Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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210 CANADA AND ITS PROVINCESof privately owned lines of Nova Scotia, 10466 ; opposes government management ofrailways, 467 ;his services as <strong>com</strong>mercialambassador, 9 176-7 ; sketch of, 13 295 ;his characteristics and power as a politician,6 26-7, 13 296.Tapper, Sir Charles Hibbert (b. 1855). Resignsfrom Bowell ministry, 6 126.Turbine Steamship Company. Taken over byNiagara Navigation Company, 10 553.Turbinia. Pioneer turbine screw steamer ofCanada, 10 553.Turcotte, Louis Philippe (1842-78). French-Canadian historian, 12 459.Turcq, Brother Chrestien. Succeeds Fra^oisCharon, 16 342.Turgepn, Adelard (6. 1863). Portfolios heldby in Quebec cabinet, 15 213 n.Turgeon, Father Adrien, S.J. (b. 1846). HisCommission, 8 878.agreement with Mercier on JesuitTwiss, William, captain R.E. Begins construcEstates,11 106.tion of locks at the Cascades, 10 506-7.Turgeon, Pierre Flavien (1787-1867), Roman Tyler, Sir Henry Whatley (1827-1908), presidentCatholic archbishop of Quebec (1850-67). of Grand Trunk Railway. On absence ofHis consecration as coadjutor delayed by through railway facilities, 10 426 ; suggestsintrigues, 11 98 ; urges restoration of Jesuit campaign against credit of Canadian Pacific,estates, 15 196.436 ; on advantage of acquiring MidlandTurnbull, John D. Opens theatre in Montreal Railway system, 437.(1818), 12 655.Tyler, John (1790-1862), president of UnitedTurnbull, J. M. Member of senate of Univer States (1841-45). And thesity of British Columbia Oregon boundary(1912), 22 442.question, 8 862 and n., 863.Turnel, Captain. His considerate treatment Tyndall, John (1820-93). Rejected candidateof Fathers Biard and Quentin, 2 386.for a chair in University College, Toronto,Turner, Elias. Advises surrender at Fort 18 386.Albany, 1 179.Tynemouth. Lakes freighter, 10 556.Turner, Ernest. Discovers vein of pyrolusite Typhus. Outbreak of 1847 at Quebec, 5 207 ;in Lunenburg County, 14 699.heroism of priests and clergy during outTurner, George (b, 1850), of Washington. break, 11 96-7 ;at St John (1847), 13 206.Member of Alaska Boundary Commission, Tyrian. Sailing packet from Halifax, over6 145, 8 939, 950, 956 ;his argument on taken by the Siriua, 5 365, 10 596-7, 13doctrine of international servitude, 711 ;286.member of International Joint Commission, Tyrolia. C.P.R. steamship, 10 613.6 368.Tyrrell, James Williams (b. 1836). Author ofTurner, James. Teacher in Methodist school Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada, 12 618 ;at Calgary, 20 479.examines copper-bearing rocks on theTurner, John Herbert (b. 1834), premier of Thelon River, 22 659.British Columbia (1895-98). Minister of Tyrrell, Joseph Burr (b. 1858). DiscoversFinance and Agriculture, 21 215, 218, 226 ; copper-bearing rocks on Dubawnt River,premier, 220 ;his association with a trading<strong>com</strong>pany, 222 ;his interest in horticultureand agriculture, 22 547.Turret Chief. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Turret Crown. Lakes freighter, 10 557.Turriff, John Qillanders (b. 1855). Member ofNorth-West Council, 19 214 ;claims revenuesfrom public lands, 215 ; agitates for reform,216-17 ;member of first Territorial assembly,224.Turtle Brook. Source of the Mississippi, discovered by David Thompson, 4 665.Turton, Sir Thomas. Legal adviser on Durham s Canadian mission, 4 391-2, 398.Tuscaroras, Indian tribe. The sixth nationadmitted to the Iroquois Confederacy in1715, 4 701 ;favour Americans in Revolutionary War, 702, 706.Tutty, William. Anglican clergyman at Halifax, 11 201 ;describes founding of Halifax,13 82.Tuyll, Baron. Proposes negotiations on Alaskaboundary dispute, 8 919.Tweed, Thomas (d. 1906). Member of firstTerritorial assembly, 19 224 ; on advisorycouncil, <strong>23</strong>1, <strong>23</strong>4; member of executive, 240,243, 244 ; claims right of assembly to adviselieutenant-governor, 244.Tweedie, Lemuel John (b. 1849). At interprovincialconference of 1901, 15 212 ;premier and afterwards lieutenant-governorof New Brunswick, 14 427, 431.Twenty-ninth Regiment. Detachment of landsat Quebec (1776), 3 96 ; takes part in expedition against Castine, 13 259.Twining, William. Incumbent of St George sparish, Cape Breton, 11 206.Twining, William Johnson (1839-82). Chiefastronomer in Oregon Boundary Survey22 659 ; 12 520.Ugonia. Ship built at Yarmouth, 10 581.UUoa, Francisco, Spanish explorer. Reachesocean coast of California (i639), 21 14.Ultonia. Cunard liner, 10 600.Umatilla. Steamer built in British Columbia,10 570.Umbria. Cunarder, 10 601.Ungava. Annexed to Quebec, 15 215 ;fishwealth of northern part of territory, 16 564.Ungava Bay. Henry Hudson at, 1 151.Uniacke, James Boyle. First reform premierin Nova Scotia, 13 293, 14 449.Uniacke, Richard John (1753-1830). One ofCumberland rebels, 13 218 ;his fees duringWar of 1812, 257 ; supports abolition ofCatholic test, 11 74, 13 272.Unicorn. (1) Disastrous voyage of ship (1619),1 157. (2) First Cunarder to cross Atlantic,10 598.

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