Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX251 ; disregards Prevost s instructions toretire, 246.Vincent, Robert (d. 1766). Minister and schoolmaster at Lunenburg, 11 204.Vincent, Father (d. 1855). Founds first convent of Cistercians of Tracadie, 11 81.Violent. One of d Iberville s ships, 1 184.Viper. American ship ; engages the Resolution, 13 221.Virginian. Turbine steamship of Allan Line,10 607 ;her record trip, 607-8.Vizcaino, Sebastian (d. c. 1615), Spanish navigator. His voyages in the Paci6c (1596,1602), 21 17 ; his supposed farthest north, 8846.Vogt, Augustus Stephen (b. 1861). Leader ofMendelssohn Choir, Toronto, 12 645-6.Volant, Claude (1654-1719).Jesuit College, 16 372.Awarded prize atVoltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de (1694-1778).On worthlessness of Canada as a colonialnear Sydney, 222.Vyner, Sir Robert (1631-88). One of theGentlemen Adventurers, 1 162 ; originalmember of Hudson s Bay Company, 166.Wabigoon Lake. Navigation on, 10 666.Waddington, Alfred (c. 1796-1872). DescribesVictoria during gold rush of 1858, 21 135,137-9 his ; project for and expenditures onwagon road in British Columbia, 22 409-10 n. ;interested in transcontinental railway, 6 65,22 410 n. ; reports as superintendent ofEducation (1867), 416-17; 420.Wade, Frederick Coats (I. 1860). CriticizesAlverstone s decision on ownership of Portland Canal, 8 940 and n, ; member of senateof University of British Columbia, 22 442.Wadsworth, William (1732-1833), Americanbrigadier-general at battle of QueenstonHeights, 3 <strong>23</strong>4, <strong>23</strong>5.Wager Bay. Explored by Middleton, 1 197.Wagler, C., New Dundee, Ontario. ImportsHolstein cattle, 7 658.Wakefield, Edward Gibbon (1796-1862). Attached to Durham s mission, 4 392, 398 ;favours colonization as a remedy for socialdiscontent, 5 206-7, 10 379.Walkem, George Anthony (1834-1908), premierof British Columbia (1874-76, 1878-82).Member of first legislative assembly, 21 180 ;chief <strong>com</strong>missioner of Lands and Works, 181 ;attorney-general, 183 ; premier, 184 ;delegate to England on alleged repudiation ofterms of union, 6 65, 21 192-3 ;defeat of hisgovernment, 196 in ; opposition to Elliottministry, 200-1 ; again premier, 202 ; movessecession resolution, 203 ;re<strong>com</strong>mends inter-Dominion restrictions on Chinese immigration ,256 ; judge of Supreme Court of BritishColumbia, 208.Walker, Sir Byron Edmund (b. 1848). Opposes reciprocity, 6 1 80 ; president of exhibitions of Art Museum of Toronto, 12 636.Walker, George. Shipbuilder at Mahone Bay,10 582.Walker, Horatio (b. 1858). His place as anartist, 12 610-11.Walker, James. His voyage on a coal bargefrom Moncton to England, 10 584.Walker, Thomas (b. 1718), magistrate of Montreal. Outrage <strong>com</strong>mitted on, 3 33, 78 ;trial of persons accused of <strong>com</strong>plicity inoutrage, 36 ; promotes petitions againstQuebec Act, 107 ; joins American revolutionary movement, 109 ;sketch of, 15 142.Walker, Commodore. Establishes trading-postnear Bathurst, New Brunswick, 13 130.Walker, Major. Member of Half-breed Scrippossession, 15 85.Commission of 1900, 11 184.Von RajCOS, Zoltan. Founds Hungarian colony Walk-in-the-Water. First steamboat on Lakein Saskatchewan, 19 177.Erie; launched (1818), wrecked (1821), 10Voyageurs, Canadian. Successors of the 50].coureura de bois, 15 72 ;travellers and ex Wallace, John T. Discovers antimony ore inplorers on their work, 73-8.Hants County, Nova Scotia, 14 696.Vrooman s Point, on Niagara River. British Wallace, Michael, president of council ofbattery at, 3 <strong>23</strong>0, <strong>23</strong>1.Nova Scotia. Dismisses assembly afterVulture. Warship operating against pirates rejection of brandy duty bill, 13 280 ;andin Bay of Fundy, 13 136 ; engaged in action Dr Crawley s rejection at Dalhousie College,14 617.Wallace, Nathaniel Clark 1 (844- 1 90 1 ). Resignsfrom Bowell ministry on Manitoba schoolsquestion, 6 126 ; obstructs Tupper s remedial measure, 127.Wallace, R. One of fathers of Confederationin British Columbia, 21 171 n.Waller, Henry. One of fathers of Confederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Wallis, Sir ProyoWilliam Parry (1791-92).Takes part in Shannon-Chesapeake encounter, 13 258.Walmsley Lake, Hoar Frost River. Surveyedby George Back, 4 686.Walpole, Horace, first Baron Walpole of Wolterton(1678-1757), British ambassador atParis. Instructed to remonstrate on evasionof conditions of Treaty of Utrecht, 2 368.Walpole, Sir Robert, first Earl of Orford (1676-1745). First British statesman to whom thetitle prime minister was applied, 6 374 ;repudiates the title, 375.Walsh, John (1830-98). Roman Catholic archbishop of Toronto, 11 63.Walsh, William (d. 1858), coadjutor of Halifax.President of St Andrew s College, Charlottetown,11 76 ; on disorders in the diocese, 1179-80 ;first archbishop (1852-58), 81, 82.Walton, Abraham. One of grantees of township of Hope, 17 44.Walton, Jonathan. One of grantees of township of Hope, 17 44.War of 1812. Special Article : Canada inthe War of 1812, 3 189-271. Four mainfactors leading up to war, 189-96 ; effect ofAmerican party politics on, 189 ; cleavagebetween North and South in, 196-7 ; its

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