Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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keeping pace with facilities for, 208 ; naturalfacilities at Confederation, 9 97 ; effect ofdevelopment in shipping of live stock, 118 ;table showing <strong>com</strong>mercial negotiations withUnited States on (1854-1911), Joeing 126;in Prairie Provinces in the seventies, 19158-9, 20 287-8 ; potentialities of Saskatchewan, 10 567-8 ; in Yukon Territory, 22602-4 ; in North-West Territories, (547-8.British Columbia : difficult problem, 21273 ; general geographical features, 274-6 ;abundance of water-power and good harbours,277, 279-80 facilities ; provided for in termsof union, 277 ;from four points of view,278-9 ; in its imperial aspect, 279. See alsoCanals ; Railways ; Roads ; Shipping.Trappist Fathers. Found Oka AgriculturalInstitute, 16 6<strong>23</strong>.Travaillot, 0. Gold <strong>com</strong>missioner at Thompson, British Columbia, 21 148 n.Traveller. Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 499.Travers, Peter. Merchant and brig-owner ofQuebec, 15 134.Travis, Judge, of Calgary. His rigorous administration, 19 169.Treaties. See Aix-la-Chapelle ; Ashburton ;Boundary Waters ;Breda ; Ghent ; Jay s ;Neutrality ; Oregon Boundary Dispute ;Paris ; Ryswiok ; St Germain - en - Laye ;Utrecht ; Versailles ;Washington.Tremayne, William Andrew (6. 1864). Canadiandramatist, 12 660.Trent, Seizure of steamer. Causes international<strong>com</strong>plications, 14 409 and n., 410 ;emphasizes need for railway construction, 410 ;its effect on strength of imperial garrison,7394.Trent Canals. Work begun and abandoned, 10521 ; the <strong>com</strong>pleted undertaking, 521-2 ;hydraulic lift locks, 522 ; conserve watersupply, 522.Tres Reyes. Ship <strong>com</strong>manded by Martind Aguilar, 21 17.Trimble, James (d. 1885). One of fathers ofConfederation in British Columbia, 21 171 n. ;member of first legislative assembly of BritishColumbia, 21 180 ; and the secession address,198.Trinidad.Steamer on Quebec and New Yorkroute, 10 562.Trinity College, Toronto. Founded by BishopStrachan (1852), 11 241-2; its traditionsand atmosphere, 18 374 j enters federation,395.Trinity group (St Pierre, Miquelon, and Langlade).Named by John Cabot, 1 21.Tripe de roche. Eaten by Sir John Franklin s<strong>com</strong>pany on his expedition of 1819, 4 682.Tronson, Sulpician. His opinion of Saint-Vallier, 2 422.Trotter, Thomas (6. 1853). President of AcadiaCollege, 11 357.Trouve, Claude (1644-1704), Sulpician. Hismission to Lake Ontario, 1 83 ;at Kente,85, 86.Troyes, Chevalier Pierre de. His successfulexpedition against Hudson Bay (1686), 1177-80, 8 881.VOL. X<strong>XII</strong>IGENERAL INDEX209Truro, Anthony R. Conducts school at StJohn on Madras system, 14 548 ; as a disciplinarian, 548-9.Trusoott, George. One of promoters of Agricultural Bank, 4 629; and of FarmersBank, 630.Trutch, Sir Joseph William (d. 1904), lieutenantgovernorof British Columbia (1871-76).Member of Confederation delegation fromBritish Columbia, 21 175 ; on railwayquestion, 191 ;180.Tryon s Regiment. Newly raised Scottishregiment, sent from the Clyde to NovaScotia, 13 225.Tsilalthach, chief of the Songhees. His defiantattitude at Fort Victoria, 21 87.Tsimpsians, Indian tribe. Their territory, 11116.Tsoughilam, chief of the Cowichans. Hisdefiant attitude at Fort Victoria, 21 87-8.Tucker, John Goulston Price, lieutenant-colonel.In <strong>com</strong>mand of forts on Niagara, 3 256,257 ; makes abortive attempt on BlackRock and Buffalo, 259-60.Tucker, R. G. Instructed to report on Indiansof Upper Canada, 5 340.Tuffey, <strong>com</strong>missary of the 44th Regiment.First Methodist preacher in Lower Canada(1780), 11 304 ;recalled to England, 304.Tully, Sydney Strickland (1860-1911). Hercareer as an artist, 12 609-10.Tunisian. Allan liner, 10 607.Tunkers. Their settlements in Upper Canada,17 47-49.Tuns tall, James Marmaduke. Anglican clergyman at St Armand (1787), 11 214; atMontreal, 214.Tupper, Charles (1794-1881). Father of SirCharles Tupper, 11 358 ; his interest inpublic affairs, 358.Tupper, Sir Charles, Bart. (1821-1915), primeminister of Canada (1896). Defeats Howein Cumberland County, 13 295 ;his declaration on railway policy in Nova Scotia, 10389 ; passes School Act of 1864, 13 297-8,14 5<strong>23</strong> ; premier of Nova Scotia, 13 296 ;invites Howe to Charlottetown Conference,300 ; forces Confederation through assembly,302, 14 379 ; sent to England to checkmateanti-Confederation delegation, 6 28 ; declaresin favour of national fiscal policy, 80 ; opposes proposed prohibition of Chinese labouron C.P.R. construction, 21 256 ; minister ofPublic Works, 6 83 ; introduces resolutionson transcontinental railway, 88 ; delegateto enlist imperial aid, 89 his ;campaign infavour of ratification of C.P.R. contract,90 ; high <strong>com</strong>missioner, 370 ; minister ofFinance, 7 614 ; <strong>com</strong>missioner in Chamberlain-Bayard negotiations, 6 108, 8 702, 9facing 126, 158-9 ;his method of proportioning duties on iron, 156 ; guarded onreciprocity, 167 ; prime minister, 6 126 ;introduces legislation on Manitoba schoolsquestion, 126-7 ; opposes Laurier s settlement, 132 ; criticizes Laurier s imperialisticpolicy, 143 ;resigns leadership of opposition,143 ; favours incorporation with Intercolonial

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