Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume 23 - Section XII - ElectricCanadian.com

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GENERAL INDEX 205Thury, Louis Pierre (lfi52-98). Vicar-general Todd, Isaac. Signs Quebec traders petitionof Acadia, 2 424.(1770), 15 140.Thylde, Captain. Attempts to discover land Todd, M c Gill and Co. Associated with proin the west (1480), 1 18.posed Canada Banking Company, 4 604;Tibbets, engineer on Erie Canal. Surveys for 642.Welland Canal, 10 525.Toleson, S. B. One of fathers of Confederationassembly of British Columbia, 21 180. (1890), 12 635.Ticonderoga. Iroquois attacked by Champlain in British Columbia, 21 171 n.at, 1 46 ;British disaster at (1758), 264-7 ; Toleson, W. B. One of fathers of Confederafort blown up (1759), 273; captured by tion in British Columbia, 21 171 n.Ethan Allen, 3 80.Tolmie, R. F. Deputy minister of Mines ofTigress. Boarded off St Joseph s Island, British Columbia, 22 580.3253.Tolmie, William Fraser (d. 1888). DiscoversTilley, Sir Samuel Leonard (1818-96), lieutenantgovernorof New Brunswick (1873-78, justice of peace for Vancouver Island, 21coal on coast of British Columbia, 22 558 ;1885-93). Member for St John, 13 207 ;provincial secretary of New 86 ;member of Hudson s Bay CompanyBrunswick, 208 ; advisory board, 154 ; exhibits at first agrihis Liquor Prohibition Act, 208-9 ; declines cultural exhibition at Victoria, 22 538 ;to <strong>com</strong>plete unfinished railways in Maritime member of Boai d of Education of BritishProvinces, 10 390 ;delegate to Charlottetownand Quebec conferences, 14 411 ; de 21 199.Columbia, 424 ;and the secession address,feated on Confederation issue, 412 ; conducts Tompkins, Daniel D. (1774-1825), governora campaign of education and reverses verdiot,413, 417 ; minister ot Customs (1867- Van Rensselaer <strong>com</strong>mand of forces inNew ofYork. His motive for offering Stephen73), 6 22 ; railway routes favoured by, dis Canada, 3 228.carded, 14 417 ; minister of Finance (1873, Tompson, Calvin. Organizes <strong>com</strong>pany to1878-85), 6 83, 7 514 ; enunciates the operate gypsum deposits in New Brunswick,National Policy, 14 427 ; his first budget 14 694.(1879), 6 87 ; delegate to England on conti Tongariro. Vessel purchased for the Beavernental railway project, 89 ;his banking Line, 10 612.proposals, 10 641-2 ; lieutenant-governor, Tonge, Peter. Captain of the Jack, forced to14 425, 427 his ; piety and good works, surrender to French frigates near Sydney,427 and n.13 2<strong>23</strong>.Timiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway.Begun as a Tonge, Richard Peter. His election as speakercolonization road, 10 464-5 ; refused by Governor Wentworth, 14 458.capital account of, 17 257 ; revenue, 240, Tonnancour, Ren de (1669-1738). Donates257 ; its mileage and branches, 240 ;its land at Three Rivers for education, 16 346.contract with Grand Trunk Pacific, 240. Tonnancour. Fief of, the patrimony ofTimmerman, J. C. One of fathers of Confedera Godefroy de Tonnancour, 2 556.tion in British Columbia, 21 111 n.Tonquin. Ship sent to found a post for PacificTinawatawa, Seneca hamlet near Westover, Fur Company, 21 59 ;crew massacred byBurlington Bay. La Salle at, 1 84, 93, 94. Indians, 59-60.Tippecanoe. Indian village destroyed by Tonty, Chevalier Henri de. Ac<strong>com</strong>panies LaHarrison, 4 714.Salle to Green Bay, 1 101.Tissot, Father, O.M.I. Missionary at He a la looker, Jacob. Shipbuilder in Nova Scotia,Crosse, 11 136.Titoomb, Samuel G. Plants a boundary stake10 581.Toosey, Philip (d. 1797). Anglican clergymanat Meductic, on the upper St John (1794), at Quebec (1789), 11 214.13 177.Tordesillas. Treaty of, between Spain andTithes. See Roman Catholic Church.Portugal, agreeing to a partition of theTittmann, Otto Hilgard (b. 1850). Boundary ocean (1494), 8 846.demarcation <strong>com</strong>missioner, 8 839, 878. Toronto. Its charter of incorporation (1834)Tobacco Nation (Petuns). Champlain s recep and amendment (1837), 18 425; Old Sttion by, 1 55 ; Jesuit mission to, 2 405, 406, Paul s Catholic Church, 11 48 ;musical407.development in, 12 645-7 ; theatrical historyTobique Valley Gypsum Mining and Manu of, 657-8. See also York.facturing Company, 14 695.Toronto. (1) Steamboat on upper St LawTod, John (d. 1882). Justice of peace for rence, 10 498 ; its peculiar construction,Vancouver Island, 21 87 ;member of council, 498. (2) Lake Ontario steamboat, 10 552.97 ;his adventurous career, 103 ; encourages (3) Dominion Line steamship, 10 608.farming and horticulture, 22 528.Toronto and Lake Huron Railway. ProspectusTod, William. In charge of post at Connolly issued (1845), 10 393.Lake, 21 127 n.Toronto and Montreal Railway. Promoted asTodd, Alpheus (1821-84). His works on part of Grand Trunk, 10 396 its ; capital,constitutional history and parliamentary incorporators, and directorate, 396.government, 12 531 ; on the Letellier case, Toronto and Nipissing Railway. Municipal678.aid to, 10 428.Todd, Charles. Member of first legislative Toronto Art Students League. Founded

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