Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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1856).GENERAL INDEX 217discovery of Bed Line map, 819-20 ment;House, 13 249 ;his defensive measures,replies to charge of overreaching Ashburton,820-1 his ; injudicious admission on Tonge s election as speaker of assembly, 14251-2 ;refuses assent to Richard Peterfishery claims, 692 ; remonstrates on Hincks s 458.measures of retaliation, 5 241.Wentzel, Willard Ferdinand. Joins Franklin sWebster, William. One of fathers of Confedera expedition at Fort Providence, 4 680.tion in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Wesbrook, Francis Fairchild (b. 18G8). PresiWeekes, William. An associate of Justice dent of University of BritishThorpe, killed in a Columbia, 22duel, 3 184, 17 70.442.Weir, Arthur (1864-1 912). His qualities as a Wesley College, Winnipeg. Incorporatedpoet, 12 584.(1877), 11338; 20444.Weir, George, lieutenant, 32nd Regiment. Wesleyan TheologicalKilled at St Denis by the College, 11 336.rebels, 3 363. Wesp. A vessel of d Iberville s fleet, 1 184.Weir, George. Secretary of Protestant Com West, Captain Jabez. Defeated by Studholmemittee of Council of Public Instruction of on the St John, 13 137.Quebec, 16 491.West, John, Anglican clergyman. FoundsWeir, Robert Stanley Summarizes church and school at Red(t&amp;gt;. River, 11 227, 20Ore ordinance of Quebec of 1768, 15 300-1. 4<strong>23</strong>.Weir, William Alexander (b. 1852). Portfolios West India Islands (French). Their trade within Quebec cabinet held by, 15 213.Canada, 2 470, 477.Weisenfels, Ferd. Signs Montgomery s general West India Regiment. Military settlementorders at Quebec, 3 89.formed by disbanded soldiers of, 13 191.Wel<strong>com</strong>e. Lake war vessel, 10 486.West Indies. Growth of trade with AmericanWeld, Thomas (1773-1837), of Lulworth, after colonies, 4 535-6 restrictive ;policy of Britishwards cardinal. Coadjutor bishop of Kings government towards trade with United States,ton, 11 54.536-7 ; barriers to trade with, 541 ; effectsWeldon, Richard Chapman (1849). Member of trade restriction between Canada and,of British Columbia university site <strong>com</strong> 566-7 ; Huskisson s promotion of reciprocalmission, 22 439.trade with, 573, 582Welland. Industrial ; decline in trade with,development at, 18 634. 587 ; Canadian preferences with (1898, 1912),Welland Canal. Natural obstacles over<strong>com</strong>e 9 213-15.by, 10 5<strong>23</strong> ; enterprise stimulated by <strong>com</strong> West River. Seminary of, founded by Synod ofmencement of Erie Canal, 5<strong>23</strong> ;Merritl s Nova Scotia, 11 275.advocacy of, 5<strong>23</strong>-5 ; <strong>com</strong>pany incorporated, Western Canada College, Calgary, 20 498-9.625 ; original plan, 525 ; revised and Western Counties Railway. Loan granted byamended schemes, 525-6 ; engineering and Nova Scotia to, 10 443 ; attempt to transferfinancial difficulties, 526 ; canal opened rights to English <strong>com</strong>pany, 443 ; Dominion(Nov. 27, 1829), 527 ; extended to Port Colborne(1833), 527 ;government undertakes construction oftaken over by govern section of, 444 ; Nova Scotia claims fromment, 527 ; subsequent improvements and Dominion refund of expenditures on, 444-5.plans for enlargement, 527-9 ; Canadian and Western Miller. Schooner on Toronto-HalifaxAmerican tonnage (1863), 5 251 ;volume of route, 10 540.traffic (1912), 10 536.Western Sea (Pacific Ocean). Route to the goalWellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of (1769- of all western explorers, 1 46, 47, 94, 106,1852). On American successes in single-ship 114; trading-posts stepping-stones to, 115;actions in 1812, 3 216 ; after disaster at suggested routes to, 116, 117; discovered byPlattsburg, offers to serve in Canada, 268 ;Alexander Mackenzie, 4 651-7.on Russian claims in Bering Sea, 8 918. Western World. (1) Great Western RailwayWellington Channel. Explorations of, 5 303. steamboat, 10 545. (2) Michigan CentralWells, A. C. Dairying pioneer in British Railway steamboat, 10 546 ; dimensions,Columbia, 7 662.tonnage, and cost, 546 ; converted into a dryWells, Joseph (1757-1853). Resigns from exe dock, 546.cutive council of Upper Canada, 3 354. Westmoreland. Steamer on Charlotte town-Wells, Willmer Cleveland (6. 1840). Chief Pictou route, 10 563.<strong>com</strong>missioner of Lands and Works of Westmount. Population and municipal progressivoiiessof, 15 318.British Columbia, 21 226, 228.Welsford, A. F. Commemorated in Old St Westmount. Lakes freighter, 10 556.Paul s burying-grourid, Halifax, 13 296. Westward Ho College, Edmonton, 20 498, 499.Welsman, Frank Squire. Leader of Toronto Wetherald, Agnes Ethelwyn (b. 1857). WriterSymphony Orchestra, 12 647.Wendel, Nicolas. Shipbuilder at Mahone of verse, 12 588.Bay, Wetherall, Sir George Augustus (1788-1868).10 583.Defeats rebels at St Charles, 3 362.Wenham, John. Anglican clergyman at Brockville,11 2<strong>23</strong>.of New Brunswick (1867-70), 14 428.Wetmore, Andrew Rainsford (d. 1892). PremierWentworth, Sir John (1737-1820), lieutenantgovernorof Nova Scotia (1792-1808). Pro Brunswick, 13 1 67 ; raised to the bench, 14Wetmore, Thomas. Attorney-general of Newposes building of Shubenacadie Canal, 10 418.531 ;originates social tradition of Govern Whale, Robert. Portrait painter, 12 630.:ISHER CQILEGF

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