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Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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214 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESVergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de (1717-87),French ambassador. Predicts revolt ofBritish American colonies, 13 131.Vergor, Ducharnbon de. Surrenders FortBeaus6jour, 1 244 ;in <strong>com</strong>mand at theFoulon, 292 ; surprised, 297.Vermont, State of. Negotiates for return toBritish allegiance, 3 115 ; proposes reciprocalfree trade, 4 5J4-5 ; willing to undertakeconquest of Canada, 3 148 ; arms purchasedfor, detained by British government, 153 ;a peace state in War of 1812, 262.Verner, F. A. (6. 1836). Painter of prairiescenes, 12 6<strong>23</strong>-4.Vernon, Francis George (b. 1843). Chief <strong>com</strong>missioner of Lands and Works of BritishColumbia, 21 197, 215, 218.Vernon. Ship engaged in action near Sydney,13 222.Verrazano, Giovanni da (c. 1480-c. 1527). Hisexpedition in search of Cathay forced toreturn (15<strong>23</strong>), 1 25 ;America (1524), 25.explores coast of NorthVerreau, Hospice-Anthelme Jean Baptiste (1828-1901). First director of Jacques-CartierNormal School, 16 429.Verrinder, Carl. Musical director at London,Ontario, 12 647.Versailles, Treaty of (1783). Recognizing independence of United States, 3 116-17 ;American fishing rights under, 8 682-3.Vetch, Samuel (1668-1732). Adjutant-generalat siege of Port Royal, 13 65.Veuillot, Louis (1813-83). Lectures againstFrench radicalism, 11 1 04.Vickers, H. N. Artist, 12 027.Vicksburg. Vessel of Dominion Line, 10 608.Victor. Schooner built at Lunenburg, 10 581.Victoria, Queen (1810-1901). Her choice ofBritish Columbia as name for provincewest of the Rockies, 21 127 n.Victoria. Founded as Fort Camosun by JamesDouglas (1843), 21 76-8 ; name changed toFort Albert, and afterwards to Fort Victoria,78 ; establishment of farming at, 78-9 ;at, 22 537-8 ;its selection as capital, 21 167 ;headquarters of sealing industry, 249 har;bour ac<strong>com</strong>modation at, 10 620 ; shippingtonnage (1911), 6<strong>23</strong>.Victoria. (1) Ottawa River steamboat, 10554. (2) Montreal-Quebec steamer, 10 541,551.Victoria College. Begun as Upper CanadaAcademy, 11 335 ; college opened as a rivalof King s (1843), 18 364 ;aided by provincialgrant, 364 ;removed from Cobourg andfederated with University of Toronto, 11335, 18 394 ;in <strong>com</strong>petition with arts coursein University College, 396.Victoria Land. Name given by Thomas Simpson to a portion of Wollaston Land, 4 689.Victoria School of Art and Design, Halifax.Founded (1887), 14 535.Victoria Strait, between King William Landand Victoria Land. Franklin winters at anddies (June 11, 1847), 5 296.Victorian. Turbine steamship of Allan line,10 607 ;her record trip, 607-8.Victory. Lakes vessel launched (1764), 10 485.Viel, Nicolas (d. 1625). Recollet, 1 58 ;in theHuron mission, 58 ; tragic fate of, 59.Viger, Bonaventure. Rescues two patriotcsfrom a <strong>com</strong>pany of cavalry, 3 362.Viger, Denis Benjamin (1774-1861). Witnessbefore Canada Committee, 3 306 ;sent toEngland with petitions from Lower Canada,346 ;contributes to Le Spectateur and LeCanadien, 12 438, 443; member of Metcalfes provisional council, 5 42.Viger, Jacques (1787-1858). First mayor ofMontreal, 15 304 ;on Sisters school atPointe-aux-Trembles, 16 357 ;unsuccessfully nominated provincial superintendent ofEducation, 419 ; pursues historical studies,12 438 ;contributes to Le Canadien, 443-4 ;promoter of Banque du Peuple, 4 631.Vigilant. French ship-of-war captured atLouisbourg (1745), 1 218.Vignal, Guillaume (1604-61). Sulpician martyr,2415.Vignau, Nicolas. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies the Hurons upthe Ottawa, 1 47 ;deceives Champlain, 49 ;proved an impostor, 50.Village des Forges, near Three Rivers. Smelting works erected at, 16 576.Villebon, Joseph Robineau, Sieur de (1655-1700), <strong>com</strong>mander in Acadia. Organizeswar parties to harry English settlements,13 56 constructs Fort St Joseph (1692), 57 ;;his successful defence, 58 ;rebuilds fort onthe St John, 60 ;death of, 61.Villejoin, Gabriel Rousseau, Sieur de. Recounts Acadian distresses on Prince EdwardIsland, 13 325-6.Ville Marie. Name given by Sulpicians toMontreal, 2 411, 413, 414, 416. See alsoMontreal.supplants Fort Vancouver in <strong>com</strong>mercialimportance, 79 ;as it appeared in 1849, 22 Villermaula, Michel de, Sulpician. Reopens401 ; first teachers and their schools, 401-4 ;convent at Lachine, 16 357 ; founds conventdescribed during gold rush of 1858, 21 135, of La-Prairie-do-la-Magdeleine, 358 ;imbibes137-9 ;real estate boom and collapse, Jansenist teaching, 2 432.139-40; St John s Anglican Church conse Villiers, Louis Coulon de (1710-57). Forcescrated, 11 <strong>23</strong>2 ;first agricultural exhibition Washington to surrender at Fort Necessity,1 <strong>23</strong>7.Villiers, Nicolas Antoine Coulon de (1708-50).Surprises Noble s force at Grand Pre, 13 81.Villiers, Pierre Joseph Neyon de. See Neyon deVilliers.Vimont, Barthelemy (1594-1667), Jesuitsuperior. Arrives in Quebec, 2 411 ;ac<strong>com</strong>panies Maisonneuve to Montreal, 413 ;celebrates first mass at Montreal (May 18,1642), 413 ; his prophetic words, 413 ; dissuades Madame de la Peltrie from undertaking a mission among Hurons, 15 29 n. ;superior of Jesuit College, 16 366.Vincent, John (1765-1848), brigadier-genera).Retires from Fort George to BurlingtonHeights, 3 <strong>23</strong>9-40 ;at Stoney Creek, 241-2,

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