), American general.Supersedes Dearborn at Sackett s Harbour,3 246 ;at St Regis, 247 ; attempts to effectjunction with Hampton, 249 ; goes into winterquarters, 250 ;his attack on La Colle, 253.Willamette Valley. First settlements in the,8 866 ; hostility of Methodist missionariesin, to Hudson s866 and n.Bay Company governor,Willard, Aaron. American spy, 13 217.Willard, Samuel. Patentee of Stukeley, 15150.Willcocks, Joseph. Sheriff of county of York,3 184 ; dismissal and imprisonment of, 185 ;renegade in War of 1812, 251 ; engages inGENERAL INDEX 219Williams, James William (1825 92), Anglicanbishop of Quebec (1863-92). Member ofProtestant Committee of Council of PublicInstruction, 16 491 ; 11 220.Williams, Jenkin. Applies for land grant inEr.stern Townships, 15 148.Williams, John. First president of MethodistConference after union of 1883, 11 310.Williams, John T. Member of British ColumbiaFisheries Commission (1910), 22 459.Williams, J. W. Chairman of <strong>com</strong>mittee ofBritish Columbia legislature on Chinese immigration, 21 255.Williams, J. W. First principal of Lennoxvilleschool, 16 499.Williams, R. Member of Board of Educationof British Columbia, 22 424.Williams, William, lieutenant-colonel. Woundedat battle of Queenston Heights, 3 <strong>23</strong>2-3.Williams, Sir William Fenwick, Bart. (1800-83),lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia (1865-67 ).His defence of Kars, 14 388-9.Williams. Agent for Selkirk in the immigration to Prince Edward Island, 13 355 ;his idiosyncrasies, 355-6.Catholic mission founded at,11 149.Williamsburg, Township of. Settled by German Lutherans of King s Royal RegimentNew ofYork, 17 25.Williamsburg Canals. Construction of, 10 514 ;an engineer s costly error, 514.Williamson, A. Curtis. Characteristics of hispaintings, 12 613-14.Williamson, George (c. 1704-81), lieutenantcolonel.Raises batteries at Point of Levy,1 284.Willing Maid. Lake Ontario vessel, 10 494.Willis, John Walpole (1792-1877), puisne judgeof King s Bench, Upper Canada. FamilyCompact s treatment of, 3 338-9.Willis, Lady Mary (wife of Judge Willis). Asocial rival of Lady Sarah Maitland, 3 338,339.Willison, Sir John Stephen (b. J856). Hisplundering, 256 ;killed in skirmish at siege attacks on the Ross government, 17 183 ;of Fort Erie, 260.author of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the, LiberalWilliam I, German Emperor (1797-1888). Party, 12 509 ; on unwisdom of makingArbitrates in San Juan boundary dispute, execution of Scott a political issue, 17 134 n.6 49 ; his award, 52, 8 875-6.Williston, Edward. Solicitor-general of NewWilliam HI (1650-1702). His accession ends Brunswick, 14 415.Treaty of Neutrality between French and Willoughby, A. W. Minister without portfolioEnglish colonies in America, 2 355.in Ontario cabinet, 17 184.William IV. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 499. Willoughby, Edward C. Anglican incumbentWilliam and Ann. Conveys Acadian prisoners at Windsor, 11 205.of war to France to be exchanged, 13 326. Willoughby, Mark (1796-1847). First incumWilliam and Barbara. Prize ship sold at bent of Trinity Church, Montreal, 11 218.Halifax, 13 221.Willson, David. Founder of Church of theWilliam King. Steamer on lower reach of the Children of Peace, 17 46.Ottawa River, 10 500.Wilmot, Lemuel Allan (1809-78), lieutenantgovernorof New Brunswick (1868-73).Williams, Ephraim. Killed at Lake George,1243.Opposes attempt to resume collection ofWilliams, Gardner S. Member of United States quitrents, 14 483 ; delegate to Englandsection of International Waterways Comtoobtain redress of grievances, 484 ; his admission, 6 364, 8 838.dressWilliams, George Henry (b. 18<strong>23</strong>). Commisat railway convention at Portland, 406 ;his ability as a parliamentarian, 13 200sioner in ;aarranging Treaty of Washington, judge of Supreme Court, 209 ; <strong>com</strong>mands6 48.militia battalion, 14 414 ;first native-born

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