Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 213of Durham s enlarged executive counoil. Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de4 394.(1641-1725), governor of New FranceVan Buren, Martin (1782-1862), president of (1705-25). Alleged to have shared in Jonoaires presents, 2 493 n. ;the United States. And the Maine boundary,instructed to8 813.send men to Governor Crozat, 15 58 ; askedVancouver, George (1758-98). Instructions on for evidence for restricting boundaries ofhis expedition to Pacific (1791-95), 21 47-8 ; Acadia, 2 365 ; urges necessity of holdinghis survey of 1792, 8 848-9, 21 48-50 ; gives control of Indians, 365 his ; suggestions forplace-names to his sailors, 49 ;and dispute keeping British in check, 365-6 ; requestson terms of Nootka Convention, 50 ; returns military aid, 367 ;death of, 369.to England, 61.Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, Pierre de Rigaud, MarquisVancouver. Its position as an ocean terminus, de (1704-1778), governor of New France10 619-20 ; shipping tonnage (1911), 6<strong>23</strong>. (1755-60). His appointment hailed withVancouver. Dominion Line steamship, 10 approval, 2 375 ;advised not to rely on609.Indian loyalty, 374 ;condones Bigot sVancouver Coal Mining and Land Company, corruption, 1Ltd. Purchases rights of Nanaimo 263, 2 525 his ; equivocalCoal appeal to France for aid, 1 276-7 ; hampersCompany, 22 559.Montcalm, 257, 263, 264, 267, 276, 280, 282,Vancouver Dry Dock Shipbuilding Company, 10 283, 291, 292, 294, 300 ; retreats on Jacques588.Cartier after battle of the Plains, 307 ;Vancouver Island. See British Columbia.requested by mayor to surrender Quebec, 15Vancouver, Victoria, and Eastern Railway. 288 ;winters in Montreal, 1 308 ; exonerCharter obtained by James J. Hill, 10 463. ated by Pontbriand, 2 441 ; proposes thatVanderburgh, Richard. Elected member for in future wars French Canadians be treatedSunbury county, 13 164 ; returns to United as neutrals, 15 261 ; signs capitulation ofStates, 173.Canada (Sept, 8, 1760), 1 311-12; 274, 306 ;Vanguard. Swanton a ship, reaches Quebec sketch of, 2 363 ; characteristics, 1 249-50.(1760),! 311.Vaughan, Sir Charles Richard (1774-1849),Van Home, Sir William Cornelius (1843-1915). British minister at Washington. On conDescribes western railway development of stitutional difficulties of Maine boundaryCanada as enlarging the hopper without question, 8 812.enlarging the spout, 10 450.Vauquelin, Jean (d. 1773). His handling of theVankleek, Simon. Settles on Ottawa River, Ar&huse at Louisbourg, 1 226 ;a,nd of the15 168.Atalante at Quebec, 309-10.Vankoughnet, Lawrence. His successful ad Vavasour, Lieutenant. Visits Vancouver Island,ministration of Indian affairs, 7 621.21 89.Vankoughnet, Philip Michael Scott (18<strong>23</strong>-69). Veber, Leverett George de. Minister withoutDeclares that Pacific should be western portfolio of Alberta, 19 275.boundary of Canada, 19 60 ; 5 358.Van Lippens. Canadian sculptor, 12 632.Van Ness, Cornelius.American representativeon St Croix Boundary Commission, 8 786.Vannutelii, Vincent (b. 1836), cardinal. AtEucharistic Congress of Montreal, 11 92 ;visits the West, 194.Van Rensselaer, Rensselaer. In <strong>com</strong>mand ofrebel force on Navy Island, 3 336.Van Rensselaer, Solomon (1774-1852), Americanmilitary officer. Strength of his forces atQueenston, 3 227 ; wounded, 229.Van Rensselaer, Stephen (1765-1839). American general, 3 228 ;at battle of QueenstonHeights, 229, <strong>23</strong>4, <strong>23</strong>5.Vansittart, Nicholas, first Baron Bexley (1766-1851), British treasury official. Inquires asto provision of supplies from Upper Canadafor troops in West Indies, 4 557.Van Stephan, director-general of GermanPost Office. Drafts scheme for universalpostal union, 7 640.Varden, George. Acting superintendent-generalof Indian Affairs, 5 354, 355.Varennes, Rene Gaulher de (d. 1689). Receivesgrant from Talon, 15 39.Varin, Jean Victor, <strong>com</strong>missioner of the Marine.One of Bigot s associates, 2 526.Vasco da Gama. Rounds Cape of Good Hope,1 <strong>23</strong>.Vegreville, Father. O.M.I, missionary, 11 138;at He a la Crosse, 141 ; founder of St Peter sMission, Lake Caribou, 142 ;teaches at StBoniface, 20 421.VeLe, Arnout Cornelius. Commissioner to theFive Nations, 4 698.VenangO (now Franklin). Washington learnsof French designs on Ohio at, 1 <strong>23</strong>6 ;destruction of fort at, 273 ; occupied byBritish, 3 58 ; captured by Indians, 64.Venosta, Marquis. Arbitrator in Bering Seafisheries dispute, 8 726.Ventadour, Henri de Levy, Due de. Viceroy ofCanada, 2 320 ; obtains consent for Jesuitmission (1624), 397 ; superseded by Richelieuin viceroyalty, 399.Venture. Steamer trading from Vancouver, 10573.Vercheres, Jarret de. Seigniory granted to, 1539.Vercheres, Marie Madeleine de (b. 1678).Defends Varennes against Iroquois, 2 555,1568.Veregin, Peter. His succession to leadershipof the Doukhobors, 7 540-1 ; banishment of,541 ; arrives in Canada, 546 ; causes incendiaries to be arrested, 547 ;on earningsof Doukhobors on railway construction, 19178 ; purchases fruit lands in BritishColumbia, 7 548, 20 306 ; 11 393-4.

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